So Cold Lyrics
One by one
Hollow heroes separate
As they run
You're so cold, Keep your
hand in mine
Wise men wonder while
strong men die
Show me how defenseless you really are
Satisfied and empty inside
That's alright
Lets give this another try
Don't you cry
In this land of make believe,
Dead and dry
You're so cold
but you feel alive
Lay your hand on me
One last time
Show me how defenseless you really are
Satisfied and empty inside
That's alright
Lets give this another try
Show me how defenseless you really are
Satisfied and empty inside
That's alright
Lets give this another try

this is trully an increadiable song, i got a little-kid boner when i first heard it. BB is an amazing band and the dynamics of this song prove that they are trully talented.
i'm not really sure what it's about though, most of BB's lyrics are primarily vague so i guess to me the person in the song witnessing a kind of end of the world senario. To me, i imagine that the author leaves behind whatever is going on in the world and seeks solice in this case, a woman.
"show me how defenseless you really are" is his way of asking her to open up and really let him see what is inside because he is "empth inside" then the "That's alright, Let's give this another try" is the woman failing to allow an intimacy yet wanting to try again later on.
the part 'Your so cold, but you feel alive. Lay your hand on me on last time" really gets me. It's the highlight of the song and i think it says alot about it's content: This person is very numb or unfeeling to the point of actually feeling cold and still the songwriter requests one last touch, even if it is cold.
basically: i think this song is about putting up with someone who may be scarred or emotionally unavaliable and yet, you'd crave them all the same.
I think that's a good meaning for the song. although, I feel this song speaks to me to open up to other people, because I am like the woman in the song. I expect people to open up to me, tell me their problems, and let me help them, but i refuse to do the same. I am a girl, too, so that makes it jump out at me even more. I like to help people, and I can offer a warm hand, but when they ask how or why, I clam up, and my warmth becomes like ice... but...
I think that's a good meaning for the song. although, I feel this song speaks to me to open up to other people, because I am like the woman in the song. I expect people to open up to me, tell me their problems, and let me help them, but i refuse to do the same. I am a girl, too, so that makes it jump out at me even more. I like to help people, and I can offer a warm hand, but when they ask how or why, I clam up, and my warmth becomes like ice... but nobody seems to mind. I think as long as you can provide some small amount of emotion, it really is alright, and you should try again later. If someone were kind enough, and persistant enough, I would come through for them. and I always produce some sort of emotion at the appropriate times.
I think the song is describing the Spanish Inquisition. Thousands of innocent people were executed by the Catholic Church, many families were devestated and torn apart. "Crowded streets are cleared away, one by one" describes once thriving populations dwindling due to persecution and prejudice. "Hollow heroes separate, as they run" describes "souless" Jews who resisted Queen Isabel, Archbishop Pedro Gonzales de Mendoza and Pope Sixtus IV's forced conversion efforts. "You're so cold but you feel alive, lay your hand on me one last time" could be describing an imprisoned "Crypto-Jew" who is awaiting torture and execution at the burning stake,...
I think the song is describing the Spanish Inquisition. Thousands of innocent people were executed by the Catholic Church, many families were devestated and torn apart. "Crowded streets are cleared away, one by one" describes once thriving populations dwindling due to persecution and prejudice. "Hollow heroes separate, as they run" describes "souless" Jews who resisted Queen Isabel, Archbishop Pedro Gonzales de Mendoza and Pope Sixtus IV's forced conversion efforts. "You're so cold but you feel alive, lay your hand on me one last time" could be describing an imprisoned "Crypto-Jew" who is awaiting torture and execution at the burning stake, speaking to his loved-one who had decided to bow to the Church and convert. The loved one is so cold because giving up one's culture is like losing one's internal flame. "Wise men wonder while strong men die" is describing the "Wise" leaders of the Church and the Monarchy, pondering the actions to be taken, causing strong-willed martyrs of Judaism to die. "Show me how it ends it's alright" describes the sentenced heretics' decision to remain faithful to their god and their beliefs. They are willing martyrs. "Show me how defenseless you really are, satisfied and empty inside, that's alright, let's give this another try" describes the Church's inability to snuff out the existence of the persecuted religions and their steadfast followers. The executors of the Inquisition are satisfied with their evil efforts, believing themselves in control of the people, yet the resistance will always give freedom of belief and expression another try.
quoting cyanide, the feeling is that is talking to someone somehow scared and "cold" but still "alive" and perhaps someone important to the "speaker". the first two lines makes me think at a setting, a background for the rest of the scene. they are running, and most of them separate from other, the speaker remains with the "cold person" and try to save and be saved (perhaps emotionally "lay your hand on me" even if "you are so cold").
quoting cyanide, the feeling is that is talking to someone somehow scared and "cold" but still "alive" and perhaps someone important to the "speaker". the first two lines makes me think at a setting, a background for the rest of the scene. they are running, and most of them separate from other, the speaker remains with the "cold person" and try to save and be saved (perhaps emotionally "lay your hand on me" even if "you are so cold").

