Lyric discussion by HiOnMusic 

Cover art for I Fell in Love with a Dead Boy lyrics by Antony and the Johnsons

Antony fell in love with a dead boy, and I fell in love with a gay man... well, at least his music ;)

I think the "are you a girl" part is adding a slightly straight, or at least bisexual, spin to this gay song, since "beautiful" is generally applied only to men who have childlike, vulnerable faces that give them a somewhat feminine appearance, so it's like he's saying the boy was so beautiful he looked like a girl.

This song kinda reminds of a guy I knew a couple of years ago who was one of my best friends but also had a huge crush on me. When I first met him, he was totally ostracized by cruel middle school society; he had almost no friends, and he was not a happy person ("I find you with tears in your eyes"); I wanted to be one less bully to him, so I made a serious effort to see through his awful reputation, really get to know him and eventually become one of his only good friends ("...held your hand"). But life soon sent us separate ways, and I realized too late that I had similar feelings for him. I recently found out that he (unsuccessfully) attempted suicide, and I have reason to believe it had more than a little to do with me. Since our (geographical) separation (and after his suicide attempt), we have both hurt each other in various little ways, and I see now how much he has changed since we were friends. Even though he's still alive and I still miss him, he's as good as dead to me now because I know that even if we could be together again, it would be impossible to share again the friendship and trust we had before. Since I realized both my feelings for him and the growing invisible wall between us at around the same time , it's like I fell in love with a dead boy because he is no longer the boy I came to love: that boy no longer exists. Most of my close current friends know this story even though they never met him ("Now I'll tell all my friends/I fell in love with a dead boy"), and I wish my parents, who have prohibited me from talking to him, could have understood what a great guy he used to be ("Now I'll tell my family/I wish you could have met him"). Sometimes I think about things I should have said to him when I had the chance ("Now I throw bottles out to sea"), and I know I will never forget him ("No one's gonna take you away from me").

Well, tmi... But this is a beautiful song nonetheless. I <3 Antony

I just heard this song and immediately connected to it because I fell in love with someone who wasn't there. He was on drugs, drank too much, and for a while I did, too, but when I stopped I realized he didn't have the capacity to love. He escaped too much and for the longest time I felt I fell in love with dead boy.

Thanks for sharing your story. Over 3 years later and it has moved someone out here in cyber land. Hope all is good...