Joni Mitchell – Coyote Lyrics | 11 years ago |
Because only one person seems to have mentioned this, this song about Sam Shepard, who is a stage and screen actor as well as an incredibly talented playwright. Mitchell called him a coyote because Shepard himself has an aura of the West about him. Over half of his plays even feature some sort of cowboy character. He is easily one of the most significant authors of contemporary American literature. |
Epica – Cry for the Moon (The Embrace That Smothers Part IV) Lyrics | 11 years ago |
This song isn't specifically about Catholicism; It isn't even specifically about Christianity. Where you find organized religion (Christianity, Islam, Scientology, and the rest of them) you find people who do not follow rational or logical sense, you find people who are hypocrites, and people who are the worst sinners of all. The band may have had Christianity in mind writing the song, or not, but the reality is all organized religions are more-or-less the same. |
The Doors – Riders On The Storm Lyrics | 11 years ago |
This is one of the songs that got me into The Doors, because this is song is what life really is. We are thrown into this world on alone, we have our false hopes, dreams, and gods, we may have those around us, there are dangers and threats that can happen to anyone, and life is a storm that we are riding out. |
Rage Against the Machine – Wake Up Lyrics | 11 years ago |
LOL! My own plans after graduation is going to be something like "Thanks, banks, for funding my degree. In return, my research is dedicated to you, and your corrupt ways." |
Ghost – Death Knell Lyrics | 11 years ago |
Clearly about the conception of the Anti-Christ. But at the same time, the black goat of a thousand young is a phrase that relates to Shub-Niggurath. Or maybe she was impregnated by Satan and her 1,001 child is the Anti-Christ. Hail the Great Old Anti-Christ! |
Puscifer – Rev 22:20 Lyrics | 11 years ago |
Kundalini has absolutely nothing to do with Satanism! It comes from ancient Eastern mythologies(and in yoga is described as being coiled at the base of the spine), and though it does have ties to the ancient Tantric Vamachara (one of the earliest "left handed path" religions), the connections to Satanism are only present with a grand stretch and leap of logic. |
Marilyn Manson – We're From America Lyrics | 11 years ago |
I love this song. Although I would normally despise something so simple that sounds like regular radio bullshit, the brutal and blunt honesty of this song as a reflection of mainstream America, which includes simple radio bullshit songs, made me love this song. Were else are you going to find a group of apes who are so willing and eager to go to war and kill while having the audacity to claim to be "pro-life." But, as the song said, we the unborn to grow up and fight those wars. |
Fuel – Quarter Lyrics | 11 years ago |
If only you would only feed your head, then perhaps you would see it is your hands that are bound. |
Sepultura – Roots Bloody Roots Lyrics | 11 years ago |
To thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man. |
Sepultura – Roots Bloody Roots Lyrics | 11 years ago |
The song may not inherently be about being guy, but homosexuals who are out of the closest are being who they really are and do not care what others think. |
Creedence Clearwater Revival – Fortunate Son Lyrics | 11 years ago |
Even after four decades later this song still holds true. Of course a senator will not send their own kid to war. They don't want their kids to get hurt or die. But for their own motives and profit they will not hesitate to send YOUR kids to hell. |
Creedence Clearwater Revival – Fortunate Son Lyrics | 11 years ago |
Actually, saying fuck the assholes who send the poor kids to fight and die for their paltry wars, but heaven forbid they send their own to do their dirty work, is about as pro-American as it gets. |
Slayer – Cult Lyrics | 11 years ago |
And I am not an atheist before you try to dismiss my rant as something only an atheist could say. |
Slayer – Cult Lyrics | 11 years ago |
