93 Meanings
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Gold Lion Lyrics

Gold lion's going to tell me where the light is
Gold lion's going to tell me where the light is
Take our hands out of control
Take our hands out of control
Now tell me what you saw
Tell me what you saw
There was a crowd of seeds
I must have done a dozen each
It was the height I grew
The weight, the shell was crushing you
I've been around a few
Tell me what you saw
I'll tell you what, too

Gold lion's going to tell me where the light is
Gold lion's going to tell me where the light is
Take our hands out of control
Take our hands out of control

This is a moon without a tide
We'll build a fire in your eyes
We'll build a fire
When the colors
Getting brighter
Cold desire
Makes the moon without a tide
Tell me what you saw
I'll tell you what, too
Song Info
Submitted by
botman4y2k On Feb 10, 2006
93 Meanings
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manifestation 27 min ago

Rated 0 rate down rate up I think gold lion represents the "zero" who descends into nothingness, only to see the light that illuminates us all and climb, climb back up. Gold lion sees the crowns of seeds that causes everything to manifest in this world. Gold lion sees beyond the epoch of slavery, domination, division, and false ego within which we are living. Our true selves are moons without a tide, as we who have seen it have not reached a tipping point quite yet, causing the love, the pole reversal, to reverberate throughout the world. The outside moon without a tide represents how the current order of things does not resonate deeply; it is an irritant, a blockage. Gold lion says do not have faith in the deceptive image, do not fear, do not become vain over your false self in realtion to that fear, leading to narcissism, then leading to lust. This reduction to robot/animal status allows the slavemasters (who are really slaves themselves, to the false ideology) to continue to plant poisonous seeds of hate, division, war, strife, domination, manipulation. Ceasing our judgments of others and ourselves is key, as we really only judge others based on aspects contained within ourselves, whether we are are, looking within, or not. Forgiveness of self and others must follow. A keen awareness of the grand interconnected design becomes profoundly and movingly apparent, and we love. The echoes of hate, bouncing along in our false selves, that beast masquerading as divine, these echoes of hate dissolve into the ether. We find our true nature. We are joyous, we love, and we transcend the stifling control. This is what one gold lion says. Of course, this is only my interpretation, but I think it is something they were getting at, almost like a high form of communication to others who see what they see, saying you are not alone. They are also saying it is the time to shine for those like us. Shine, the world needs it. It is our destiny, if we want it to be. It is our destiny regardless. We will allow color to be free of its shackles, as color needs no shackles in the coming world.

Song Meaning

this is amazing to me and i agree with you!! nice comment! alot of ppl are waking up and realizing its time to shine now..i think u may be a light worker, because that was deep. nice to know theres other ppl like me ut there!

this is amazing to me and i agree with you!! nice comment! alot of ppl are waking up and realizing its time to shine now..i think u may be a light worker, because that was deep. nice to know theres other ppl like me ut there!

@manifestation Wow!! What a mind blowing interpretation!!! Mind blowing song!! :D

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The song is about Las Vegas. The Gold Lion is the MGM Grand and it will "show me where the light is" because it's located right next to the Luxor, which has a humongous beam of light shooting out if the top. The rest of the song is metaphorically describing the debauchery (sex, drugs, gambling) that goes on in Vegas. (Take our hands out of control, i.e. gambling addiction)

What goes on in Vegas, goes into a Yeah Yeah Yeahs song.

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“Gold Lion” carries multiple meanings within it. The title makes reference to an award, “The Gold Lion” that Karen O received in France for her contribution to the “Hello Tomorrow” commercial for Nike Europe. Therefore the gold lion takes on a possible symbolism of allowing Karen O access to success, wealth, fame, or the mainstream. (She has been known to comment on welcoming a larger fan-base). The Gold Lion can “show (her) where the light is”, whatever that light may be, whether it is wealth, fame or mainstream success. Gold Lion’s placement as ‘Show Your Bones’ first track is also meaningful, allowing the track to serve as an incantation, used in classic literature as a way of thanking the powers-that-be (whether they are French Commercial awards, or divine beings). Incantations also allow the author to hope that the following product is great, as Karen O requests that she may be shown “the light”, or musical success, which she certainly achieves.

