208 Meanings
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The Beautiful People Lyrics

And I don't want you and I don't need you
Don't bother to resist, or I'll beat you
It's not your fault that you're always wrong
The weak ones are there to justify the strong
The beautiful people, the beautiful people
It's all relative to the size of your steeple
You can't see the forest for the trees
You can't smell your own shit on your knees

There's no time to discriminate
Hate every motherfucker
That's in your way

Hey you, what do you see?
Something beautiful or something free?
Hey, you, are you trying to be mean?
If you live with apes man, it's hard to be clean

The worms will live in every host
It's hard to pick which one they eat the most
The horrible people, the horrible people
It's as anatomic as the size of your steeple
Capitalism has made it this way
Old-fashioned fascism will take it away

Hey you, what do you see?
Something beautiful or something free?
Hey, you, are you trying to be mean?
If you live with apes man, it's hard to be clean

There's no time to discriminate
Hate every motherfucker
That's in your way

Hate, Hate,
Hate, Hate,
Hate, Hate,
Hate, Hate

The beautiful people
The beautiful people (aahh)
The beautiful people
The beautiful people (aahh)
The beautiful people
The beautiful people (aahh)
The beautiful people
The beautiful people (aahh)

Hey you, what do you see?
Something beautiful or something free?
Hey, you, are you trying to be mean?
If you live with apes man, it's hard to be clean

Hey you, what do you see?
Something beautiful or something free?
Hey, you, are you trying to be mean?
If you live with apes man, it's hard to be clean

The beautiful people
The beautiful people
The beautiful people
The beautiful people
The beautiful people
The beautiful people
The beautiful people
The beautiful people
208 Meanings
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This is generally how the "beautiful people" always get it better in life. How may times has a police officer let a really hot woman off the hook, but gives a parking ticket to an ugly person for the same crime? Isn't it always the person who's sucking the bosses c** that gets the promotion rather than the one that actually works hard? It's all about looks nowadays it's also just on big popularity contest and no one gives a fck who actually desrves it.

@King Nothing You are so right. The world is fu**ing in love with beauty, so they don't look underneath to what actually matters.

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Alot of people are thinking the opposite but I think this IS about Christianity. Like on one line he says You Can't See The Forest For The Tree's And You Can't Smell Your Own Shit On Yours Knees Is meaning that how Christians don't even understand what they are worshiping and the second line is meaning how they don't understand when on their knees aka praying. There is another line that points directly to Christians. "It's all relative to the size of your steeple" A steeple is part of a temple and the line means Christians always want to make their steeple bigger because they think God will like it instead of helping other people which the Bible and the God they worship tells them to do. Christians are pretty dumb MM is basically saying.

Song Meaning

Yes but many Christians CLAIM to be Christians but don't know the first thing about it.

excatly jimdalli, and thats the said thing. they make us who love people and God look bad. judge not, and harm not. i love manson, and that he calls out the fakes

@JohnnyRader Not sure of Manson's intent, but I think the song can be interpreted in a much broader sense. I have developed a bit of a misanthropic perspective, so I tend to interpret these lyrics in a way that they could apply to any group of self righteous people.

As of late, I think that this song applies to what the leftists have become. Just another group of fools for me to abandon. They create echo chambers (can't smell their own shit). The size of the steeple is just the number of people they have amassed, using...

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And if you don't care to analyze, you probably shouldn't be here, anyway.

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I dont believe this has anything to do with christianity or Manson as an antichrist. I feel he is speaking to the nature of our capitalist culture. "the weak are there to justify the strong", "hate every motherfucker that's in your way (wealth and power are the primary goals)", "its all relative to the size of your steeple" (materialism) are all describing how the very rich and the lower classes are becoming more and more polarized by the capitalist machine.

Has there not been a significant shift to the middle...the bourgeois where everyone is "middle-class?" Considering there is that omnipresent sense of "hate" that underlies such issues, perhaps there is a brewing revolution in America? Hmm. Or, have we been conditioned? Though the Robin Hood mentality is appealing, do you really think the elite will ever be poor? No, never. We can all hate each other though.

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its not about satanism or facism its about celebrities and everyone who thinks they are better than everyone else and tellin them basicly FUCK YOU

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It's pretty simple it has to do with hipocrites in general not just christian ones. it also shows that he's not conforming and is never gonna conform to society's standard of "beautiful"(that also explains the way he dresses). what he is truly saying is that we are all beautiful in our own unique way and that we as a people shouldnt judge on something as stupid as looks. that and that you should just be your self.

@UltimateLyricGuru Absolutely. Was just saying something along those lines in another comment. Neat to see that someone else interpreted it in this broader sense. Then again, since I now found someone I agree with, I guess I must rebel against this idea :P

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Irresponsible Hate Anthem predates this album and mechanical animals by telling what the society had become after the events of the past, and takes place after the bullets, after the flies, and after authorities had taken out his eyes. Its a telling of how society became after the events of HOLY WOOD (in the shadow of the valley of death). And it also sets up the story that The Beautiful People begins. The beginning of the end, if you will.

This is a story from the point of view of the worm. How he sees society. And a couple of the lines:

"The horrible people, the horrible people" "Capitalism has made it this way, old fashioned Fascism will take it away"

..were the worm's opinion of this society.

In other words, this society would--in the future--make a monster out of him because of his upbrining.

In a real-world aspect, this song is a satire on American society as Marilyn Manson sees it. The same goes for Irresponsible Hate Anthem.

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i dont understand why everyone thinks he hates christians or christianity. he doesnt. the only reason he ever talks about christianity is because he is trying to speak his opinion about it. thats why i love him so much. cuz hes not afraid to say what he believes. its the christians who hate him because they misinterpret his music.

i am a believer and i do not hate manson, i love him. so please dont put us all in a box

@ledzeppelin I think his music can actually help a person become a better Christian because he points out hypocrisy.

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oook look people this song is definitely not promoting SATANISM he's not yelling lets burn all thats holy! he's trying to get a message through about people. Ignorant people stuck up people "beautiful people"

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I do not think that this song has anything to do with any kind of religion because of these two lines:

"It's not your fault that you're always wrong The weak ones are there to justify the strong"

Even though religion has been loosing it's power of persuasion it still has a great influence on most people so it can not be considered as weak. Therefore we can only consider some individuals who follow a certain religion as the weak ones who are mentioned in this song. But this:

"You can't see the forest for the trees"

and also this:

"There's no time to discriminate Hate every motherfucker that's in your way"

proves me how it is not focused on majority but on minority. Personally I think that this is just a song about following your own way without giving a slightest thought about differences or the people who have blended with a group (and who will most likely discriminate us)

And if I am right, the "beautiful people" in this song are the ones who are so blinded that they can only see themselves

My Interpretation
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