Peaches Lyrics

Movin' to the country,
Gonna eat a lot of peaches
Movin' to the country,
Gonna eat me a lot of peaches
Movin' to the country,
Gonna eat a lot of peaches
Movin' to the country,
Gonna eat a lot of peaches

Peaches come from a can,
They were put there by a man
In a factory downtown
If I had my little way,
I'd eat peaches every day
Sun-soakin' bulges in the shade

Movin' to the country,
Gonna eat a lot of peaches
Movin' to the country,
Gonna eat me a lot of peaches
Movin' to the country,
Gonna eat a lot of peaches
Movin' to the country,
Gonna eat a lot of peaches

Take a little naps where the roots all twist
Squished a rotten peach in my fist
And dreamed about you, woman,
I poked my finger down inside
Make a little room for an ant to hide
Nature's candy in my hand or can or a pie

Millions of peaches, peaches for me
Millions of peaches, peaches for free

Look out! It's a Mykol!
Song Info
Submitted by
sawg On Apr 08, 2001
112 Meanings
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okaaay, i dunno if anyone's said this, but >_> on vh1's 100 greatest songs of the 90s, they had the band come on and they said they wrote the song from memories of when the one dude was little. He had a crush on this girl, and he went to her house to telll her how he felt, but she wasn't home. She had a huge peach tree in her yard, so he sat under there, 'squishing and eating peaches.' He wrote it based off of that memory. So yes guys, this song ISN'T about sex, and i seriously doubt it's about communism. Well, it might be about sex, but honestly, i think it's just about peaches.

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I joined this site having read 'the Marxist interpretation of peaches'. I would agree song lyrics are open to interpretation (personally, the song is about peaches), but there are some basic mistakes in this 'interpretation', currently the leading comment in this thread, that make it incoherent and suggest it need not be considered seriously. For instance:

Marxism is not the same as communism or socialism, and socialism and communism are also very different from one another. No-one who was even vaguely informed about these topics would make them equivalent as they are done in this 'Marxist interpretation'.

There is no mention of 'class', which is the indispensable construct in any Marxist interpretation of anything.

If someone wanted to offer a Marxist interpretation of a song, their primary focus would not be lyrical content. Marxists (as literary critics) are more concerned with questions of process and the socio-historical conditions attendant to any phenomenon such as a song or work of art - relations of production and consumption within the 'culture industry' for instance. The lyrics themselves would be secondary considerations, the main interest is the conditions that gave rise to this particular song, at this particular time (and how it was received). A song, or poem, or book (from the Marxist view of history) is simply a product of socio-historical conditions, so Marxists do not devote much time to considering the intentions of the artist.

What UnseenSoul is trying to do is impose a (very loose and ill formulated) vaguely leftist/revolutionary message onto a song and its writers. This is not 'Marxist Interpretation'.

@genbo Yes the indispensability of class is a glaring omission, but overall there are larger problems. It’s a disservice to Marxist critique that would have Adorno spinning in his grave. The irony is this “Marxist interpretation” is an expression of a shallow kind of consumption (of the Marxian canon). Filtered through this bourgeoisie lens, likes commodify and make this ironic circle complete.

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nope, actually it IS about peaches, not pussy. You just substituted a word to make yourself sound cool. its justr a song about peaches


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Has anyone else made a connection to the chorus of John Denver's song, "Blow up your TV":

"Blow Up Your TV, throw away your paper Go to the country, build you a home Plant a little garden, eat a lot of peaches Try and find Jesus on your own "

Denver was talking about peaches and the country as symbols of a simpler life, maybe the Presidents were saying even simplicity is manufactured and processed these days.......

A little far-fetched, but interesting to think about.

Good catch tho John Prine wrote that song, not John Denver.

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The Marxist Interpretation of Peaches

Before you lauch into this there's something I have to clarify. Just because I say the Presidents are singing about Communism. Doesn't mean that I want Communism. If I said that a certain president's speach last night was about expanding the governemnts role in our lives wouldn't indicate that I agreed with him. I never agree with him. We should have elected the Dole Man, not the guy China paid money for. Many people think "Peaches" is the weirdest song ever written, others think its lame. Both with good reason because it appears to be a pointless rambling of a band who drank a little too much spiked fruitopia. I admit it doesn't seem all that sensible, but if you listen to it enough and ask yourself why anybody would write such a blatantly pointless song. Well the only logical answer is that it isn't blatantly pointless. Just bear with me here. You may just see the hidden meanings. Those of you who hate a deep analysis please link back to my homepage now. If you know the lyrics feel free to hop down to the analysis. I'd like to thank an unknown guy from who probably found the page while at school and pointed out a lyrics blunder. Basically the lyrics I have here I scrawled down while listning to the tune. I'm sorry for any flubs.

