A Mind of Her Own Lyrics
You’re acting like a child when you say it yourself
We are at war
How dare you turn on me now
Right when I need you most?
When they heard the news
Now that’s the sort of smack that leaves a bruise
The victory is ours at last
I beat them at their own dirty game
They pervert the words of godly men
For their own selfish gain
I took their wrongs
And I took their lies
And I made them right
And made them right
Oh, look who it is
My supportive wife
She thinks she's going to squeal
And where do you think you’re going?
Don’t you walk away from me
You're not calling anyone
You put down that telephone
You're not calling anyone
You put down that telephone
You're not calling anyone
You're not calling anyone

The album is actually about two brothers. One a crokked politician and the other a drunken screwup. The album is a pointed tale about how "success" doesn't necessarily lead to salvation. It's the drunken brother who get's pulled over by the cops and says "he's been such a good example" and "brother sat me down very graciously and explained if i'm going to help you i must make it very clear brother that i love you ". He doesn't want his brother (the politician) to be embrassed by his drunkenness.
It's the politician who kills his wife and thereby, ironically, shaming the Family Name. That's why at the end, the father cries "but lord i've always done what's right ".
This album is fantastic and David Bazan is one of the most amazing lyricists and songwriters I've ever heard.

any band that mentions God in a song is automatically labeled a 'christian band'. it's pretty messed up, if you ask me.

heh, this was the first pedro the lion song i heard....great album, david bazan is in my opinion the greatest songwriter of our generation

Ok. a little bit about Pedro the Lion. First: He is a Christian. and he does talk about christianity. But he doesn't preach it to you under a hot spotlight. He talks about real life issues and tried to solve them with his faith. Not like other christians band that are about "i love God, God loves me yea God" He doesn't try to sugar-coat the message. His music is suppose to make you uncomfortable. It's suppose to make to you think. Second: Pedro the Lion is ONE person. David Bazan. he does all the instruments on the albums and has friends help him out during live shows. Pedro the Lion WAS a group. But all the members left because they wanted to be "another christian rock band" Third: Most of his album are concept albums. Meaning loosely the album is a story. the tracks are chapters. you have to listen to the whole album to hear what he's talking about. Hope this clears stuff up. David Bazan is the man.

cripes, he sounds really pissed off at the end of the tune, like he really is a psycho politician who is really about to kill his wife.

well,thats the power of denial

thats the power of god blessed pedro the lion


and amen

what a fucked up song