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Blinded Lyrics
Have you ever been blinded by the pain?
Blinded, blinded by the pain
Unwilling to see, senseless
So blinded by selfishness
Only focusing on myself
And ignoring anyone else
Becoming driven by despair
Feeling trapped into a corner
Losing more and more of reality
Perceiving all the hurt only one-sidedly
Have you ever been blinded by the pain?
Losing yourself inside the heartache
Losing yourself
Feeling too powerless to change
Stuck and unable to escape
Incapable to see another way
I need someone to shake me... to wake me
I don't even need full clarity
Just to start the shift from blind to blurry
Have you ever been blinded by the pain?
Losing yourself inside the heartache
And does that mean we cannot change?
Or will we always be seen that way?
Will we always be seen that way?
And does that really mean we have not changed?
Or does it only mean
The truth is not in how we're seen?
But in the actions that we're now determined to take
Revealing the new path we chose to mend the heartache
Was it a pattern or a disastrous mistake?
Is the truth in what you see or what I say?
Have you ever been blinded by the pain?
Losing yourself inside the heartache
And does that mean we cannot change?
Or will we always be seen that way?
Be seen that way
Blinded by the...
Blinded by the pain
And does that really mean we have not changed?
Unwilling to see, senseless
So blinded by selfishness
Only focusing on myself
And ignoring anyone else
Feeling trapped into a corner
Losing more and more of reality
Perceiving all the hurt only one-sidedly
Losing yourself inside the heartache
Feeling too powerless to change
Stuck and unable to escape
Incapable to see another way
I need someone to shake me... to wake me
Just to start the shift from blind to blurry
Losing yourself inside the heartache
And does that mean we cannot change?
Or will we always be seen that way?
And does that really mean we have not changed?
The truth is not in how we're seen?
But in the actions that we're now determined to take
Revealing the new path we chose to mend the heartache
Was it a pattern or a disastrous mistake?
Is the truth in what you see or what I say?
Losing yourself inside the heartache
And does that mean we cannot change?
Or will we always be seen that way?
Be seen that way
Blinded by the...
Blinded by the pain
Song Info
Submitted by
eternaltearsofsorrow On Sep 18, 2019
More As I Lay Dying

94 Hours

The Darkest Nights


Behind Me Lies Another Fallen Soldier


I think this has to do with vocalist "Tim Lambesis" is still tackling personal issues as he deals with the fallout of his imprisonment for attempting to procure a hit on his now ex-wife. This song is the whirlwind of emotions, including guilt & selfishness that he had to come to terms with in order to move forward with his post prison life and get back on good terms with his family, friends & band mates.