Somewhere Out There Lyrics
You were lonely and out of place
You were looking down on me
Lost out in space
Laid underneath the stars
Strung out and feeling brave
Watch the red-orange glow
Watch you float away
Garbage and city lights
Gotta save your tired soul
Gotta save our lives
Turn on the radio
To find you on satellite
I'm waiting for the sky to fall
I'm waiting for a sign
Is oh so far
The star that I can see
I know you're out there
Somewhere out there
You're falling out of reach
Defying gravity
I know you're out there
Somewhere out there
When you're homesick
And need a change
i miss your purple hair
i miss the way you taste
i know you'll come back some day
On a bed of nails, I wait
I pray that you don't burn out
Or fade away..
Is oh so far
The star that I can see
But I know you're out there
Somewhere out there
You're falling out of reach
Defying gravity
I know you're out there
Somewhere out there
The star that I can see
I know you're out there, oh
You're falling out of reach
Defying gravity
I know you're out there
Somewhere out there
The star that I can see
But I know you're out there
Somewhere out there
You're falling out of reach
Defying gravity
I know you're out there
Somewhere out there
I know, I know
You're falling out of reach
I know

Not a single Futurama fan in the audience?? Damn.
This song always makes me think of Fry and Leela. The purple hair, all the space imagery...
@ckauzlarich I love Futurama!!
@ckauzlarich I love Futurama!!

This song reminds of the boyfriend I don't have. The hope that there's someone out there somewhere for me. It's such a beautiful song.
i totally agree with u... this song reminds me of the same thing....
i totally agree with u... this song reminds me of the same thing....
@The Charade is Over i feel pretty much the same, just replace the boyfriend with girlfriend and you pretty much how i feel when i hear this, one of my favourite songs.
@The Charade is Over i feel pretty much the same, just replace the boyfriend with girlfriend and you pretty much how i feel when i hear this, one of my favourite songs.

This song is so amazing. The lyrics, the sound, the overall feeling it gives when you listen to it.
Very distinctive voice.
Very distinctive voice.

OLP is by far my favorite band of all time. It's perplexing that they arent as popular in the US. But I heard this song on the radio the other day so maybe that will change... It seems to have a pretty strong astronaut theme. The lyrics refer to her as if she has actually left for outer space. He "watched the red orange glow /watched her fade away" like a space shuttle launch. And in orbit space shuttles/stations/sattelites look like stars. Ojects in orbit also are technically falling but never get closer to the earth. He is waiting for her to come back to earth, to him. I suppose it could be literal but I think it is a metaphor. She left him for something more important, career maybe or otherwise. And she is out there doing whatever important thing(your gonna save our lives) and he is just waiting for her to finish and fall back to him.

this is an old song but I lately I've been feeling a lot when I heart it. To me it's about a lost love, probably an ex who you think is the one. they're no longer in you're life because maybe you've drifted apart from them or they moved. but you know they're "somewhere out there" and you hope you'll be back together with them some day.
"I know you'll come back someday On a bed of nails, I wait I pray that you don't burn out Or fade away.." those lines really hit home.

This song really takes the cake for me. Everytime I listen to it, or hear it somewhere, I'm always taken back to the person who first gave it its meaning to me. At 15 years old, he was my everything. Hell, he's still my everything. But, time has a way of wearing things down, until the flame eventually burns out. This wasn't the case for me, despite the fact that he now holds someone else near and dear to his heart. Just like the lyrics in this song, "I know your out there, somewhere out there" ... I know that I can hope that just maybe one day in the future, he fall back to me, and "defy gravity", so to speak. Maybe he'll finally realize that I loved him all along. Back in the day, this somehow became our song, back when I did have purple hair. If I had one more chance just to speak with him again, this is what I'd say:
So, here we are yet again. But where are we now? Time is a funny thing. But time and time again, we come back to square one, where it all began. Reminiscing is my mind whenever I'm around you. But this time, I'm bathing in the ashes of a flame that once burned strong between us. Spare me your reasons why this time; I just want to take a good look at you. I think I've memorized your face. I remember when I counted down the days. But everything is so different now, yet here we are again. I don't want you back this time, I just want you. So let me know when your soul's finally ready to run; then you can take my hand; then you will finally see the truth: this never was a competition, I loved you all along. There was never any test to be proven wrong, I loved you from the start. You were mine; that was the journey I always wanted to take. But now that you're out of reach, I hope that, maybe one day you'll fall back to me. I know your out there, somewhere out there, waiting to say that you still love me. Now that you're out of my reach, I've got both hands lifted high into the sky, but with fleeting hopes that are getting dry. Your a fish I just can't catch. So I guess that I'll just keep swimming around, and I'll never look down. I really have no choice but to feel this way as I always have. With everything I am. I.LOVE.YOU.UNCONDITIONALLY.DAKOTA.

This song is very special to me.. My ex boyfriend committed suicide. Last time I saw him, we laid on a hay bale and looked at the stars. He was there, but he was gone. He wasn't the same and he wasn't happy.. He committed suicide a couple months later and I watched him float away. But I know he's happy now. He's somewhere out there

THis song is so great.....

Damn right PuNkKeTcHuP

This song reminds me of my ex, it gives me hope that we might not be over and theres still a chance, or maybe not but I still like to hope, this song describes that feeling.