Lyric discussion by motzo 

lol its old testiment refferances so it applies to christain and jew alike. I find it quite offencesive that im supposedly a zombie becuase i wont base my beleifs on a series of heavily manipluated acieant literature and the way in which my society has chosen to interpret it. beliving in somthing with blind "faith" and with out an open mind seems a whole lot closer to the mindless undead if you ask me =P weather it be religion, patriotism or anything else of the nature. :)

You seem way too intelligent to have such atrocious spelling. Brilliant comment though! :)

@motzo If you had any shred of intelligence you would realize that the lyrics, while taken from the Bible, are not being used in a religious context. If you actually listened to the verses summarized in the song you can build a deeper interpretation than what you spewed out. The song is being critical of the hierarchical and ostracizing aspects of society that leave those who don't conform to the standards in the dirt. This applies to organized religions as well. The first couple choruses sing "all you zombies hide your faces", which is a criticism...

@motzo If you had any shred of intelligence you would realize that the lyrics, while taken from the Bible, are not being used in a religious context. If you actually listened to the verses summarized in the song you can build a deeper interpretation than what you spewed out. The song is being critical of the hierarchical and ostracizing aspects of society that leave those who don't conform to the standards in the dirt. This applies to organized religions as well. The first couple choruses sing "all you zombies hide your faces", which is a criticism...

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