55 Meanings
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Cheated Hearts Lyrics

Cheated by the opposite of love
Held on high and up up up above
Kept my high from the second one
Kept my eye on the first one now
Take these rings and stow them safe away
I'll wear them on another rainy day
Take these rings and stow them safe away
I'll wear them on another rainy day

Well I'm take it take it take it take it taking it off
And she's take it take it take it take it taking it off
And he's take it take it take it take it taking it off
And we're take it take it take it take it taking it off

Well sometimes I think that I'm bigger than the sound
I think that I'm bigger than the sound
I think that I'm bigger than the sound
Well I think that I'm bigger than the sound

She takes on high
She takes on high
She takes on high

Well sometimes I think that I'm bigger than the sound
I think that I'm bigger than the sound
I think that I'm bigger than the sound
Well I think that I'm bigger than the sound

Cheated by the opposite of love
Held on high and up up up above
Kept my high from the second one
Kept my eye on the first one now
Take these rings and stow them safe away
I'll wear them on another rainy day
Take these rings and stow them safe away
I'll wear them on another rainy day
Take these rings and stow them safe away
I'll wear them on another rainy day
Take these rings and stow them safe away
I'll wear them on another rainy day
Song Info
Submitted by
scream&shake On Feb 07, 2005
55 Meanings
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this song is about unresipricated love, crushes and leting go.

She is cheated by love because she cant have the one who she wants to be with and doesn't want to be with the one who wants to be with her.

"Kept my high from the second one Kept my eye on the first one"

She keeps the rings of the men who want her and only puts them on when shes sad or cant have the one she wants.

"Take these rings and store them safe away I'll wear them on another rainy day"

Tired of not being with her love, she begins to take off her inhibitions towards her "second". The "second" takes it off but is followed by the "first" as he gets jelous his own 'second' (karen o) not wanting him anymore... make sense?

"Well I’m take it take it take it take it taking it off And she’s take it take it take it take it taking it off And he’s take it take it take it take it taking it off And we’re take it take it take it take it taking it off"

The sound is that of her second because she will always want her first more...

Well thats how i take it anyway...

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This song is pretty good but I think they will never do something like maps...maps is just holy...

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i like when she says "up and up and" I know that sounds a bit odd but its so cute. Definitely a favorite from the new album.

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i am pretty sure the bigger than the song part implys karens want to seperate from the band the yeah yeah yeahs she wants to do a solo album and specifically made sure nick didn't play guitar for it she thinks that she is bigger than the band i think might be wrong but i love this song

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CHEATED BY THE OPPOSITE OF LOVE even when it may seem like someone loves you they may not


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this song seems to me to be about a marriage, because of the two rings (engagement, wedding) that she wants to end because her husband is cheating on her. the 'bigger than the sound' bit seems to me to be about love, sometimes she thinks she's above it. but she needs it, so she stays with him. ' i'll wear them on a rainy day' - she'll accept him when she begins to feel bad about herself.

just my thoughts. ;)

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"Kept my high from the second one Kept my eye on the first one"

They say that you unknowingly will always hold a certain closeness to your first ever love. Eveyone keeps their eye on their "first one", because thats where it all starts. After coming out of something so pure, often your next serious relationship is with someone wild and exciting [kept my high from the second one]. But instead of singing it the right way around, Miss O ends with "kept my eye on the first one" because, without being able to explain it, no one ever forgets that first one.

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i think when she sings "well sometimes i think that i'm bigger than the sound", it means that there are moments wherein she feels that life has something better planned out for her than the screwed up relationship she can't seem to put behind her. it seems to me like she feels she shouldn't have settled for something less than what she deserved, but she made a choice and can't break away from that commitment. whether she can put it behind her or not, she's already been marked by that experience. that's why the rings are saved instead of thrown away.

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I think mystic_blues is right about "Kept my high from the second one, kept my eye on the first one" That you can't help but think of your first love. To me that is perfectly spot on. Also, "Take these rings and stow them safe away, I'll wear them on another rainy day" I don't think isnecessarily about rebelling against commitment. Maybe I'm taking it too literally but it makes me think of something her first love gave her, and when she's alone on a rainy day (when there's nothing to do) she puts them on and remembers what it was like with him...

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fear of commitment. The last thing I picture is Karen-O's wedding in which the dress in short ruffly and stained by beer and, well yeah.

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