Radiohead – Pyramid Song Lyrics | 19 years ago |
This song has mythological meaning written all over it. It's a common archetype throughout religions the world over that there is a 'dreamland', call it Hades, the underworld, there's been other names, that parallels our own world... or in the same vein, any image that speaks of the sea where physicality breaks down and takes on the fluid vibratory form of water... it's meant to be here our subconscious resides, from where dreams are born, the source of our real inspirations, motivations, all those things that are going on beneath the surface of our limited perspective on life... the idea is that there's this entire world we are connected to, take whatever crazy analogies you want, that 'black eyed angels' are guiding our lives, that 'astral cars' are whizzing around transmitting thoughts from brain to brain... whatever, the religions all say reality fucks up in this place, the possibilities are endless, whatever label we give it, angels, devils, gods whatever, is only definitions we use to comprehend and describe the actual place... it is through this theory that religions can converge,, and that when they talk about whatever dogma their spirituality is predicated on, it can all be describing the same thing. It is said all memories are kept there, ie. 'all your pasts and futures', everything exists at once outside time. We live in this place without realising it because if we knew it was there we could never function properly in 'real life'... This is what Thom means when he says that we enter this world we must forget about the other. It is here that the wholeness of absolute reality is found beyond the appearances we have in our more restricted day-to-day physical world, bound by the laws of time and space. And it has to be that way, because everything that is there is without limit, it's ethereal, it's changing all the time, it's utter chaos in other words. Our world is where it becomes restricted and takes form, creating the reality we live in. And that's why it's often associated with death and the underworld. Death is dissolution, life is form where the possibilities that the world represents can take place. All religions do say, however, that it is possible to enter this place and perceive it, imperfectly though you can... (I personally believe Thom is speaking from some type of personal experience here) Thom is singing like he's entering this place, he 'jumps into the river' and comes to a few realisations... he's singing about how he travels to this place, and is just floating there, admiring the scenery, awed at the beauty of it all... his mind putting labels to what he sees, and just generally saying through the song that reality is actually just a bit more fucked up than what appearances would have us believe. And the message he has to say at the end... 'there's nothing to fear, and nothing to doubt'... we spend our lives boxed into our limited everyday reality, caught up in our worries, our fears, trying to live out our dreams and ambitions... and that's just natural, that's human, that's the way it's meant to be, if we didn't have our perspective restricted from that place, if we knew that place was there, or even if we did and could somehow cheat human reality and be there always instead, then we would just join in the fun and live in the dreamland and never actually get anything done, we would never have the urge to keep 'living life'... but at the end of the day, once our lifetime expends itself, 'we'll all go back to Heaven in a little row boat' and realise 'life is but a dream' after all. |
Faith No More – Epic Lyrics | 20 years ago |
What's so hard about understanding this song? It's about life... that's all that needs be said. |
Faith No More – The Real Thing Lyrics | 20 years ago |
Its about a spiritual experience... its not drugs, it doesn't have any of the connotations of addiction or misery that heroin or anything would bring. Spiritual experience = good, heroin = bad, heroin's not worth singing such an exultant song about. |
Marilyn Manson – Antichrist Superstar Lyrics | 21 years ago |
haha. does anyone else think it's fun to bait silly Christians? Yeah, suuure Philadelphia, we're allll going to hell! And the world is 6000 years old too... or wait, was that 3000, or 12000 I'm not sure. When is it we're going to hell exactly by the way? I thought Judgement Day was 2000, it's a bit overdue isn't it? COME ON JESUS, come WREAK YOUR HOLY VENGEANCE UPON ME! No sex before marriage I hope Philadelphia? No masturbating, no unholy thoughts, no coveting another woman... and that's just one commandment, phew, you must spend your whole life worrying about your sins, Philadelphia. Haha, all I can say is if spending the rest of my life with you Christians is Heaven, I think I'll take Hell :) It oughta be hell fun, Lucifer the Lightbearer, the Morningstar. Sounds like some pretty cool names, dunno about this devil with horns business... he must be a nice ole chap. |
Tool – The Gaping Lotus Experience Lyrics | 21 years ago |
AAAAAGH. lyric line from Aenima... 'fuck all you junkies'. Does that sound like they are all for heavy drug use? It is OBVIOUS that they've experimented but aren't users, and its also OBVIOUS that whenever they state in interviews about their heavy drug use they're just fucking with the interviewer and many readers who might have preconcieved notions. Maynard states he's not into the 'easy way' in finding the Third Eye. PSYCHEDELIC EXPERIENCES CAN BE HAD WITHOUT DRUGS. It's called meditation, or any related practice, leads to an alternate view on reality, AND is COMPLETELY non-harmful to you... THAT is what they're on about. (Not in this song, coz they're only kidding around...) |
Tool – The Grudge Lyrics | 21 years ago |
Saturn isnt necessarily interpreted as the literal planet outside ourselves, it is meant to be an inner force that drives us from the inside... its the force that restricts us and holds us back that we must overcome constantly in order to grow. |
Tool – Merkaba Lyrics | 21 years ago |
lol... its amazing what lengths what depths of denial some people will sink to so their interpretations don't affect their beliefs... WAKE UP IDIOTS! Tool are into the OCCULT, which is NOT anything to do with New Age because all that shit is is watered down occultism for the masses... Occultism isnt Satanic either, that's merely Christian bullshit getting in the way of the truth. It's the highest truth that yet exists, equivalent to the Yoga of the East... yet isn't accepted by the mainstream because they're too closeminded to accept it, for them it isn't 'scientific' as if anything like this could be based on scientific principles. Hmm. Let's look at a few things shall we? The Grudge 'Saturn comes back around' ASTROLOGY, 'leaden grudges into gold' ALCHEMY... Reflection? 'The Moon, my confidante' ASTROLOGY... Third Eye? CHAKRAS. I could go on but seriously if this isnt enough to prove to you guys that Tool are talking on a completely different wavelength to what you guys are tuned into then nothing will convince you... TOOL WANT YOU TO REALISE THESE THINGS AND OPEN YOUR MIND TO WHAT IS OUT THERE. After all, TOOL the name was originally conceived as TOOL for spiritual progress... This song ISNT about drug use btw, its possible to have psychadelic experiences WITHOUT drugs you know... TOOL ARE OCCULTISTS, that is why they are so good! |
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