Take up the banner of the Cross, die in holy war, and be absolved of all your sins. It's a hell of an effective way to get people to butcher each other like the cattle. Even today so many Christians are so blind they do not realize that Muslims too worship the same blood-thirsty and genocidal god of Abraham (they even believe in Jesus, but as a prophet rather than messiah). Christians are also so blind they refuse to accept that in Gospels Jesus did NOT (and could not have) fulfill all prophesy. If he did, then why do we still learn war and why does nation still pick up sword against nation? Your petty savior was supposed to have ended all wars, but he didn't. Many Christians believe it is their right to dictate the lives of others and make their ancient dogma into laws we all must follow; many Christians are vehemently anti-homosexual, despite the fact Jesus said "judge not"; every where you look you see obscenely rich Christians, elaborate and expensive churches, and a vast world of wealth (such as the mountain of shit that is the Vatican) despite the fact Jesus said if you want to be one his followers you must sell all of your possessions and give the money to the poor. It was so important to Jesus that it's actually something that 3 of the 4 Gospels recorded and agreed with. But many Christians hold disdain for the poor and have no qualms of social policy that hurts the poor. The "holy" Bible is one of the greatest scourges of humanity. Have you ever really read it? Incest, murder, human sacrifice, genocide; it's so violent and sexual that in some countries you must be 18 or older to purchase one. Christians are some of the biggest hypocrites to have ever lived. Jesus said it is practically impossible for a rich man to get into Heaven, yet look at how many wealthy Christians there are? They are supposed to love their neighbors, but there are enough of them that believe it is their first amendment right to bully others when it is done for religious purposes. But guess what, if you are reading this and identify as a Christian, you are probably not going to go to Heaven. But you aren't really ever going to find out your fairy tale isn't real anyways. |
Marilyn Manson – The Golden Age Of Grotesque Lyrics | 11 years ago |
Yeah, that's why I said "often mixed up with Nazi ideology." Please carefully read before trying to correct someone. |
Rammstein – Tier Lyrics | 11 years ago |
For man is more ape than the rest of the apes. Yes, it's about a man who sexually abuses his daughter, and she kills him and dips her quill in his blood and writes her story. A German "Janie's Got a Gun," but with a morbid twist. |
Marilyn Manson – The Nobodies Lyrics | 11 years ago |
This song is about kids who are severely bullied and is suffering great depression and possible suicide from it. These kids often do feel like dirt because of the way people treat them, and then when they kill themselves everyone knows them, everyone suddenly cares, they all pray to their god to take the poor soul that no one gave a shit about yesterday, and the media adds more puke to the puddle by making sure they have all the heart wrenching tears from the bastards who only just realized that bad shit can happen where they live and to them. |
Marilyn Manson – The Golden Age Of Grotesque Lyrics | 11 years ago |
I get a very Nietzschean, Anti-Christian-esque vibe off this song. "We're the low art gloominati And we aim to depress The scabaret sacrilegends This is the golden age of grotesque .... the devils are the girls with Van Goh's missing ear ... Ladies und Gentlemen It's a dirty word Reich (and Nietzsche is often mixed up with Nazi (Third Reich) Ideology). Probably just me, but I hear the pages of Nietzsche being opened and spun into lyrical form. |
Pantera – 10's Lyrics | 11 years ago |
If you can't see it's about heroine, you've never done it and you don't know much about Pantera (Anselmo specifically). |
Cradle of Filth – Satanic Mantra Lyrics | 11 years ago |
I mantra to Lucifer, the light-bringer. And while CoF isn't Satanic, they are a highly blasphemous band. Makes me wonder why anyone who calls themselves a Christian would listen to the band who put out the Vestal Masturbation shirt. I am not a Christian, but I just don't see Jesus listening to a band that sings about locking people in a church and burning it. |
Cradle of Filth – Satanic Mantra Lyrics | 11 years ago |
As a Christian, why are you even listening to such a band? |
Opeth – In My Time of Need Lyrics | 12 years ago |
This song is about loneliness and the pain and depression that comes with it. We are social animals by nature, and without others in our lives we cannot define ourselves, and because of his loneliness and deep isolation he cannot find meaning to his own life. I try to forget you as you forgot me isn't a relationship, it's the many ways that anyone can forget you, or seem to care little enough as to seem to forget you. And it very obviously isn't about suicide as an end, because the line I should contemplate this change to easy to pain lets us know he knows there is a way out. There is also the very deep depression of the song, how he is thinking of death and those thoughts are tearing at his soul, and the rain, which is often a symbol of depression, is also a metaphor for tears. But he knows there is a change to contemplate that will turn him away from the pain, but when you are in that deep of a depression doing anything seems difficult, nothing is motivating, and the thoughts of wanting to die do tear you apart. But ending this depression (winter) at least seems like something off in the distant future, and there won't be anyone around to enjoy it with anyways. |
