17 Meanings
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Stay On These Roads Lyrics

The cold has a voice
It talks to me
Stillborn by choice
It airs no need
To hold.

Old man feels the cold
Oh baby don't
'cause I've been told
Stay on thes roads
We shall meet, I know
Stay on my love
We shall meet, I know
I know

Where join should reign
These skies restrain
"Shadow your love"
The voice trails off again

Old man feels the cold
Oh baby don't
'cause I've been told
Stay on these roads
We shall meet, I know
Stay on...my love
You feel so weak, be strong
Stay on, stay on
We shall meet, I know
I know
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17 Meanings

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Cover art for Stay On These Roads lyrics by A-Ha

Very touching song, makes me cry...

To me, this song is about not giving up (despite age, time passing, etc), it's about believing (I know I know...) and about being strong (You feel so weak, be strong, Stay on, stay on).

Life has parted two people who love each other (Stay on my love) but who believe they will be together again some day, on Earth or in Heaven.

Cover art for Stay On These Roads lyrics by A-Ha

Can anyone hear this song and not want to just belt out that chorus? I mean, ANYONE?! A very powerful song, both in conviction and actual craft.

@jasoninvividcolor If only I had his voice!

Cover art for Stay On These Roads lyrics by A-Ha

This is a beautiful song indeed. And a sad one [like most beautiful ones tend to be]. I interpret it as being an old man watching his loved one [spouse] dying, and here's why:

"The cold has a voice / It talks to me" -- he feels her body getting colder, it is she who is speaking her last words to him.

"Stillborn by choice / It airs no need to hold" ---- I believe this is about the inevitability of death; or better yet, the frailty of life it self.

"Old man feels the cold / Oh baby don't / 'cause I've been told" ---- the old man feels her getting colder and colder and begs her to stay because she said the following words to him before:

"Stay on these roads We shall meet, I know Stay on my love We shall meet, I know I know" ------ she wants him to keep on living and not to worry about her cause she believes they will meet again in another life.

"Where joy should reign / These skies restrain ------ the joy of living with her is taken away by heavenly fate. "Shadow your love" ------ her words to him; she recognizes her death brings him sadness. The voice trails off again ---- she feigns again from weakness after her words

Old man feels the cold Oh baby don't 'cause I've been told Stay on these roads We shall meet, I know

"Stay on...my love You feel so weak, be strong Stay on, stay on We shall meet, I know I know" ---- and these words are his to her. He feels she is getting weaker and begs her to be strong just for a little while more and stay; assuring her that he wants to believe they will meet again just like she said they would.

My Interpretation

@freeking24 Forgot to mention the part of the lyrics that isn't presented:

"Winter's callin on my home" ---- death is calling his spouse; she is dying on their home.

@freeking24 \r\n\r\nIn the verse "stillborn by choice": stillborn is connected to previous "me" in the verse "it talks to me" ?

Cover art for Stay On These Roads lyrics by A-Ha

I can't believe no one's ever commented on this one! Wish I wasn't the first one for a great song like this. This one's probably about how two people need to go their own ways cus of where life takes them, but he's asking the other to "stay on these roads" and that they will meet again. Looking from another POV, it seems like the singer is old and about to die and then go meet his love in heaven. Askin her to hang in there for him. "Old man feels the cold. Where joy should reign, these skies restrain." "Winter's callin on my home" (Btw that line hasn't been mentioned above) would probably indicate the end of his life. Still doesn't explain "stillborn, by choice". I just love such songs, that have a heavenly feel to them.

This is also my opinion. To add to that, the line "stillborn, by choice" means that we are born to die, and yet we're never ready. The old man fades, but leaves his beloved behind asking her to not give up. Her time will also come and they should be together again.

"Where joy should reign/These skies restrain" Means that they are being sepparated by the sky/heaven.

@manans Thank you! I have had the song memorized since I was little, but never understood it. Both of your descriptions make sense as well.

Cover art for Stay On These Roads lyrics by A-Ha

I wonderfully beautiful song and with stunning lyrics. And yes, I sometimes well up with tears when I hear this song especially when I'm by myself, alone, which is often. It touches a very deep cord within me. I paints picture far beyond the song itself. I have heard a lot on music in my 62 years, this song is the best. A-Ha has given me a gift. - John Guild

Cover art for Stay On These Roads lyrics by A-Ha

Man, this is one I really love! It's so simple of form, yet the... I don't want to call it a scream or a wail, as that'd not be doing it justice. The... soul, it is so brutally beautiful. Morton Harket is the example I have always aspired to set as a vocalist. It literally pulls the heart-strings when finally those words emerge. Portland.

Cover art for Stay On These Roads lyrics by A-Ha

I feel this song is about a life of loneliness, and it's written to his future love who he has never met before, he is saying if we keep on the paths that we are on we will eventually find each-other, and our loneliness will finally end.

@ChristianBrown -I love your interpretation. That’s how I hear it!❣️

Cover art for Stay On These Roads lyrics by A-Ha

Until I discovered "Out of Blue comes Green" this was my unrivaled favorite song of the band.

Amazing vocals, catchy hook and just the wish to sing along.

This song really unfolds its true potential when played at a slightly higher volume. Mortens transitions to the chorus are so clean, they already cause goosebumps by the moment he hits "Stay on these Roads".

Cover art for Stay On These Roads lyrics by A-Ha

Line 'Where join should reign' should read 'Where joy should reign'. Makes more sense.

Cover art for Stay On These Roads lyrics by A-Ha

Pal wrote many of A-ha’s older songs based on his feelings when his wife Lauren (then his girlfriend) had moved overseas to study. This song is basically about a long distance relationship, he’s saying “stay on these roads” as in don’t give up on the relationship, and we shall meet again. “Old man feels the cold” meaning he feels old and cold without her by his side, “oh baby don’t” probably means don’t cry, “cause I’ve been told stay on these roads” meaning she’s also told him not to give up. “Feel so weak be strong” means have patience. “Winters calling on my home” means winter is coming and it’s cold without her. “Cold has a voice and it talks to me” meaning his loneliness is talking to him. “Stillborn by choice” meaning their relationship has been put on hold by choice. “And it has no need to hold” meaning It won’t be like that forever.

“Where joy should reign, these skies restrain” meaning where they should be feeling joy the distance between them is restraining their happiness. “Shadow your love, the voice trails off again” meaning don’t let your love fade and his loneliness will subside.