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John Denver – For Baby (For Bobbie) Lyrics 12 years ago
Agreed... I used to sing this song to my wife's pregnant belly, then to my kids as infants. Now, years later, every time I hear this song it brings tears to my eyes. "I'll cling to the warmth of your tiny hand" gets me every time. John knew how to sing/convey the exact proper emotion from his lyrics.

John Denver – Rhymes And Reasons Lyrics 12 years ago
I don't think the two lines are contradictory, but rather, they are complimentary. From the beginning of the song, I believe John is singing to someone who has lost hope/faith. "Come stand beside us, we can find a better way" than the way you (who has lost hope and faith) may be considering (sadness/suicide, etc). Stand with John, the children, the flowers, and see the brighter day that is in front of you.

If I recall a documentary I saw on John years ago, his wife commented on how those who had contemplatd suicide had pointed to this song as a prayer for hope, helped them turn things around. Hard to disagree...

Colbie Caillat – I Do Lyrics 13 years ago
Another lyric correction, at least I think, anyway.

Instead of "Every time before we spend like maybe yes and maybe no"
I'm pretty sure it's:
"Cause every time before has been like Maybe yes and maybe no"
Makes much more sense, anyway!

I liked this tune the first time I heard it. Light, poppy and fun, like champagne at a wedding.

They Might Be Giants – A Self Called Nowhere Lyrics 13 years ago
I'm not sure why the argument about ID vs IT, or how that might effect the potential interpretation of the song. But people, why not just check the actual ALBUM? Lyrics are printed in the John Henry CD. Clearly printed "a thing named it."

They Might Be Giants – Dinner Bell Lyrics 14 years ago
"Shoulder, bicep, elbow, arm
Forearm, thumb, wrist, knuckle, palm
Middle, pinky, index, ring"

I think this MAY be from the point of view of the dog, (maybe the whole song is?) recognizing it's dinner time... Clearly the bell signifies dinner time, so I'm imagining the dog seeing his master and looking down his arm in anticipation, from the shoulder down to the hand, leading to...DINNER BELL!

Cool song.

Concrete Blonde – Everybody Knows (Leonard Cohen cover) Lyrics 15 years ago
I've heard several versions of this song, including Cohen's, and this one is by far the best. Great song, very poweful.

John Mellencamp – Pink Houses Lyrics 15 years ago
Thanks Twise. Being a CA guy, I've never seen the rows of pink houses like you describe, but it makes perfect sense.

Rob Thomas – This Is How A Heart Breaks Lyrics 16 years ago
I don't think this song is about a break-up at all. I think Rob "disguised" it as such, but really it's an internal dialog between two halves of a self-destructive person (potentially drugs "take a hit now", but not necessarily). It came together after seeing the video for the first time recently, in which Rob is running away from someone the entire song, only to have that person catch him...and it's Rob himself. Then I paid attention to the lyrics, and it makes sense.

First verses that begin "Don't you wanna go for a ride" are the destructive side of him trying to tempt him to do something he knows is wrong..."make the most out of life; don't take it for granted".

The rest of the song is him convincing himself not to give in to the temptation. Particularly the bridge of the song, talking to the "other" half of himself he doesn't want to need any more:
"You're not the best thing that I knew
Never was never cared too much
For all this hanging around
It's just the same thing all the time
Never get what I want
Never get too close to the end of the line
You're just the same thing that I knew back before the time When I was only for you"
All the reasons why he shouldn't indulge.

Then the chorus, of course, he breaks his own heart by giving in to temptation: "This is it now...Take a Hit Now, feel it break down...."

Like many of Rob's songs, the meanings are bewteen the lines, but the songs, particularly this one, are great on whatever level you enjoy it at. But once I interpreted it as such, this song got way cooler for me. Not just a typical "heartbreak" song indeed.

They Might Be Giants – Richards on Richards Lyrics 16 years ago
Looks like Lolissa meant to comment on Zeppelina nd somehow wound up in TMBG land!! And I agree, Brodie - GREAT Venue song.

They Might Be Giants – Employee of the Month Lyrics 16 years ago
Why is this song so damn cool??? It cracks me up every time I hear it, and I can't help but sing along.

Prince – Musicology Lyrics 16 years ago
The first newer Prince song in a long time that I really liked. Great old school jam, and I love the lyrics. An icon like Prince droppin' names, it just feels right. Too bad they never play this one on the radio.