"Peaches" is a song discussing the coming of socialism and warning that the revolution shouldn't occur at this exact moment but its coming. The Presidents of the United States of America make repeated reference to the oppression of the capitalistic world and their desires to leave it far be hind. Verses espousing communism are quite prevalent to the end with scattered warnings not to both the revolutionaries and the establishment. In order to escape the capitalistic decay of the city they are moving to the country as indicated by the first stanza. This is repeated like a chorus and contains a double meaning, both with socialistic implications. The most apparent is that the narrator is moving away from the smog of industry to what American's call the country, a rural unindustrialized community with a low population and a high sense of community bonding. The people are geographically more distant but ore emotionally closer. In such communities most of the people work in the area and the community is self-sufficient. There is no more than one of each business (basically a general Store and a gas station). These communities are almost communistic, and generally supported by the US' agrarian socialism programs. The other interpretation is that he is moving to a foreign socialistic country. Once there he's going to eat lots of peaches. The peaches where he is now are tainted with oppression but in the country (which ever one it is) are fresher and more free. The third stanza discusses capitalism as an unnatural thing. peaches are fruit, and fruit comes from fruit trees not cans. The "It was put there" lines show capitalism as a sexist institution a non-gender specific term like worker, or employee would have been used other wise. The term "factory" is a reference to the factories of the Industrial Revolution when people worked long hours for mere pocket change. Industrial society has lead to placing beautiful nature into a can. Line 14 shows that Nature's candy has been forced into can. The word hand has long been a symbol of a force and strength and also oppressive control hence the American idiom "I've got them eating out of my hand." By placing pie after the can, the Presidents, are implying that we feed upon this oppression. The wishes embodied in the fourth stanza imply a desire and a plan to over through the establishment. A daily consumption of fresh peaches would only be allowed to the common person by a socialistic or communistic economy. Of course the obstacle in the way of the daily peach is the "Sun soaking bulges in the shade". These bulges are the portly capitalists who do nothing but lounge around in the shade while trying to get a tan, because their delicate complexion couldn't take the sun. They're people who haven't worked all their life and have lived by walking on the backs of men. Capitalism is declared decadent and inescapable. In seventh stanza the Presidents turn up the imagery. The twenty fourth line vents anger at the decay capitalism has caused. By squishing a "rotten peach in my fist" there is an angry attempt to shrink the decay caused by capitalism and squish it out of existence. The anger is given intense force by the word fist which produces an image of anger and strength. The previous line about talking a nap may seem silly and out of place but implies that at present the only way to squish the "rotten peach" of capitalistic decay is in dreams. The 25th line reinforces this idea. Communism and socialism are beliefs that are publicly seen to be feminine. During the Industrial Revolution and the two American Red Scares (after World War I and II) socialists were seen as something less than masculine. They were ridiculed as being week and woman like (as the women's rights movement hadn't quite happened and such a belief was socially acceptable). In modern thought the woman artistically represents an entity of great beauty and equal intelligence, as far as The Presidents of the United States of America are concerned a socialistic/communistic state would be a beautiful thing. Also the tisted roots symbolize the change in ideals from our parents. It is most likely that anyone who grew up in the 50's sees communism as twisted. In America, roots are seen as a metaphor for someone's cultural base, a twist in them would be a twist or change in them. The Presidents have diverged from the beliefs of their parents. The final verses of the song are set over a heavy slamming of the basses (guibass and bassitar, as they call them) with some distortions producing the sounds of a waging revolution. If one hasn't heard it, you need not fear, the lyrics express the message far more effectively. The Revolution will happen but, the presidents warn that now is not the time with screams of "Not now" and "Not Yet". They hope in time the world will be ready for what the revolution will bring. Where the "beneficial" fruit of communism, here symbolized by peaches, will be free for millions. Enough interpretting. We may stop and be amused at the ultimate irony. The Presidents of the United States of America are singing favorably about communism. The same communism that Americans have been fighting for years. Please note I don't always agree with the Presidents of the united States of America, whether they are a band or an "elected" man.

Anything above the dashes were written by somebody else. I dont know who wrote this. I'm lookin for the author. This interpretation is better than the "girl parts" one. - Unseen

ok the only reason that this makes some sort of sense is because u took all of the archetypal themes of each and every line and related them to communis, this is done a lot by complete idiots when trying to make something seem bigger than what it is, like someone saying bambi is actually symbolic of an event where someone is hunted down, which is representative of insert any group whos been hunted here by insert group who hunted the first one down. nice try though, i like the creativiity in the relation to marxism but you went way...

Thats quite the interpretation for a song about eating pussy hahahaha.

honestly... that communist interpretation.... lol....i could come up with a million responses to it but in the end, it comes down to one. "that's a bit of a stretch"

As to what i think: I think this song has a few different themes, none of which have much to do with communism. Like many songs it is deliberately vague and doesn't have one specific meaning, so as to be open to interpretation.

a desire to "move into the coutry" or return to a more simple life, and like you say, get away from industrialization. ie: "peaches come...

  • a desire to "move into the coutry" or return to a more simple life, and like you say, get away from industrialization. ie: "peaches come from a can" or just to get away from life's complexities (what this has to do with communism, which is historically pro industry if anything, i dont know) the theme here is escape.

  • next, the "peaches" this theme is tricky, does the peaches he is eating (the soaking bulges in the shade) refer to women? the shape of a peach cannot be accidental surely. :P however reguardless of your specific interpretation, the theme here is indulgance, treating oneself. to women, to peaches, or more broadly to life.

  • the last theme is love and loss. the antagonist misses a woman he has lost. or simply desires what is out of reach "i dream about you; woman" is the dead give away here, and very much the climax of the song imo. the regret at the loss/desire is made clear by the tone and lyrics. in my opinion, this is directly relevant to the earlier themes of escape and indulgence, and its revelation midway through the song is really what makes it great :)

    so that's how i would break down the song anyway. the writer of that essay clearly has an agenda against communism and/or rock and roll, which i think is really sad. your missing out on a good song, in your desperate and absurd attempt to link them. i wonder if it was McCarthy...

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    ohhh and by the way that communist interp. is pretty damn good...........i mean any real PUSA fan has got to believe that the presidents are too intelligent to write just another stupid song about poontang

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    ...shut the fuck up unseensoul.

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    okay some questions... how did a pussy come from a can? and it wasnt put there by a man? just something to think about i just think the song is about peaches...the made the song just for enjoyment nothing to really think about.just my opinion

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    i always thought it was about peaches... esp the part about "Peaches come in a can, they were put there by a man"

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    this controversy is very reason for people to get all worked up about it. I mean can't a guy just enjoy some peaches?

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