Ich Bin Ein Punk Lyrics

hammer lied auf dem album 5,6,7,8-bullenstaat!

yeah! right on!!!!!!!! i was thinking the same thing!!!
(i have no idea what you just said)

i am one punk. nothing else to it.

Ahhm. Yeah. A song from the worst record Die Ärzte ever made. OMG this song is so stupid.

this song is - like every other song on "5,6,7,8 Bullestaat" ironic. It' your own fault if you don't get it Beatsteak.

Don't think that "Chile" is ironic, is it? And I just don't like the whole record. Sorry, Harry.

I can't completely agree about "5,6,7,8 Bullenstaat". There is clearly a reason for this album's only being sold at conerts and not in stores - to me it sounds more like a demo tape than an actual album, but it has some good songs on it. Cops Underwater, Bravopunks, Punkbabies, and the live version of Paul are my favorites from that album. In general, die Ärzte sound a lot more 'raw' in a lot of these songs.

i also think that this song is totally ironic. i don't like "5,6,7,8 bullenstaat" but i think that many songs on this record are meant ironic. farin or bela also said one time in a interview that, when die ärzte were founded, they were pissed by all those punk bands that only wrote stupid songs against the police, the government and the whole society. so they wanted to do something different.