Well, I don't think it's quite as complicated as you guys seem to think...
When i listen i'm getting the holocaust out of this.
Crowded streets are cleared away One by one (hitlers forces) Hollow heroes separate As they run You're so cold, Keep your hand in mine (self explanitory) Wise men wonder while strong men die (people cannot understand the mentality behind the persecution)
Show me how it ends, it's alright Show me how defenseless you really are Satisfied and empty inside That's alright Lets give this another try (people reasuring eachother that it will be okay and stating hitler had to be mentally and emotionally defenseless, essentially challenging him)
If you find your family, Don't you cry (reassurance or potentially warning a person of the horror) In this land of make believe, Dead and dry (germany, potentially a camp like Auschwitz) You're so cold but you feel alive (people terrified prior to execution) Lay your hand on me One last time (perhaps a final goodbye to a loved one prior to execution.
and just repeat chorus from here. again, i think this is a pretty powerful song, but definitly cut and dry explanatory.
@zeratul66 Close. Here's what Ben Burnley said: the yrics were inspired by the movie 28 Days Later, where a rage hormone can be transmitted like AIDS and is set loose in England. The music was originally a little faster tempo and was played as a live song called "Always." >>
@zeratul66 Close. Here's what Ben Burnley said: the yrics were inspired by the movie 28 Days Later, where a rage hormone can be transmitted like AIDS and is set loose in England. The music was originally a little faster tempo and was played as a live song called "Always." >>
@zeratul66 Actually it kind of reflect on all wars. I had not dug too deep into the lyrics before, so I thought it was about some general despair or apocalypse. However, the Russian war in Ukraine really sticks to the text. Lastly my guess is that "cold" is really means what it says in this text, namely cold as in freezing.
@zeratul66 Actually it kind of reflect on all wars. I had not dug too deep into the lyrics before, so I thought it was about some general despair or apocalypse. However, the Russian war in Ukraine really sticks to the text. Lastly my guess is that "cold" is really means what it says in this text, namely cold as in freezing.

First off, it's "wise men wonder while strong men die" not "while stuck in time"
I love this song, makes me think of someone, but here's what I get out of it.
This seems to be almost apocalyptic, sort of like... false heroes, but they don't have it in them. But I like to think of it more as metaphoric- our world, right now. How most people are so empty, stupid, not real. Pawns of society, so to speak. The hollow heroes are people who could have been real, but failed to survive as their own person.
My favorite line is "You're so cold but you feel alive" It's awesome. I think that in this world, where so many of us are untrue to ourselves (sorry to turn this into a philosophy) and the only real way to get ahead is to shove all that down... he's the real person, and he loves a girl, and this girl has been pretending to be part of society for so long that she's cold, just like it... but he knows she's alive, or real, and he wants to rip her away from the world she's in (in this land of make-believe, dead and dry), and make her show him how she's not that invincible and unemotional robot that society is (show me how defenseless you really are).
The strong men dying means like, the person who lives for himself (you know, like Emerson) can't live in our world because it's too hard, so they 'die'. The wise men wondering part... well... what do wise men do but wonder? :P
Anyways, I just love this song. I hope people got what I was saying... :)
So, how did you turn out? Still as your own person?
So, how did you turn out? Still as your own person?
Wise men wonder - A man is wise to give in to himself, not society, or for the love of material envy. So a wise man will wonder (think deeply) about what will truly make him happy, not accepted. This is the wise move.
Wise men wonder - A man is wise to give in to himself, not society, or for the love of material envy. So a wise man will wonder (think deeply) about what will truly make him happy, not accepted. This is the wise move.
Strong men die - Men are taught in this society, that in order to be strong and "make it", they will have to ignore their true selves that scream inside their cold body. To ignore their heart and forget about realizing true happiness. A fake...
Strong men die - Men are taught in this society, that in order to be strong and "make it", they will have to ignore their true selves that scream inside their cold body. To ignore their heart and forget about realizing true happiness. A fake it till you make it move which usually ends in someone that will just cut themselves off and die inside long before their physical selves do. This is not a wise move.
Problem with our society is that its processing reminds too much of communism- there are only a handful of molds for each sex that the majority of other individuals will understand and accept/respect. We are all broken down or kept immature to the point where we are served perfectly into a specific role. Made ants... To a certain extent- this is healthy, but ignorance of design also sees this mechanic hit those that are especially creative and may make them turn on society rather than join in- rightfully so.
Problem with our society is that its processing reminds too much of communism- there are only a handful of molds for each sex that the majority of other individuals will understand and accept/respect. We are all broken down or kept immature to the point where we are served perfectly into a specific role. Made ants... To a certain extent- this is healthy, but ignorance of design also sees this mechanic hit those that are especially creative and may make them turn on society rather than join in- rightfully so.
Most of us are incredibly retarded on a mental plane...
Most of us are incredibly retarded on a mental plane and fail to justify the vast potential of our systems to lack such fundamental insights of how social and advanced creatures we really are... People can't be exactly the same; so in my opinion they shouldn't even have to waste efforts trying. It's not even genetically possible. Our current setup requires some form of deeper dimension for grating. I am sorry, but not everyone is fully worthy to make a stand on their own either- atleast not yet. First we have to fully automatize (let robots do all work) our base industries. I am no politician, so I don't have to lie up your faces with what I think. Though we are on our way :p
You have to be an incredibly strong person just to fend off the attacks from others in the everyday for 20+ years straight and prevail. I happen to be one of those rare individuals, but I have only met like one-two other in my entire life... Fortunately one of them was a girl, so there is hope for you guys! :) Maybe she can teach you what humans are really like.

