Antichrist Superstar Lyrics
I didn't have to sell you
You threw your money in the pissing well
You do just what they tell you
I shed the skin to feed the fake
Repent, that's what I'm talking about
Whose mistake am I anyway?
Grows back hard
I am the Hydra
Now you'll see your star
The moon has now eclipsed the sun
Angel has spread it's wings
The time has come for bitter things
The moon has now eclipsed the sun
Angel has spread it's wings
The time has come for bitter things
I shed the skin to feed the fake
Repent, that's what he's talking about
Whose mistake am I anyway?
Grows back hard
I am the Hydra
Now you'll see your star
Our Antichrist is almost here
Time has come it is quite clear
Our Antichrist is almost here
Time has come it is quite clear
Our Antichrist is almost here
Grows back hard
I am the Hydra
Now you'll see your star
"When you are suffering know that I have betrayed you"
"When you are suffering know that I have betrayed you"
"When you are suffering know that I have betrayed you"
"When you are suffering know that I have betrayed you"
"When you are suffering know that I have betrayed you"
"When you are suffering know that I have betrayed you"
"When you are suffering know that I have betrayed you"

With a name like "Antichrist superstar" this was always gonna be a religious debate. Athiests vs Christians, and like every other debate it drags on and noone really wins in the end.
Can everyone step back for a second and try to find the true meaning behind this song rather then try convert eachother.
I think this song on its own is about the decay of christian values as the result of rejecting religion. The first few lines explain how the character sees religion, as a source of money (line 3) and a source of power (line 4) and they get this through preaching fear of a higher power and punishment (lines 1 and 5-8). The end of the song refers to the decay of christian values, which in the song and CD is refered to as "the rise of the anti-christ". So the anti-christ isnt a person as such, it is more of a state of mind.
As part of the CD it is the first song in Cycle III "Disintegrator Rising", so basicly an introduction to the rest of Cycle III.
See.. that wasnt so hard now was it

sorry P Eagle but the bible does mention a few points which i believe totally ridicules the catholic faith. 1st Id like to say I am C of E and do believe in God just not in the way many people do and I atend church and mass but am not a religious freak. MArilyn Manson is amazing :D
1)The catholic faith teaches us to beat our children - Psalm 137:9 Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones
2)it also teaches that drunken incest is ok - (Genesis 19:31,36) Come let us make our father drink wine, and we will lie with him, that we may preserve seed of our father. And they made their father drink wine that night; and the firstborn went in and lay with her father, Behold, I lay yesternight with my father, let us make him drink wine this night also, and go thou in, and lie with him. And the younger arose, and lay with him, and he percieved not when she lay down, nor when she arose. Thus were both the daughters of Lot with child by their father."
3)canabalism - (Leviticus 26:29) And ye shall eat the flesh of your sons, and the flesh of your daughters shall ye eat.
4) and then theres the point of Adam and Eve had 2 sons Cain and Abel, Cain killed the Abel and so the human race could not have continued without Cain having a child with Eve which could not happened because Cain was sent away by God...
5) Everyone is born with original sin which is passed on from their parents which comes from when Eve ate the forbidden fruit, however we are taught that when we are baptised we have all sin washed away so this should mean aslong as your both parents somewhere along the family where baptised then you wont have original sin...
6) the last point. God is omnipotent so why did was there the holy wars where satan and 1/3 of the angels fought for his right to rule in hell rather than to serve in heaven surely God could have just banished them all without a 2nd thought rather than letting the loyal angels fight for him led by the arch angel michael. and if you are going to say because that would not allow free will which God gave us then theres the problem of God being perfect and knowing all, if he was perfect he would not have made the mistake of creating satan better than the other angels and would have know he would have made this mistake and so could have averted this course of actions
the problem with organised religion is everyone takes things so literally in a thousand years people will find a book buried in the ruins of a house open it and imediatly start worshiping the lord frodo from freeing us from satan who just happened to apear as a large flaming eye. not saying God doesnt exist just that people should be free to worship how they want without the threat of burning forever
As Marilyn Manson says in his book he believes the antichrist is something inside all of us which compells us to do evil and not an actuall figure/person I see God as something much like this

umm just a thought philadelpha im a christian i what i heard hell is is a place with out god LIKE BURNING IN ETERNAL FIRE not actually sitting there burning. retard its not under the earth no one (for a line from your quote) BUT GOD and the devil and the sinister minister himself can say where exactly that is. Check your facts queer.
Oh yah MANSON f***ing ROCKS MY PANTS OFF!!!!!

