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Strawberry Gashes Lyrics

Turn her over
A candle is lit, I see through her
Blow it out and save all her ashes for me

Curse me sold her
The poison that runs it's course through her
Pale white skin with strawberry gashes all over all over

Watch me fault her
You're living like a disaster
She said kill me faster
with strawberry gashes all over

Called her over
and asked her if she was improving
She said feels fine it's wonderful wonderful here

Hex me told her
I dreamt of a devil that knew her
Pale white skin with strawberry gashes all over all over

Watch me fault her
You're living like a disaster
She said kill me faster
with strawberry gashes all over

I lay quiet
waiting for her voice to say
"Some things you lose and some things you just give away"

Scold me failed her
If only I'd held on tighter to her
Pale white skin that twisted and withered away from me away from me

Watch me lose her
It's almost like losing myself
Give her my soul
and let them take somebody else get away from me

Watch me fault her
You're living like a disaster
She said kill me faster
with strawberry gashes all over all over me
Song Info
Submitted by
missderelict On Nov 22, 2001
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128 Meanings

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Cover art for Strawberry Gashes lyrics by Jack Off Jill

I think it's kind of about getting raped/molested...which explains the line"some things you lose and some things you just give away.." and also " i dreamt of a demon who knew her.." after a while...maybe she starts cutting her self and all that stuff...living like a disaster and what not...

Cover art for Strawberry Gashes lyrics by Jack Off Jill

this is probably one of the best songs i've ever heard. lyrically and musically. jessicka has a godly voice. <333

Cover art for Strawberry Gashes lyrics by Jack Off Jill

i always used to think it was about jessicka being in love with a girl who hated herself, and no matter how she tried to save her it always just made things worse. , but then i read other posts and have a more detailed interpretation of it now. basically i see it as jessicka writing about a girl who killed herself that she was close to. the watch me fault her lines are pretty self explanatory. i dont see the poison as being drugs or poison, more a metaphorical thing. lotsa ppl cut to release something inside them that they feel is ugly or dirty or whatever (like a poison) and thats what i think it is in this song. i think its basically now about jessicka singing about a girl who just kept cutting until it escalated to suicide. i never interpreted it as her being hospitalised either, just jessicka sort of breaking through the bubble that her friend has built round herself to ask how she is and just getting lies (the girls defence) that lines so cool in its sarcasm. most of the song to me feels like jessicka beating herself up over what she didnt do to help. the 'i lay quiet' verse i always imagined as them in bed together (not like THAT) and jess finally feels like shes close enuff to understand, and knows shell get something important, and all she gets is that cryptic lin, but she clings to it anyway. 'if only id held on tighter' etc always make me think of hugs etc, like if jess had hugged her tight that night, or if shed just kept talking to her every day etc she cud have stopped her going. the regret in those lines makes me ache so bad. i also see it as saying, at the end, that jessicka, despite loving this girl, has a guilt over feeling like she cud have saved her by going herself or something, but wasnt as brave as her friend (give her my soul and let them take somebody else GET AWAY FROM ME) the get away from me line makes me think that she feels selfish, like she did something at the last minute for herself that pulled her away from this girl. and then at the end by repeating 'all over all over' she draws u away from the other girl so u feel like shes cutting now to cope, and then the whole song becomes a prophecy of whats to come. im not sure what the 'dreamt of a devil' bit is about, maybe someone the girl lost as a kid, like a father, a pain that led to the cutting (or at least contributed) or the sexual abuse thing. i always see it more as abuse.

Cover art for Strawberry Gashes lyrics by Jack Off Jill

This song could mean any of the things you guys have said... but I'd like to put forward what it means personally to me...

For me, this song is about my two baby sisters... let me tell you how...

Turn her over (finding them curled up in bed, rolling them over to find their faces covered in smudged mascara, their arms and legs shredded with a blunt razor... they won't even look at me.) A candle is lit, I see through her (I can read their minds, I know how their feeling, I've been there, even when they wont talk...) Blow it out and save all her ashes for me (Just let them go, please, holy fuck, just let me fix them, I need them)

Curse me sold her The poison that runs it's course through her (I started this hell, I cut before them, I was depressed, I got hostile, I was a mess, Death is catching, it rots you out and then everything around you rots too... I got better, they got worse) Pale white skin with strawberry gashes all over all over (Its almost pretty, all criss-crosses fresh cuts and old scars... but seeing it on their arms, on the hands I held, on the legs i taught to race and ride a bike, on the arms i taught to climb trees... I feel sick to the stomach every time)

Watch me fault her You're living like a disaster (I try so fucking hard... I tell them they'll regret it, they're fucked, just stop it jesus just stop before there's nothing left) She said kill me faster (they don't give a fuck, they thrive on the attention, and they can't see the sky anymore, everythings dark, just like it was for me... but what if they dont survive it? I couldn't live with myself...) with strawberry gashes all over

Called her over and asked her if she was improving She said feels fine it's wonderful wonderful here (they see psychs and get put in hospitals, they get better, they get worse, they lie, they say its fine... and some days it is... it can't be denied, blood-letting and starving yourself can leave you with some good clean days... before it fucks you up forever... and besides, the pretty little pills fell so goddamn friendly.)

