Some Postman Lyrics

It's 6 a.m. and the sun is getting high
He picks up the mail from the slot
He feels the rush of excitement
As he holds it in his hand
Another love note no one got

Some postman
Is grooving
To all our love letters
Some postman is going to cry
Some postman
Is grooving
To all our love letters
Some postman is going to cry
Going to cry
Going to cry

It's noon now
And all the mailboxes have been emptied
And all the letters are inside
He counts them, he checks them
He looks for clues and finds
The ones with hearts on the outside

Some postman
Is grooving
To all our love letters
Some postman is going to cry
Some postman
Is grooving
To all our love letters
Some postman is going to cry
Going to cry
Going to cry
Going to cry, yah, yah!

Hoo hoo-hoo hoo, hoo hoo-hoo hoo!

Holding onto a package
Meant for a distant lover
Thought it would be there overnight
She waits and she cries and
She thinks he does not love her
The postman holds on oh-so-tight

Some postman
Is grooving
To all our love letters
Some postman is going to cry
Some postman
Is grooving
To all our love letters
Some postman is going to cry
Going to cry, yeah!

You crushed paper hearts
Stole and sold and ripped apart
A promise with stamps
Deliver, deliver to me

Some postman you turned out to be!
Song Info
Submitted by
iglylovempvstr On Apr 16, 2004
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Cover art for Some Postman lyrics by Presidents of the United States of America, The

PUSA is not exactly a deep band, their songs are 95% whimsy and I don't think this is any exception

Cover art for Some Postman lyrics by Presidents of the United States of America, The

any idea why they say 1993?

@1thatuwrecked the band was formed in 1993 i believe

Cover art for Some Postman lyrics by Presidents of the United States of America, The

I like how the entire time he's singing this song, I don't know if he's blaming the postman for him not recieving any letters.. or he's making excuses to his girl for why she doesn't get any of the letters he prolly never sent her.. like he's blaming the postman because she doesn't get any letters he nevcer actually sends..

Cover art for Some Postman lyrics by Presidents of the United States of America, The

PUSA comes back with yet another infectious groove. I can't wait for the new album...GO PUSA!

Cover art for Some Postman lyrics by Presidents of the United States of America, The

What a wonderfully giddy song. ^^; Peaches to postman, seriously, PUSA has untouchable originality.

Cover art for Some Postman lyrics by Presidents of the United States of America, The

I have to say that since I've heard this song, I can never think about the postal service the same. Now whenever I send a letter and it doesn't get delivered, I think of this song and get creeped out.

Cover art for Some Postman lyrics by Presidents of the United States of America, The

I love how the the title gets a double meaning on the very last line. It makes me laugh every time.

Cover art for Some Postman lyrics by Presidents of the United States of America, The

hm, when i first heard this song i started laughing... nearly every letter my boyfriend has sent never got to me. and it made me feel all sad and unloved..XD wow. i wonder if the postman is really reading them XDD

Cover art for Some Postman lyrics by Presidents of the United States of America, The

I see such an inside meaning to this song. I think that its all about how all of us should have love letters from the person who loves us but we hide are feelings so it never happends bacuase realisticly we never really get love letters sent in the mail.

Cover art for Some Postman lyrics by Presidents of the United States of America, The

This is like my favorite song! My cuz played it once in his car, and my sister and i both had it stuck in our heads for almost an entire month before we could find it! i guess my cuz has pretty good taste in music! i think the song is either about blaiming the postman because he isnt getting love letters, or to make an excuse for not sending one, but either way, this song rocks!