You're the one using me as a muse
You're the one with the jet pack strapped to your back ready to go
You're already on your way to the door
You're at the bar the tender gives you a free drink and winks, she's perfect
You sweat bullets, spill the drink and you leave
Everyone leaves the party except a gorgeous twenty something, you turn and run
You call me up
You're the one using me as a muse
You're the one with the jet pack strapped to your back ready to go
A habitual nervous reaction
Hey it's just me, set yourself free, why don't you let me know what's going on
Inside your cluttered head
You're the one using me as a muse
You're the one with the jet pack strapped to your back ready to go
If I were to wonder out loud would it make you turn away
Just a curious question
Would you want to take the lights down low
You're the one using me as a muse
You're the one with the jet pack strapped to your back ready to go
Hey it's just me, set yourself free

I'm probably wrong, but this song seems like it might be about the narrator of the song trying to help his friend get out there on the dating scene. The problem being, the friend is realizing he has a bit of a crush on the narrator and is beginning to question his sexuality. This is a stretch, and if im wrong, maybe I need to question how I'm looking at other girls. JK

I agree with ALYMAC, this song is about a "confused" guy friend of max's that isn't really into girls, and jets outta the scene when a girl starts to dig him. "Sweat bullets, spill the drink" the friend's awkward around girls, and always hangs around max, admires him even, hides his feelings behind the friendship. "what the hell are you talkin about, is that what you would say if i were to wonder aloud.." if you were gay.. "would it make you run away" would you freak it if i suggested it.

When I bought this album and brought it home, I sat down and listened to it. This song came on, and about halfway through I was looking at the liner and giggling madly. It's obviously about the narrator's friend questioning his sexuality. The friend has plenty of opportunities to get with girls, and the narrator is confused by his apparent reluctance "So the way you act, is it just an act or some strange courtship ritual/A habitual nervous reaction/Hey it's just me, set yourself free, why don't you let me know what's going on". The narrator notices that the friend is always hanging around him "You're the one stepping on the back of my shoes", and eventually realises that the friend has a crush on him "If it was you and me and nobody else would you want me to want to be ready to go/Would you want to take the lights down low"
I love this song.

Older song, I know, but still wanted to comment. This album was released about the time I came out to my family and friends. If anything it was a catalyst. The first person I told was a close male friend who I secretly had a crush on. Of course, I didn't tell him this when i told him I was gay, but I mentioned the song... about a year later he admitted he figured it out. Though nothing ever came of it, we're still close friends, and he still teases me with this song and that infamous line.

i think there is a little homosexuality in this song. in the begining its describing someone who sees a girl across the room who is "so ready" to go with the person the song is about. but later in the song, max says "if it was you and me and no body else would you want me to want to be ready to go? would you wanna take the lights down low?" so if the subject person of this song is a girl, then she is probably at least bisexual, because she's interested in a girl at the party. if the person is a guy, then the scenario that max describes to him ("if it was you and me and nobody else...") would involve two guys. However, he could just be saying "ok pretend i'm her. if it was just the two of us..." so alymac, i think you might be on to something.

This song is about this guy who won't let himself get out and date.....he holds himself back....but he really wants to, he just can't. Like its saying "Hey its just me, set yourself free"...talking about himself.

I think this song is about this girl who really likes him still but wont admit it, and she tries to go out and see other people but it doesnt work and he likes her and is waiting for her to let him know she's ready. Cause he wants to move on but he cant because the thought of ehr is holding him back "your the one stepping on the backs of my shoes", and it sounds like she might be playing some headgames with him and he's just confused abotu what she wants from him. I dunno, thats what i got out of it. Good song.

Yes, I told my fellow Eve 6 fanatic that I thought this song was about the lyricist's friend questioning his sexuality, and she thought I was crazy! But the based off the line "If it was you and me and nobody else would you want me to want to be ready to go; would you wanna take the lights down low" it really makes sense.

I think the guy singing it (the narrator, if you will) is encouraging his shy mate to loose his virginity, and makes it sound like having this virgin tagging along with him all the time and not attaching himself to all these available girls is holding the narrator back in some way, socially perhaps. Very american high school movie, if you ask me. Or it's about confusion about sexuality, which looking closely at the lyrics, seems more likely! Eve 6 rock anyway, whatever the meaning of their songs is!

The song is, as people mentioned, about homosexuality. Only the subject isn't questioning it, he simply isn't revealing it. Max Collins, the writer, has stated that it's about a friend of his who was really popular with women, but always preferred his company instead, and the song was written just as a way to say how obvious it was to him that his friend is in love with him. (The title also apparently came first. "What inspires you?" "Transport backpacks.")