Transylvanian Concubine Lyrics
To fly high, then go now
To the place where all the concubines...
Marvel at their pale skin
Wonder how they chew on their pointy...
They know it's their duty
To be countess in their hearts and their...
See in them a sister
Look into their eyes and you'll become
You know what flows here like wine.
Cackling with laughter
Now he's having just one piece of...
Catholics try to shake up
All the things that form their lives, but they're...
They know what they do is wrong.
Stay here with us, it's just time.
Transylvanian Concubine.
Satan has been sighted
Never has there been an evening like...
Always to feel hunted
You can never be too rich or too...
The blood has run out.
Fangs ruin any cute pout
Morning has come now they've flown
What have you learned from what has been shown?

I don't know if the song is about vampires or if they're just symbolic of something, but it makes me think of the three brides of dracula in the book by bram author, i'm forgetting who right now, wrote an amazing series about the three 'transylvanian concubines'. what do you think it's about, magdalena?

Um it's definitely about least one interpretation. It was on the Buffy soundtrack....played at a vamp's party in an episode...

It's definately about vampires. The lyrics point to it.Marvel at their pale skin , Wonder how they chew on their pointy Teeth and hair are beauty they know it's their duty to be countess of their hearts and their minds that have to whisper. See in them a sister. Look into their eyes and you'll be a transylvanian concubine. (This part really sticks out to me) You know what flows there like wine. Plus the end about the fangs and the daylight. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong. Plus the whole transylvania thing.

This is the song that brought me into the Rasputina world. I heard it on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It was played at Drusilla's party as she danced around the room. At that moment I thought it was the most hypnotic song I had ever heard and went on a search to find out who sang it. A month or two later I found out that it was by Rasputina, and bought the Thanks for the Ether soundtrack. After that it's all cello music and roses!
Me too! Except I watch the Buffy episodes with subtitles on, during the first few seasons they would tell you what song was playing in the subtitles. I wrote it down and searched for it on YouTube. That was June of this year. I've been in love and obsessed ever since! I even attended a concert in July <3 ahhh
Me too! Except I watch the Buffy episodes with subtitles on, during the first few seasons they would tell you what song was playing in the subtitles. I wrote it down and searched for it on YouTube. That was June of this year. I've been in love and obsessed ever since! I even attended a concert in July <3 ahhh

This song is so about vampires. The music is so beautiful and I love it.

Some hardcore fans maintain that it's actually about Elizabeth Bathory, a serial killer of yesteryear. I'm sure you can find out more about her in a simple internet search, since there's some "fun" details about her adventures, but she basically thought killing young women and bathing in their blood made her younger, or at least appear that way. But that doesn't really apply to many of the words, so it could just be a little aspect of where the song came from, or nothing.

mmm i'm thinking trophy wives (or concubines)=vampires interesting allegory, fitting. i can, though see the Erzebet Bathory connection, and i also see the one that Ardnaxela brought up...I don't know. i guess you could interpret this many different ways

whether its about vampires or not, I love it.. it makes me wanna strip ;)

Winning my ears, it was quite a steal...perhaps, no mockery involved, as others talk about vampires...poeticstarr, I question your last comment: "Plus the whole transylvania thing"...what do you mean...or a mere stereotypical fantasy you say...they weren't just from Transylvania...

i think it IS about vampires, well i might be wrong i suppose...