haha. does anyone else think it's fun to bait silly Christians?
Yeah, suuure Philadelphia, we're allll going to hell! And the world is 6000 years old too... or wait, was that 3000, or 12000 I'm not sure. When is it we're going to hell exactly by the way? I thought Judgement Day was 2000, it's a bit overdue isn't it? COME ON JESUS, come WREAK YOUR HOLY VENGEANCE UPON ME!
No sex before marriage I hope Philadelphia? No masturbating, no unholy thoughts, no coveting another woman... and that's just one commandment, phew, you must spend your whole life worrying about your sins, Philadelphia.
Haha, all I can say is if spending the rest of my life with you Christians is Heaven, I think I'll take Hell :) It oughta be hell fun, Lucifer the Lightbearer, the Morningstar. Sounds like some pretty cool names, dunno about this devil with horns business... he must be a nice ole chap.
Um.. am I missing something with the whole 'Philadelphia' thing?
Um.. am I missing something with the whole 'Philadelphia' thing?

I love the beginning of the chorus. I have listened to Manson since '97, but just the other day I actually listened to this lyrically.
"Repent - that's what I'm talking about I shed the skin to feed the fake."
It makes me think of Catholics who "take the body of Christ" during communion and are repented of their sins, only to return to sin once they step outside of the church and allow the cycle to continue.

My word the gene pool has become so poor. Let me clear it up once and for all.
Religious Zealots...It's a concept album...MM is no more the antichrist than David Bowie is a Starman from Mars. Few of MM's "followers," really believe that he is anything more than an entertaining shock rocker. In fact retards like you have mad him quite wealthy since there is no such thing as bad publicity. The fact that morons like you are still raving about this shit 10+ years after the fact is a testament to his geneius. I mean he is one ugly dude and he was fucking Rose McGowan! Damn!
Overzealous MM fans...It's a concept album...He doesn't believe his own bullshit, he doesn't walk around with makeup and dog collars on unless he is onstage. It is nothing more than entertainment. It is the equivalent of Quentin Tarantino making wickedly entertaining movies that are devoid of meaning and substance. He just wants to entertain you, let him. Anyone who actually allows this music to affect their lives needs to walk themselves into traffic, pronto!
All that said, awesome tune, awesome album and if you ever get a chance to see MM live dont miss it! Saw him on the Mechanical Animals tour back in 99, one of the best concerts I have ever seen. He is an entertainer on par with Kiss, Frank Sinatra, and Wayne Newton.
just like how alice cooper plays golf and is a christian
just like how alice cooper plays golf and is a christian
MM fans won't like to hear it but it's true.He's called himself a god and his followers consider him one.He's just a man.What was the quote he said? "If they think an artist can crush their faith then their faith wasn't strong enough to begin with." I'm not sure if that's verbatim but that's the general message. I believe in God,I'm not religious but I definitely know where I stand and I love Marilyn Manson. I think its important people try and understand exactly what they're letting into their minds before they let it in.Don't project your own interpretation of him onto him....
MM fans won't like to hear it but it's true.He's called himself a god and his followers consider him one.He's just a man.What was the quote he said? "If they think an artist can crush their faith then their faith wasn't strong enough to begin with." I'm not sure if that's verbatim but that's the general message. I believe in God,I'm not religious but I definitely know where I stand and I love Marilyn Manson. I think its important people try and understand exactly what they're letting into their minds before they let it in.Don't project your own interpretation of him onto him. Oh and please read between the lines of "The Long Hard Road out of Hell"
:) even you got tricked way too into the lyrics.Lets break it to simple facts -in 1990's interview i don't know which though , Marilyn(or brian) said that it is not my fault for if the people don't understand my perspective as a artist. -Upon its release, great big white world was criticized by a large number of racist -1999 columbine attacks and who's the target here? Marilyn Manson the problem is , Marilyn has coded his lyrics in the reality world physio-lyrical flow. the right path he walked once was covered by the racism,religion and nihilistic attitude, he disguised the very evil spirit of society's...
:) even you got tricked way too into the lyrics.Lets break it to simple facts -in 1990's interview i don't know which though , Marilyn(or brian) said that it is not my fault for if the people don't understand my perspective as a artist. -Upon its release, great big white world was criticized by a large number of racist -1999 columbine attacks and who's the target here? Marilyn Manson the problem is , Marilyn has coded his lyrics in the reality world physio-lyrical flow. the right path he walked once was covered by the racism,religion and nihilistic attitude, he disguised the very evil spirit of society's greed for glam , beauty and pleasure in the form being one of those and looking from their perspective and see how struck they really are. Problem is his creativity is too lyrically and musically high to understand until you experience yourself, fans aren't mad they are listening to him like that! he really means what he says, he was abused as a child.he was one of those normal rabbit teethed 70's teenager.What changed him was the horror he faced after seeing the ugliness of religion and its base creators who would sacrifice even their own selves for the purpose! antichrist superstar is just a dream in real world , where revolution is but a high dream .. hope that help creating a slight vision to his work.. go see his interviews more of them and lyrical help would cause you to think again