Coolio – Gangsta's Paradise Lyrics | 12 years ago |
This is such a powerful song. It's such a shame that mainstream rap and hip-hop glorify the life-style that those like Coolie strongly rapped against. Tell me why are we, so blind to see That the ones we hurt, are you and me they say I gotta learn, but nobody's here to teach me if they can't understand it, how can they reach me I guess they can't, I guess they won't I guess they front, that's why I know my life is out of luck, fool Those are such powerful words. It's also sad that so many people simply do not understand or even want to understand what this song is talking about just because of their skin color. |
Motörhead – Vibrator Lyrics | 12 years ago |
Ya think? LOL! |
Mark O'Connor – The Devil Comes Back to Georgia Lyrics | 12 years ago |
Guess I'll be the first to say it: This song is such an abominable tarnish to follow up The Devil Went Down to Georgia. |
Nine Inch Nails – Heresy Lyrics | 12 years ago |
I do not understand people like you. I do not mean this as an insult, but it boggles my mind how people will make excuses to justify listening to anti-Christian music when they are Christians themselves. Maynard Keenan is another artist many Christians make excuses for, even though the lyrics range from mildly to very strongly anti-Christian. As for going to Hell, if it does exist I would much rather go there than spend an eternity with a God that condoned the slaughter of children, slavery, and who says we should be ashamed to be human. |
Amon Amarth – Twilight Of The Thunder God Lyrics | 12 years ago |
Does anyone else think the video of this song was way better than that baby-faced Goldilocks bastardization of a movie? |
Amon Amarth – Twilight Of The Thunder God Lyrics | 12 years ago |
She is one of Odin's wives who gave birth to Thor and Meili. But the lyrics are quite obvious that she is Thor's mother. A more common name for her is Jörd, which should turn up more results. |
Hatebreed – Perseverance Lyrics | 12 years ago |
Hatebreed as a whole can be summed up as a different type of inspirational and motivational music for people who like to bang their heads while getting pumped and psyched for the day, or living through what can be a difficult life full of social oppression and hatred from others. |
Tool – Die Eier Von Satan Lyrics | 12 years ago |
Definitely a very Tool-ish song, one that makes me glad I know enough German to know what he is saying, and one that can be great for watching the reactions of people who don't understand any German who assume it's something about Hitler and the Nazis, even Maynard is only giving us a recipe for cookies that people are cheering about. But then again who wouldn't get excited about some cookies made with Turkish hash? |
Motörhead – Just 'Cos You Got The Power Lyrics | 12 years ago |
To correct myself on the first verse: You might be a financial wizard, With a sack of loot. But all I see is a slimy lizard, With an expensive suit. Go on and run your corporation, Go on and kiss some ass. You can buy off half the nation, But you can't buy class. |
Motörhead – Just 'Cos You Got The Power Lyrics | 12 years ago |
There are several errors in the lyrics. It should read: You might be a financial wizard, With a sack of loot. But all I see is a slimy lizard, With an expensive suit. Go on and run your corporation, Go on and kick some ass. You can buy off half the nation, But you can't buy class. You bastards think it's funny, Lying and thieving all your life. Think all there is is money, Got your future wrapped up tight. But just 'cos you got the power, That don't mean you got the right. You can take my fingers babe, You can take my eyes. You can take my past and future, It won't make you wise. You can have me thrown in jail, You can steal my booze. You can even steal my mail, Step on my blue suede shoes, You bastards must be clever, Got it mapped out in black and white. But just remember you can never, Teach a dog to stand upright. And just 'cos you got the power, That don't mean you got the right. Go on out make another deal, Feed your big fat face. Go on out and cop a feel, Get on somebody's case. You surely could be satisfied, If you could get it all. But time ain't on your side, You're going to the wall. You think that life's just dollars, Lined with greed and lust and spite. But I wasn't born to follow, Like to get my sleep at night. Just 'cos you got the power, That don't mean you got the right. |
