Juggernaut Lyrics
I think this one is about how we sin and sometimes it feels like the sin and tempatation is too much for us to handle, but if we trust God he will lift us like a song to safety.
This is why FiF was so great, they can write powerful Christain songs without coming off as preachy (although some people you can never please). You don't have to be a certian religion, age, social state, to feel the courage and optimisim in this one.
i think this is a fantastic song. i really like the part about the weak being made strong. It is too bad this band is not together anymore, but I really appreciated the way they ended too.
"Freedom lifts me like a song". At the end of the song Anthem on their live album Reese says "Jesus Christ is freedom", that's the same Freedom they are talking about here Jesus lifts us and gives us strength when we are week.
I agree with J35U5_ownz-M3 in that this song is about sin and how it tries to control us. This can be in a individualized or more generalized sense. Individually, when we let ourselves sin in one area we are paving a way to make it easier to do it again (how many times will we say that "this is the last time" for some sin). Generally, it can refer to how our world has become a very dark place and it tries to drag us down with its sexuality greed and hatred. Luckily Jesus Christ can overpower any juggernaut