One Girl Army Lyrics
love this song
girls are great. =)
oh good . . i'm so glad they managed to fit in something about religion and god stuff in that last part . . yay
..girls like me rock! =)
Yes, you do, shattered dream, but be careful. I know that goes against the songs message, but even you will have a time for silence.
this song is about the virgin mary who gave birth to Jesus. it uses it as a metaphor when it talks about one girl army.
I don't believe it's about Mary... more, it uses her to support the general message of the worth and important of women in God's plans.
Yep, lessismore it talks how Mary fought her way in a world of Men, and gave birth to Jesus, that was not Joseph's son either
I see it comparing today things like what we would feel in Mary's shoes... wondering how it would all work out. and i also think of the 1 girl in the band when i hear this song! It's an awesome song! I love it and our last mission trip we played this countless amount of times and filled it in with 8 girl army (that's how many of us were on the trip, and all girls...) to be strong when faced with unexpected situations!! FIF rocks!
i'm pretty sure it's about mary. i like the sound of a christian ska band.