Prince – Pop Life Lyrics 16 years ago
No comments on this song? Lyrics are pretty straight forward, and I love the beat. But I want to know: what is with the break in the song at the end, with the noise etc? Is that supposed to sound like something in particular? I never understood why that is in the song! Otherwise, one of my favorite Prince songs.

Jellyfish – The Ghost at Number One Lyrics 16 years ago
I agree with GeoVII. But does anyone understand the Mrs Lynn reference? SOunds like he's name-checking someone in particular, but I'm not sure who. Great song.

Tom Petty – Change The Locks Lyrics 16 years ago
I LOVE this song. Great riff, great lyrics. Changing the name of this town... And the best part is when he yells "OH!" as they kick into the riff again. You KNOW that's right!

Tom Petty – Walls Lyrics 16 years ago
"You got a heart so big it could crush this town." I love that line. She's the One is such a great album, and this is my favorite song on it. Yet it never gets on the radio despite the ease one can sing along with it. I just heard Tom is playing the Super Bowl halftime show...and he won't be playing this song I'm sure!

Tom Petty – Echo Lyrics 16 years ago
I agree that this is a great song and Tom sings and plays with emotion. But, I need help with some of these lyrics! The last verse is pretty clear, but what's with "The poison came in liquid, she was naked all the time..."? Not sure what this song is really saying, but it feels heavy all the same.

Tom Petty – A Woman in Love (It's Not Me) Lyrics 16 years ago
No idea why this doesn't get the same airplay as Breakdown or American Girl. Great song!

Prince – Cindy C. Lyrics 16 years ago
Clearly about Cindy Crawford. But it seems so unlike Prince to write a song like this about a celebrity (at least, she was huge at the time).

Concrete Blonde – Walking In London Lyrics 16 years ago
I always thought this was simply sung from the point of view of someone who can't let go of a lost loved one (whether that person is dead, left, whatever) and although she tries to outrun it, she can't escape the memories of his touch, his voice etc... But the thought about reincarnation is interesting. I'd never thought of that before, but it fits and makes the song more haunting than it already is.

Concrete Blonde – God Is a Bullet Lyrics 16 years ago
I agree with Grogley. I love all the Concrete Blonde songs, but this is probably my favorite. I like the opening lines about the jacket on the chair...paints a picture and lets you fill in the blanks. Great song.

Genesis – Silver Rainbow Lyrics 16 years ago
A zipper??? Sorry, but I've always seen it the way LeArtist does. When you ignore the rest of life's intrusions (a bear comes in the room) because you are so into your loved one..then you know that you are there. While I understand a zipper resembling a silver rainbow, and "coming and going", the rest of the lyrics wouldn't make much sense. Either way, the driving pulse of this song makes it memerable.

Genesis – It's Gonna Get Better Lyrics 16 years ago
No one has commented on this song?! Under-rated song from the GENESIS album. I love it because, while the lyrics are optimistic (for the most part), the music, and Phil's delivery, sens a different message to me - like he knows he can hope and pray but that inside he knows nothing will actually change. The hopeful lyrics but the sad melody make for a interesting combo, and it makes the somg stand out for me.

The Traveling Wilburys – Heading For The Light Lyrics 17 years ago
Under-rated track from Volume one. Great lyrics, very inspiring to me. He describes all the things going wrong but he keeps heading toward the light....and there's nothing in the way to stop me!

The Traveling Wilburys – Dirty World Lyrics 17 years ago
No comments on Dirty World? Great song. The end is great, with the llist of things to love... and it is really "a ..fing dirty workd" at the tail end?

The Traveling Wilburys – She's My Baby Lyrics 17 years ago
Love this song. She's got the best puddin' in the neighborhood!

The Traveling Wilburys – Handle With Care Lyrics 17 years ago
ANyone ever heard the term "fobbed off"? I always thought he was slurring the words "fucked up" so the line would be less jolting, but is Fobbed off used somewhere?

The Traveling Wilburys – Cool Dry Place Lyrics 17 years ago
Certainly it's just a "story song", but I also think it may be referencing TOm Petty's house fire. Fairly certain it happened before this song came out, but if your home burns down, I could see having an experience something like the one told in the song. Just a guess.

Tesla – Little Suzi Lyrics 17 years ago
And in the second verse, the line is "Casting couch, appointment's made" not "cost in cost your point is made..." which makes no sense. Great song

Weird Al Yankovic – Slime Creatures From Outer Space Lyrics 17 years ago
That's funny, Polka Dot, that's just what I was going to add. The "who you gonna call...?" at the end always makes me turn up the sound. My 7 year old loves this song.

