16 Meanings
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Hello Tomorrow Lyrics

Whenever I wake up
Try and take the shape of
Turn into the whole wide world I made up

The lights are golden
The lights were golden

Whenever I wake up
Try and take the shape of
Turn into the whole wide world I made up
Song Info
Submitted by
applesinmono On Mar 19, 2005
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16 Meanings

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Cover art for Hello Tomorrow lyrics by Yeah Yeah Yeahs

This song was in Adidas commercial.

Cover art for Hello Tomorrow lyrics by Yeah Yeah Yeahs

I love this song. Too bad it\'s Adidas... Spike Jonze directed the commercial. I think they\'re (Jonze and Karen O) is a couple?

Cover art for Hello Tomorrow lyrics by Yeah Yeah Yeahs

This song is great in that commercial. Since this is "Song Meanings", I'm going to guess this song is about living in a fantasy world. "Turn into the whole wide world I made up."

Cover art for Hello Tomorrow lyrics by Yeah Yeah Yeahs

i love this song. its beautiful... i hate it when amazing songs are used in commercials. its a pretty cool commercial though.

Cover art for Hello Tomorrow lyrics by Yeah Yeah Yeahs

so what if it was in a commercial..

Dang, I'd let Spike Jonze use my music in anything he wanted. because :

Spike Jonze is amazing.

and so is Karen O.

and that is their job. makingmusic and directing.

At least Adidas chose 2 tasteful components for their advertisement.

Cover art for Hello Tomorrow lyrics by Yeah Yeah Yeahs

well i guess, ads are the new artform, as they say.

Cover art for Hello Tomorrow lyrics by Yeah Yeah Yeahs

squeak e clean did the music for this song.

Cover art for Hello Tomorrow lyrics by Yeah Yeah Yeahs

Yeah, the person that wrote this song deffinatly lives in their head, as do I...

But then it links with the adidas motto: Impossible is Nothing.

Which kinda kills it throught commericalising, and advertising... But whatever, the song still makes me drift off.

Cover art for Hello Tomorrow lyrics by Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Cover art for Hello Tomorrow lyrics by Yeah Yeah Yeahs

I never heard this song on the commercial, but I downloaded it and it is my absolute favorite song that I have ever heard Karen O sing. It's so haunting and the person in this song is me and you and you and me Wonderful song.