Lyric discussion by shewolf80 

This song is about that moment when you know you've lost and you've lost gravely but you feel the urge to carry on with hope. You're grieving and in pain but despite that you have faith in yourself because if you didn't have that you'd have nothing. Its not so much a message about having hope and faith and seeing the bright light at the end of the tunnel as much as it is just a comment on that moment where pain blends with hope. Don't choke. Carry on. Let go, let it be, nevermind.

Hey uh, the "let it be" and "nevermind" parts refer to the albums Let it Be by the Beatles and Nevermind by Nirvana. That's why he adds "play" before the former album, and isn't referring to the literal terms.

Didn't feel it was necessary to state the obvious ;) I think he was using the titles to make a point as well.

@shewolf80 Do you think the line: "And if you want to see my cry, play Let It Be or Nevermind" are referencing the Beatles song (Let It Be) and the Nirvana album (Nevermind)?

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