The_Cereal_Killer wrote:
"Awesome song from an extremely underrated and under played band."
That is SO TRUE! I really think Breaking Benjamin don't care about the money. I think they just want their music to be heard. Because time and time again each of their CDs come out on sale for like $9.99.
Anyway, I believe this song sums up life.
"If you find your family, Don't you cry In this land of make believe, Dead and dry"
This line talks about how this world is nothing more then a dream so don't cry when you see how cold everyone has gotten. That people just need to stop, and start caring about other people. We need to all just make it through!
This world is truly gotten cold. Ask yourself this... how many times when you heard about people dying in the name of religion in the East and you hear... "Well, that's life."
Children impoverished and suffering on the streets. "Well, that's life."
A banking corporation rips your money off with its fines based on policies of greed "Well, that's life."
I'm sorry, but this world is falling apart. The sad thing, is people are getting used to it. And now we have Prozac, and a dozen or so other drugs designed to numb you and completely override your emotions.
The only reason I came up with this summation of this song is largely because this is how my family is. My mom is so medicated and numb from the abuse of her life that she doesn't even know how she feels anymore.
It's so sad...
I think that all you wrote is completely true. I saw it the same way. So much everyone is trying to do to get rid of reality and you see nothing for what it is anymore. Where are we headed???
I think that all you wrote is completely true. I saw it the same way. So much everyone is trying to do to get rid of reality and you see nothing for what it is anymore. Where are we headed???
Same with my mother.. tthats what this song makes me think of :(
Same with my mother.. tthats what this song makes me think of :(
I think you're right. this world is going to hell. but I believe that perhaps, with your mom, and others like her, perhaps she only doesn't want to show emotion in front of other people. I know I am that way. I only show emotion in front of animals or an empty room. other than that, the only 3 emotions I show in front of other humans are happiness, anger (and that only when it's really bad, like someone threatening my friends), and irritation when I am about to get really pissed. other than that, I either fake my emotions,...
I think you're right. this world is going to hell. but I believe that perhaps, with your mom, and others like her, perhaps she only doesn't want to show emotion in front of other people. I know I am that way. I only show emotion in front of animals or an empty room. other than that, the only 3 emotions I show in front of other humans are happiness, anger (and that only when it's really bad, like someone threatening my friends), and irritation when I am about to get really pissed. other than that, I either fake my emotions, or I just hide them altogether... and yet I'm not numb...

"If you find your family, Don't you cry In this land of make believe, Dead and dry"
Ben said he got that form the movie 28 Days Later
Sweet! HAHA. If you find your family, don't cry? Hmmm. It's almost as if that one line doesn't even belong in the song.
Sweet! HAHA. If you find your family, don't cry? Hmmm. It's almost as if that one line doesn't even belong in the song.
@DumBBlondeBB23 That's partially the movie the lyrics were based on according to Ben.
@DumBBlondeBB23 That's partially the movie the lyrics were based on according to Ben.

This is about someone who has lost all hope and refuses to feel emotionally want more. She just wants life to end because there is no point to her anymore. Someone who refuses to be acknowledged as a savior or hero just wants to see her feel again. He wants her to not be satisfied with dying or just existing. He or she wants that person to live life to the fullest. WE ARE NOT ALONE!

Here's the correct lyrics from the BB site...:
Crowded streets are cleared away One by one Hollow heroes separate As they run
You're so cold, Keep your hand in mine Wise men wonder while strong men die
Show me how it ends, it's alright Show me how defenseless you really are Satisfied and empty inside That's alright Lets give this another try
If you find your family, Don't you cry In this land of make believe, Dead and dry You're so cold but you feel alive Lay your hand on me One last time
Show me how it ends, it's alright Show me how defenseless you really are Satisfied and empty inside Well that's alright Lets give this another try
Show me how it ends, it's alright Show me how defenseless you really are Satisfied and empty inside Well that's alright Lets give this another try
It's alright (x9)

i fixed the lyrics since i initially posted them wrong. sorry it took so long, I'm not the most avid lyric poster and i waas unaware that i could fix them.
If anyone is interested, BB released an Acoustic version on their website ( ) it's albsolutely incredible.

this song is about september 11 2001 thats all i have to say

the lyrics remind me of a book i just got done reading by a gal named Hillary Frank tittled "I can't tell you". About a college boy who fights with his best friend (now ex-friend) and decides to stop speaking all together and only communicate through passing notes. In the process he falls for a long time female friend named Xandra (Alexandra) and learns what it truelly means to be "just firends".
Somehow this song makes me think of the ending of the book ...