Voice On The Radio Lyrics
Behind the glass house he came walking out the back door
Into a crowd of screaming girls calling his name
And I fear that I am falling
I should be old enough to know
Not to fall in love with the voice on the radio
Torn between what reason says and how I really feel
And here I stand, wondering what to say to you
Hoping that you feel the same, the same as I do
And eyes of a raven sky
And suddenly I find myself twelve years old again
Dreaming of you
It's in the stars that girls like me
And boys like you were never meant to be
Torn between what reason says and how I really feel
And here I stand, wondering what to say to you
Hoping that you feel the same, the same as I do
And would you run if I told you I love you
Torn between what reason says and how I really feel
And here I stand, wondering what to say to you
Hoping that you feel the same, the same
As I do, as I do, as I do
And I fear that I am falling
I should be old enough to know
Not to fall in love with the voice on the radio

everyones felt strongly about a uber hottie on tv/the radio. i couldnt say i love them, but they definately make me feel head over heels. and you know you'll never get them, but in the back of your mind you hope, somehow, you two would meet and magically fall in love.

I know the general meaning of the song is falling in love with unretainable so out of reach rock star, singer type that so many girls are after, but the meaning for me is kind of like that unretainable guy in school that just makes you swoon along with a bunch of other girls, like you may have never even spoken a single word but you are still irrevocably in love even without knowing them, its like a crush to the extreme and you feel dumb and stupid but that doesn't change your feelings for that guy

reminds me of "sleepless in seattle" :)

this is kinda cliche, but I think of Nick Jonas when I hear this song. I don't even really think Nick is all that attractive...but when I first heard one of his songs on the radio, i fell head over heels for him. I relate to him in his lyrics and I'm also a musician, and I just...when I hear his voice, it's like...the world stops.

Ok, so I know this is kind of off base, but I think this song is about falling in love with someone who lives farther away, and the only way you can talk is on the phone or "the radio." I guess I think this because I fell in love with this guy, and then I moved so now he lives a half hour away, and I fell in love with his voice when he called me. But yeah, I think that I should be old enough to know not to fall in love with someone so unretainable. :(

I think this song talks about falling for a celebrity. I'm not talking about collecting every single poster you see or going to every single concert/movie. I'm talking about this connection you feel with the celebrity in what he says, in what he does, and how he says or does these things. But taking it deeper, I think the actual meaning of this song lies within magpie345789's interpretation. About that guy in school everyone loves. The guy all the girls fall for and every guy wants to be like. And just like with the celebrity, you connect with him. Maybe it was when you were partners for that one group project, or that time he picked up your pencil, or maybe even that time he complimented you. But whatever it was, it sparked this infatuation/desire within you, even though you try your hardest to avoid his type. After all, there's no chance he could love you back. You're just another face in the crowd to him. But even though you're 99.9% sure it'll never happen, it's the 0.1% of hope that keeps you going, and you can't let it go. Kinda like the five year old girl inside you regenerating, waiting/hoping that someday her prince will come and sweep her off her feet.