Punk Is Dead Lyrics
Yes that’s right, punk is dead, it’s just another cheap product for
the consumer’s head. Bubblegum rock on plastic transistors,
schoolboy sedition backed by big time promoters. CBS promote
the Clash, but it ain’t for revolution, it’s just for cash. Punk
became a fashion just like hippy used to be and it ain’t got a
thing to do with you or me.
expressions of the public will. Punk became a movement cos we
all felt lost, but the leaders sold out and now we all pay the cost.
Punk narcissism was a social napalm, Steve Jones started
doing real harm. Preaching revolution, anarchy and change as
he sucked from the system that had given him his name.
staring up a superstar’s arse, I’ve got an arse and crap and a
name, I’m just waiting for my fifteen minutes fame. Steve Jones
you’re napalm, if you’re so pretty why do you smarm? Patti
Smith, you’re napalm, you write with you’re hand but it’s
Rimbaud’s arm.
Do I need a business man to promote my angle? Can I resist the
carrots that fame and fortune dangle? I see the velvet zippies in
their bondage gear, the social elite with safetypins in their ear, I
watch and understand that it don’t mean a thing, the scorpions
might attack, but the system’s stole the sting.

The idea of punk is not dead but the music is.

this song is excellent. you should all check out a band called 'lower class brats' they kick ass.

Crass is a fucking amazing band as well as Aus Rotten.

HA! jessica, do you even read or listen to the music. What this song is saying is true. Punk nowadays is fuckin commercial. I mean there is so much shit out there that ppl know of. Reach deeper and further and find better stuff. Aus Rotten is great along with Conflict. Listen to something with a message that means something, not emo shit that talks about how they lost their grrrl. BLAH!!

Jessica, you are one of the most ignorant people I've ever encountered. Crass is one of the greatest punk bands, with some of the greatest lyrics. You don't even conprehend what the meaning of this song is, though I could have guessed that without reading your "Kill Crass Kill Crass I 4m s0 dumb" post. Perhaps you should look at how punk -is- dead, and has been dead for a LOOOOOONNNGGG time. it became commercialized, which ruined the scene. it's really quite simple.

sigh if you want to argue about "posers", then how come, when the clash and the jam were on major labels and selling thousands of records, crass actually kept it DIY and lived their message. punk had degenerated into a mere fashion statement before you and i were born, yes there ARE underground bands and yes there ARE people out there "keepin' it real", but don't you think any subculture is dead when it starts getting exposed and distorted by the mainstream media? christ, look what happened to "emo". we went from rites of spring and indian summer to jimmy eat world and thursday. "punk" ceases to be reactionary (and interesting) when its absorbed and sanitized by the big media machine. when you can play a "punk" song for your mom and her only reaction is "hmm. catchy", then it's dead. (for the record, i love the clash and i think london calling is an amazing, powerful album, but it sure as hell isn't "punk") i don't like crass, and i'm most definitly not an anarchist, but i respect their message and they make a damn good point with their music (this song in particular)

i think the entire punk alive/dead subject is irrelavant. however one line seems to speak volumes "the scorpions might attack, but the system’s stole the sting." being born in '85 im sure i missed out on the whole shock value of it all. but i notice atleast around my parts no one with any credibility wants to be associated with the word 'punk' so maybe that is saying something. ahh what the hell do i know i just enjoy the noise

punk died due to all the fucking commercial consumerist bullshit put out by dicks for dicks. this song reflects that well.

crass is fuckin awsome....shut the fuck up jesssica... what crass means is the true meaning of "punk" is dead they do not mean that "punk" music is all dead... they are a slight few bands who are around that could be labeled "punk" but not too many.... "punk" was made on the basis of not fitting in and being different and being yourself when it became popular(not meaning the coolest and mainstream u dumbass-- the ramones and sex pistols were popular as far as fans and have been since they came out-- maybe not as popular but enuf to have ppl pose as "punk" and make it fasionable)....
what crass means is that all the basis the started "punk" became comercialized and was destroyed... thats what this song is about

crass sucks, stfu. i didnt even bother to read what you said after "crass is fucken awesome" haha i don't need to waste my time with that... buh bye
and yeah lower class brats are alright, my friend lauren loves that band, so i listen to them when im with her.