Hex me told her I dreamt of a devil that knew her tell them to stop fucking cruel boys, stop smoking pot, stop drinking till they pass out, tell them to stick to the healthy friends, the others'll just drag you down.... but i can't tell them that.... they listen and then hate me for "judging".) Pale white skin with strawberry gashes all over all over

Watch me fault her You're living like a disaster She said kill me faster with strawberry gashes all over

I lay quiet waiting for her voice to say "Some things you lose and some things you just give away"

Scold me failed her (and I cant stop thinking I have, I've failed them, I should be their guardian, always) If only I'd held on tighter to her (Maybe if i'd been kinder, held tighter, been wiser, known what to say...) Pale white skin that twisted and withered away from me away from me (I'm losing them.... one kilogram of starved off weight at a time, one inch of carved up skin at a time, one meaningless fuck from a boy who doesn't care, one cone, one bottle of vodka, one forfeited dream at a time...)

Watch me lose her It's almost like losing myself Give her my soul and let them take somebody else get away from me (and it's just how I feel... please let it all be stuck to me, and take them back to fair haired kids with toothy smiles and an obsession with lady-bugs... I'd do anything to change places... but some days I just can't deal "get away from me" some days my fucked up family is just way too much.... I need space, my head is caving in...)

Watch me fault her You're living like a disaster She said kill me faster with strawberry gashes all over all over me ("all over me"... Some days... today... I'm so tempted to go right back to where they are... I hurt too much.. I want to take the blade and let it go and be the victim again, not some fucking adolescent messiah clkeaning up their blood off the bathroom floor.)

Cover art for Strawberry Gashes lyrics by Jack Off Jill

A girl is losing her friend to self mutilation and there seems to be nothing she can do to help or stop it. She feels so guilty, and wishes it could be her taking all of the hurt instead of her friend.

"Called her over and asked her if she was improving She said feels fine it's wonderful wonderful here"

He friend seems to be getting better because shes at a mental hospital

"Hex me told her I dreamt of a devil that knew her Pale white skin with strawberry gashes all over all over"

The girl tells her recovering friend about some "devil"... that could be someone who has betrayed her while they've been away in hospital, or she could have accidentally reminded her of some horror in her past. It makes her friend relapse into depression and she starts cutting again.

"Watch me fault her You're living like a disaster She said kill me faster with strawberry gashes all over"

Her friend gets steadily worse and the girl could be getting mad at her here, trying to snap her out of it but only making it worse and worse...

"I lay quiet waiting for her voice to say "Some things you lose and some things you just give away"

Scold me failed her If only I'd held on tighter to her Pale white skin that twisted and withered away from me away from me"

In this part the girl could be finding her friend dying. Her friend dies, and the girl feels like she was the one who caused it, for real this time, and its not just in her head. She didnt just 'lose' her, she thinks she gave her away, killed her.

"Watch me lose her It's almost like losing myself Give her my soul and let them take somebody else"

People tell the girl to forget about her dead friend, but she cant let go, she cant lose the memories or the guilt. She wants to die, because she thinks it might bring back her friend, she could go in her place.

"Watch me fault her You're living like a disaster She said kill me faster with strawberry gashes all over all over me"

She's thinking of the times she got angry at her friend, and starts cutting herself to punish herself for letting go.

Song Meaning
Cover art for Strawberry Gashes lyrics by Jack Off Jill

all i can say is i fucking love this song. the best Jack Off Jill song, apart from maybe Angels Fuck.

Cover art for Strawberry Gashes lyrics by Jack Off Jill

this song is fucking awesome. my favorite song from JOJ... very fucking awesome

Cover art for Strawberry Gashes lyrics by Jack Off Jill

it's a great song, obviously about cutting. i think a lot of the lyrics are pretty self explanatory, and I cant be bothered to type out my full interpretation, suffice to say self mutilation appears in a lot of JoJ song lyrics.

Cover art for Strawberry Gashes lyrics by Jack Off Jill

This is my favorite song by them, its awesome.

Cover art for Strawberry Gashes lyrics by Jack Off Jill