Gold Lion and the Nick Zinner remix are insane songs, possibly among the most catchy imaginable. The Nick Zinner remix is MAD! Gold Lion totally sets the pace for the re-invented Yeah Yeah Yeahs that create the mature and totally amazing “Show Your Bones”!

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the lyrics are wrong. it's "tell me what you saw, I'll tell you what to..." and the "ooh ooh"s are like the word "do"

I read here that it's about ecstasy, that gold lion is a certain type of ecstasy. this song is pretty much obviously about that drug.

My Opinion
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Okay, so at first, I wanted to believe this was indeed about Vegas or maybe even a crime that took place there. In fact, did anyone notice that synthesized/guitar noise that comes up right as she starts to sing "outside, inside..."? It sounds EXACTLY like a car alarm. I don't know if that holds any connection to the meaning, but hey...

Anyway, reading all of these interpretations, I'm thinking it's a mix with the Gold Lion award thing being the focus. I'm surprised nobody mentioned the running metaphor of seeds/plants being connected to something other than drugs. She describes "the height I grew/ the weight, the shell was crushing you" as the music crescendos. In the music video too, the flames eventually surrounded them and appear obviously reflected in her eyes. She covers her face in her hands as she moans and that shot of her figure dwarfed by her shadow in the smoke comes up. There's a lot of imagery and sounds that play on that overwhelming feeling which makes me think that, as she "grows" and "crushes" those around her, she is growing with the band, as a musician, a person and it's just alarming how "out of control" everything feels. She feels like she's on a "moon without a tide" (which, albeit, could mean a BUTTLOAD of things), like a world with no weight/meaning.

"We'll build a fire in your eyes/ we'll build a fire/ when the colors/ getting brighter/ cold desire" could be that the music industry, the dream and/or the award she won lights a fire in her which only grows bigger. This "desire" builds on itself burns everything in its path, eventually she herself, which "makes a moon without a tide" or an existence without a meaning.

Rodan2000 said this part best, though: "I seem to have gotten the feeling that the "moon without a tide" is some sort of relationship that has lost many of its attractions. The Moon, it's own existence, is there, but it doesn't have that gravitational pull, or attraction, the tide. "Cold desire", or desire that has become stagnant sound about the same."

A lot of songs speak to me about depression and the existence, but this song is just a bit more specific with the circumstances, making it somewhat difficult to understand from an outsider's point of view. If you think there's anything to what I'm saying, go check out the lyrics to "Empire Ants" by Gorillaz. Cheers~

You make some great points. This song is a bit enigmatic for sure.

sure, why not

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Just a hypothesis, but maybe it's a reflection on how crazy life is...? After all, no band EXPECTS to make it big...

I think the "to" is supposed to be "too", because that'd make the song make a little more sense (not that there's much of THAT in any YYYs song).

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Damn Algernon You are right! I love Modest Mouse And I LOVE The YYY's. Soo cooool...

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I was at a party a few days ago and someone put this on repeat and I had only heard part of it once and I wasn't listening at that time. Now in all my drunken glory I was going "ooo ooo, oo ooo, ooo ooo, ooo ooo!" and I got everyone else going. that is where my love for this song begins. someone told me it was about ecstasy, cause "gold lion" is a type of ecstasy. of course, the las vegas thing seems far more likely.

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I seem to have gotten the feeling that the "moon without a tide" is some sort of relationship that has lost many of its attractions. The Moon, it's own existence, is there, but it doesn't have that gravitation pull, or attraction, the tide. "Cold desire", or desire that has become stagnant sound about the same.

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I like to think of the gold lion as one of those lions you see in front of Chinese restaurants... I know this is probably not the real meaning but it entertains me nonetheless

I lol'd

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