That I put in my arm the day you went away girl
And I probly won't come back around again
That I put in my arm the day you went away girl
And I probly won't come back around again
Flying over the hill to the county line
Forgetting to forget that you're not mine
Run away, run away, run away
And then find, anytime you thinking it changed your mind
Jump back to me anytime
Jump back to me anytime
Jump back to me anytime
Come back one more time anytime
When the radio's up your face fades away
Flicker, flicker, dimmer, fade to black
And a mark on a map
Gonna drive too fast
Gonna not look back
Light the night with a blowtorch and a match
Run away, run away, run away
And then find, anytime you thinking it changed your mind
Jump back to me anytime
Jump back to me anytime
Jump back to me anytime
Come back one more time anytime
Got no time, reason or rhyme, not gonna stop gonna ride all night
Got no time, reason or rhyme, not gonna stop gonna ride all night
Jump back to me anytime
Jump back to me anytime
Jump back to me anytime
Come back one more time
Run away, run away, run away
And then find
Run away, run away, run, run, run, run
For the last, last time
For the last, last time

come on you guys, you really don't get it? apocaLIPS? kiss your apocaLIPS. it's like a play on words. Eve 6 does this frequently. Really? You guys are just playing, right?

The 'kiss your apocalypse' part in my opinion is pretty clear. Apocalypse is the ending of the world and this song is the ending of a relationship.
'kiss you apocalypse for the last, last time run away, run away, run away'
What it's saying is kiss her one last time, it's the end of our world (relationship) and we're going our separate ways.
That's what I get out of it.

Kiss your apocalypse...Very witty :)

this song reminds me of a breakup that you really don't want to happen so you make yourself forget it ever happened just so you won't have to think about it.

This song goes awesome with the beginning of Out Cold. I love it when bands almost recite their words like poetry but still express musical talent in it. (like in the beginning of this song)

to me this song is kinda like a contradiction. he says things like "when the radio's up ur face fades away / flicker flicker dimmer fade to black" which suggests that he's getting over her or at least wants to and thinks that he is. but then he goes and says "jump back to me anytime" meaning whenever u want me back come and get me cause i'll always have room for you. at any rate, this is such a great song and was awesome in Out Cold....Eve 6 is just so good

To me this song is just like life. I cant stop listening to this son. This song totally works with OUT COLD.

I don't really understand what he is trying to convey when he uses the phrase "kiss your apocalypse"?? Anyone want to speculate??

this song does totally go great with out cold, a great song in general, i love it, the first time i heard it during the first scene in out cold i downloaded it right away.

If I had to guess about the "Kiss your apocalypse" line, and this is just a gues, I would say that it's basically his way of saying you need to come to terms with what's happening to you and get over it. By kissing your apocalypse you're coming to terms with it and not letting it bother you anymore. I could be totally wrong though.