R. Kelly – Trapped In The Closet (Chapter 5 of 5) Lyrics 17 years ago
Speaking of Parodies, if you haven't heard it, Weird Al does a parody of this song on his Straight Outa Lynwood album, called Trapped in the Drive-Thru. It takes everything that is absurd about this song and makes it even funnier. I laugh out loud every time I hear it. But it's even funnier after listening to this song which, yes, is pretty much crap.

AC/DC – The Jack Lyrics 17 years ago
I played this for my 7 year old and he loved it. Of course, to him it's just about playing poker. But kids love songs with repeating lyrics, and this fits the bill. It's great hearing him shout "She's got the JACK!" I love it. And no, he hasn't heard the live version, with the alternative lyrics. Yet, anyway...

Prince – Sign O' The Times Lyrics 17 years ago
"Sister killed her baby 'cause she couldn't afford to feed it, And we're sending people to the moon"
I think that line says it all. Prince is so under-rated as a musician and a songwriter, and this song is exhibit A.

Prince – Shockadelica Lyrics 17 years ago
No posts on this song?!? This one is just great. It has such a dark feel to it, and still a kick-ass beat and hook.

Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five – The Message Lyrics 17 years ago
Great song. I remember back in the day, this song wound up on a K-Tel compilation record (anyone remember THOSE?), and it was the first time a heard a rap song, or anything like it, really. I can't believe how few posts there are on this song. Anyone else surprised these guys just ogt indiucted into the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame?! Pretty much based on this song. That's how cool it is. Although, quite a few messed-up lyrics above.

South Park – Uncle Fucka Lyrics 17 years ago
I forgot about this song! I always hated T&P, but this song is brilliant.

South Park – Theme Song Lyrics 17 years ago
Isn't it: People spouting "Howdy Neighbor."?

South Park – Montage Lyrics 17 years ago
Actually, from Team America, not South Park. But when I saw this in the movie, I just about lost it. If this doesn't bring to mind your favorite Rocky movie, you just aren't American!

South Park – Fightin' Round the World (the Russell Crowe Show) Lyrics 17 years ago
Tugger's whistle's blowin means we must be goin'.
No more Russell Crowein' for you!! Freakin' classic.

South Park – Chocolate Salty Balls Lyrics 17 years ago
Chef rocked. I miss Chef, and his salty balls.

South Park – The Underpants Gnomes Song Lyrics 17 years ago
Stage One: Steal Underpants. Stage Two...? Stage Three: PROFIT!!

South Park – Wendy's Audition for Fingerbang Lyrics 17 years ago
God bless Wendy Testeberger.

South Park – The Most Offensive Song Ever Lyrics 17 years ago
No comments on this song?!?! It took me 4 or 5 close listens to get "you can suck all the dick you want" line, but still wasnt sure of all of them until now. Damn, Matt and Trey have balls of steel. So festive...!

South Park – Lemmiwinks Lyrics 17 years ago
Definately an homage to the Hobbit music. This song is so wack, I love it.

South Park – Kyle's Mom Is A Bitch Lyrics 17 years ago
First time I heard this (say that first Mr. Hankey episode on TV), I laughed till I almost peed my pants. The movie version was good, but the original is classic.

Golden Earring – Radar Love Lyrics 17 years ago
I thought I knew all the words to this, but I never knew it was "Brenda Lee" coming on strong. Stange to drop her name, of all people! Love the bass line in this song.

They Might Be Giants – I'm Having a Heart Attack Lyrics 17 years ago
i was wondering why there were 3 posts for this "song". Now the next person will wonder why there is 4...

They Might Be Giants – Number Three Lyrics 17 years ago
My favorite song on the debut album. I just cant help but sing along with this one. "old What's-his-name" is a great line.

They Might Be Giants – Violin Lyrics 17 years ago
I was at the zoo today with my kids. You'll never guess what song came up when we saw the hippos! They sang: Hippo...hippo...hippo...!" As a long time TMBG fan, I just had to smile!

They Might Be Giants – Put Your Hand Inside The Puppet Head Lyrics 17 years ago
I agree with rog27 about the meaning, and not wanting to be someone's "puppet", such as the boss in the 2nd stanza. But my favorite part is "Do the dumb things I gotta do...touch the puppet head." TMBG are classic!

They Might Be Giants – Asheville Lyrics 17 years ago
I love that they wrote this song from the orange peel's point of view, and that it is so angry at the human who peeled it. You gotta love the "I hate you for that" refrain. Clever.

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