I read a quote from Manson himself and he said he created the character Antichrist Superstar to portray not only himself, but everyone in America, cuz everyone has evil in them, even the righteus Christains and this character represents everyone's evil, and all those who fail to understand those evils, will be offended.

the start of the song has an audience chanting the antichrist. i love the use of this in the intro. it makes the song like a prayier or anthem? the fact people are chanting gives it strong importance. love the song.

I'm a fucking gay homo piece of shit. Everything I say contradicts myself in one way or another. In fact, when I said that I don't like bands that are in it for the money, I must have forgotten that half the bands in my favorite list were indeed, in it for the money. I claim to be a devout Catholic but I know little about it. The only way I can prove anything is by linking to websites with biased opinions (these sites I have created myself, by the way). I will never be able to see anything for more than its face value (especially when it comes to music). I would like to apologize to EVERYBODY for being such a gay, buttfucking, contradictory, ignorant, childish, insecure piece of shit.

No it's not a coincidence, nor is it a causal relationship, it's correlational. My hypothesis is that people who feel like the rejects of society or have a sense of pride for overcoming the social conventions are naturally DUE TO THIS drawn to the music of Marilyn Manson. The music is something that speaks and relates to this type of person. The same reason most right-wing Christians don't listen to Manson, they don't relate to it, they don't feel rejected or like a minority, they are the "chosen ones," the good guys. I'm willing to state that music alone will NEVER be responsible for suicide. A song may make you realize how sad you really are DUE TO YOUR SOCIAL CIRCUMSTANCES, or how pathetic and meaningless your life really is, but that's just reality. Life has no intrinsic value. Besides, these realizations can be overcome, as can everything else. The true message behind much of Manson's music when looked at in totality is exactly about this overcoming of having the world on your shoulders. His music is about POWER in a very Nietzschean sense, it's about growth and affirming life. It's about creating your own morality, finding your own place in the world, it's about the strength/struggle it takes to achieve this, it's about the satisfaction of having achieved this. In case you missed it, it's about hope. Many "fans" or "critics" don't realize this, or choose to ignore it, which could lead to suicidal ideation. Anytime Manson talks either implicitly or explicitly about suicide it's referring to either a personal time when he himself was suicidal, or a metaphor for killing the old part of yourself. The "Christian-follower-weak-victim" part of you in order to become something powerful/creative, in order to become something whole and complete.