16 Meanings
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All You Zombies Lyrics

Holy Moses met the Pharao
yeah he tried to set him straight.
looked him in the eye: let my people go.
Holy Moses on the mountain
high above the golden calf
went to get the ten Commandments
he's just gonna break them in half.

All you zombies hide your faces
all you people in the street
all you sittin' in high places
the pieces gonna fall on you.

No one ever spoke to Noah
they all laughed at him instead;
Working on his ark
working all by himself.
Only Noah saw it coming
forty days and forty nights.
Took his sons and daughters with him
they were the Isrealites!

All you zombies hide your faces
all you people in the street
all you sittin' in high places
the pieces gonna fall on you.

Holy Father what's the matter?
Where have all your children gone?
Sittin' in the dark
living all by themselves
you don't have to hide anymore!

All you zombies show your faces
all you people in the street
all you sittin' in high places
the rain's gonna fall on you.

All you zombies show your faces
all you people in the street
all you sittin' in high places
the pieces gonna fall on you.
16 Meanings
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The reason churchy radio stations wont play this song-
People in high places are the Churches leadership This is a cheeky shot at the lack of leadership that existence in the church, not willing to face actual persecution to make a change or take large action to generate it None are prophet like, and none stand taking a radical positive movement towards humanity (unlike noah and Moses) Holy Father, what's the matter? Where have all your children gone? Sittin' in the dark, Livin' all by themselves, You don't have to hide anymore!

This is a request for church leadership to see people are leaving and to achieve something make a change to the world with the power they have

All you zombies show your faces, (I see you out there!) All you people in the street, (Let's see you!) All you sittin in high places, It's all gonna fall on you!

And this reference is the pieces of the tablet once fell on the non church now falls on church leadership- a reversal

@CAFA Don't believe it, the ppl sittin in high places is the politicians and leaders of anti God groups like Planned Parenthood and LGBT The pieces/rain is gonna fall on them

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Christians, quit being Zombies and take a stand for your faith and what is right.

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lol its old testiment refferances so it applies to christain and jew alike. I find it quite offencesive that im supposedly a zombie becuase i wont base my beleifs on a series of heavily manipluated acieant literature and the way in which my society has chosen to interpret it. beliving in somthing with blind "faith" and with out an open mind seems a whole lot closer to the mindless undead if you ask me =P weather it be religion, patriotism or anything else of the nature. :)

You seem way too intelligent to have such atrocious spelling. Brilliant comment though! :)

@motzo If you had any shred of intelligence you would realize that the lyrics, while taken from the Bible, are not being used in a religious context. If you actually listened to the verses summarized in the song you can build a deeper interpretation than what you spewed out. The song is being critical of the hierarchical and ostracizing aspects of society that leave those who don't conform to the standards in the dirt. This applies to organized religions as well. The first couple choruses sing "all you zombies hide your faces", which is a criticism...

@motzo If you had any shred of intelligence you would realize that the lyrics, while taken from the Bible, are not being used in a religious context. If you actually listened to the verses summarized in the song you can build a deeper interpretation than what you spewed out. The song is being critical of the hierarchical and ostracizing aspects of society that leave those who don't conform to the standards in the dirt. This applies to organized religions as well. The first couple choruses sing "all you zombies hide your faces", which is a criticism...

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how come no one has commented on this song? It's an absolute classic. Im not sure of the meaning, but I'm guessing it's about mindless people following others= Zombies...I think it's telling us to STAND UP for what we beleieve. Something along those lines...

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It's a great song, but the last verse always makes me laugh... Noah and his family were supposed to be around centuries before the Israelites even came into being. Splitting hairs perhaps, but the singer makes such a big point about it lol.

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Sorry to tell you guys who commented before, but the two guys who wrote this song are both Jewish so I don't think it was intended to have any "Christian- specific" meaning behind it. Of course you can take it to mean whatever you want personally but I don't believe that was what it meant to them.

Thank you for this information. I always liked this song, but after reading the lyrics, I was a little turned off because I too thought it sounded like a Christian message. Calling those of us who are "unsaved" zombies because we won't experience eternal life; therefore, we are essentially the walking dead. Great metaphor actually - if I did believe in damnation. Anyway since the references are specifically Old Testament, Jewish undertone in the lyrics makes sense now. Thank you.

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Some times lyrics are put in just to sound good... Just look at the beastie boys songs..

The song is talking about the coming end times World tribulation that preceeds the second coming of the Messiah Jesus. Both Noah and Moses gave warning of destruction in their day.

The Zombies are the people who are blinded by the world system and the people in high places are the world leaders who are servents of evil who see to it the zombies stay as zombies.

The next verse laments just how few true followers of Jesus there are in the world and that they are isolated individuels shunned by society. The last line of the chapter "you don't...

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I don't think this has much of a true interpretation besides the obvious Bible references and the lines "All you people hide your faces. All you people in the street."

However, this is my interpretation of the lyrics:

Moses stood up to Pharaoh, even though there was going to be consequences. "Holy Moses met the Pharaoh Yeah, he tried to set him straight Looked him in the eye, 'Let my people go!'"

He went to the mountain and got the Ten Commandments, but broke it in anger, after seeing the idol that the people had made while he was gone. "Holy Moses on the mountain High above the golden calf Went to get the Ten Commandments Yeah, he's just gonna break 'em in half!"

A metaphor for the people being punished afterward. "The pieces gonna fall on you"

They mocked Noah for building the ark, but it didn't dissuade him from continuing his work. "No one ever spoke to Noah, They all laughed at him instead Workin' on his ark, Workin' all by himself"

He took his family with him on the ark to be safe from the flood. Some of his family's descendants eventually became the Israelites. "Only Noah saw it comin', Forty days and forty nights, Took his sons and daughters with him, Yeah, they were the Israelites!"

The people who weren't on the ark were wiped out by the flood. "The rain's gonna fall on you"

A lot of the people are embarrassed and afraid to let others know that they are followers of God(e.g. Peter denying Jesus), and a lot of the denominations keep to themselves and don't try to reach out to the others everywhere and be a community of Christians, undivided. "Holy Father, what's the matter? Where have all your children gone? Sittin' in the dark, Livin' all by themselves, You don't have to hide anymore!"

Most 'followers' of God don't have the courage and vigor that those such as Moses and Noah had, thus the "zombies" part. Eventually, it's all going to fall on them for doing nothing. "All you zombies show your faces, (I see you out there!) All you people in the street, (Let's see you!) All you sittin in high places, It's all gonna fall on you!"

My Interpretation
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Personally, I agree with HighPalms' beautiful interpretation.

BUT the artist probably didn't really mean anything when writing the lyrics.

You get attached to things...feelings. Christian-Jew alike...just reaching out there for some peace.

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I always thought the song was a warning of an upcoming financial crisis. "All you sittin' in high places" were the people at the top who lost out in the collapse of junk bonds and a sharp stock crash that happened at the end of the 80's decade and triggered a domino effect that fell on all of us "zombies"

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