67 Meanings
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The Longer I Lay Here Lyrics

You're up with the sunrise
And down when the words bend down
With excellence, industry, diligence,
Naturally, I would like to be you just for a few habit-forming years
Laziness cuts me like fine cutting breed
I need a miracle, someone to help me, myself
Sweet Jesus, I need you
Forgive me, listen
Not hookers or heron can blame your gin
It sounds so ridiculous but I just can't lick this
I need a miracle, someone to help me, myself
Someone to help me, myself
67 Meanings
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No, it's not masturbation. Thanks for being a complete idiot, we need more people like you in the world. I gotta stop being sarcastic.....anyway, the sin is laziness itself. that's why it sounds so ridiculous but he just can't lick it. And it's so much the way a lot of artists are...completely unable to be selfprepelled. first he talks about someone who's not that way, and says he would like to be them for a few habit-forming years. then he turns to Jesus.

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David Bazan: "This song is one of the few totally autobiographical songs in the Pedro the Lion catalog. I was writing It’s Hard to Find a Friend and I was getting a little bogged down. I was feeling like I just wanted to go some place and sit and make something up. At the time, my room was totally filthy and I was feeling like a bit of a failure and a relatively undisciplined person, in general. So I went upstairs to my friend Blake’s bedroom, which was totally clean and I was reminded of my little sister, who is far more disciplined than I am. She’s really a wonderful, diligent person. Very sweet and kind and on-top of her shit. This song just came out from that right there. Aside from a few minor changes, this one came out, start-to-finish, in the couple hours I spent in Blake’s room. It was a very satisfying thing to do. I was really longing to create something and what happened still holds a strong connection for me. "

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kids. this isn't that difficult. there is no hidden meaning. it starts off talking about someone he knows who is industrious, how he wishes he could be like them (inferring that he is not industrious or "lazy") and then goes on to confirm that "laziness cuts [him]."

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David Bazan's music is simply amazing. I love how everything he sings, means something to him. He isn't just in the industry for the money, or the fame. He is true to himself, and I think that is what means the most. This song is beautiful, and I suggest everyone should get it. It's slow, relaxing, and puts you in a good mood.. There's nothing more that I need.

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yeah, is is about masturbation. what do you think "you’re up with the sunrise and down when the work’s been done." means? listen carefully to the way he says 'ridiculous' too....

in a bunch of interviews David as said he has stuggled with masturbating. apparently he did it ALOT at one point.

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it's about laziness, you dorks. :) i relate to it well... "i need a miracle, someone to help me, help myself"

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i dont know i guess i see both the masturbation and the laziness, hmm maybe its both....

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Yes massaar i'm with you on this one. Face it guys, the world isn't all that pretty. Nice tune on that one though. ^_^

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i'm embarrased to be a Pedro fan when I read that any one else who listens to them thinks that 'The Longer I Lay Here' could be about, of all things, jerking off. While one could assume he's talking about morning wood from the first line (difficult, but possible), that interpretation grows more difficult to support as the song goes on. Who is the protagonist talking to in the middle of the first verse when he says that he would like to be them 'for a few habit-forming years'? His penis maybe? Or perhaps the elemental personification of masturbating itself? And why then would he praise this antagonist by saying it performs it's work with excellence, industry, and diligence? 'Nice job buddy, thanks for helping me sin against the flesh again. You rule!' Not being able to stop masturbating doesn't sound rediculous; it sounds like the same problem 93% of the planet has. Now, trying to explain to someone that they really want to do the work in front of them, it's just that they struggle with the sin of being lazy, that's ridiculous. I can't believe-- "laziness cuts me like fine cutlery": is he saying that he's to tired to wank off?! of course not. honestly people...

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