Motörhead – The Game Lyrics | 12 years ago |
Hunter Hearst that is a name I've not heard in a long time. A long time. |
Motörhead – Fuck Metallica (Enter Sandman) Lyrics | 12 years ago |
Both Motorhead and Metallica (at least their earlier stuff when they was still a metal band) are both very awesome and very talented bands. Sure they have different styles, with Motorhead being a rock 'n roll band and Metallica being one of the pioneers of trash. But both utilize the very simply and easy to very complexed and highly structured. And like any good band, they make both and everything in between sound great. Who is better? I guess it depends on my mood. Sometimes Rock 'n' Roll satisfies, and other times nothing beats Master of Puppets. God, quit fucking arguing over who is better because it takes too much time away from enjoying two of the finest bands of the time. |
Tool – Rosetta Stoned Lyrics | 12 years ago |
10 to 2 AM, X and yogi DMT and a box of krispy was so real. Like I woke up in Wonderland....Strapped down to my bed, feet cold and eyes red. I'm out of my head. Am I alive? Am I dead.......can't remember what they said....goddamn shit the bed. Can anyone honestly not figure out this is about an X and DMT overdose, he is seeing wild images, can't remember what they said because he used too much, and then he ends up end the hospital not even knowing if he is alive or dead. |
Tool – 10,000 Days (Wings Pt. 2) Lyrics | 12 years ago |
First, people really need to listen to TOOL, APC, and Puscifer and realize that Maynard Keenan, although very spiritual, is not a fan of organized religion. The 10,000 Days album is not about religion, but a variety of topics, such as vicarious being about vicariously living out violence through TV (eye on the TV...cause I need to watch things die from a distance), The Pot being about hypocrisy (every line in the song pretty much being an analogy for hypocrisy), and Rosetta Stoned being an overdose from X and DMT (10 to 2 AM, X and yogi DMT and a box of krispy kremes). The song Wings for Marie, and 10,000 Days (Wings pt. 2), these very beautiful and powerful songs, are about Maynard Keenan's mother, Judith Marie, who suffered from a stroke that left her paralyzed and wheelchair bound until she died 27 years later, which is about 10,000 days, rounding up. He also makes a specialty wine named after his mother. |
Aerosmith – Pink Lyrics | 12 years ago |
This discussion is amusing. Anyone who thinks this song is about anything BUT female genitalia has alot to learn, mainly that Steven Tyler is the god of sexual innuendos. And that him and Joe Perry are the living embodiments of the phrase "Sex, drugs, and rock 'n roll." |
In Flames – Only For The Weak Lyrics | 12 years ago |
Personally, it rings of being with someone who has borderline personality disorder and bipolar disorder. And as anyone in such a situation can attest, it is very draining mentally and emotionally. |
Puscifer – Rev 22:20 Lyrics | 13 years ago |
People who say this song isn't about sex are morons! If you listen to/read the lyrics the song is saturated with sexual innuendos. Even the title is an innuendo on Jesus' "coming." I absolutely LOVE this song, and the blasphemy of it makes me grin every time I hear it. Even just thinking of the lines "Jesus is risen, it's no surprise, even he would martyr his momma to ride to Hell between those thighs" is fucking brilliant and will put me in a pretty good mood visualizing Jesus brutally murdering Mary to fuck a succubus that would make a 10 look like a -10. |
Dethklok – Impeach God Lyrics | 13 years ago |
Dethklok – Impeach God Lyrics | 13 years ago |
Then don't listen. And fuck you and fuck your god. Metal has been about pissing on God and pseudo satanism since it's beginning. Death and Black metal especially are known for blasphemous and sacrilegious statements. If this song offends you, don't tread too deep into the genre because you might just find yourself waking up in Hell. |
Puscifer – Rev 22:20 Lyrics | 14 years ago |
I've always thought he was singing about the Whore of Babylon, given the blasphemous nature of the song and the Anti-Christ, and with the title being from the Book of Revelation. |
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