36 Meanings
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My Bloody Valentine Lyrics

Oh, my love
Please don't cry
I'll wash my bloody hands and
We'll start a new life

I ripped out
His throat
And called you on the telephone
To take off
My disguise
Just in time to hear you cry when you...

You mourn the death of your bloody valentine
The night he died
You mourn the death of your bloody valentine
One last time


Oh, my love
Please don't cry
I'll wash my bloody hands and
We'll start a new life
I don't know much at all
I don't know wrong from right
All I know is that I love you tonight

There was
Police and
Flashing lights
The rain came down so hard that night and the
Headlines read
A lover died
No tell-tale heart was left to find when you...

You mourn the death of your bloody valentine
The night he died
You mourn the death of your bloody valentine
One last time


Oh, my love
Please don't cry
I'll wash my bloody hands and
We'll start a new life
I don't know much at all
I don't know wrong from right
All I know is that I love you tonight


He dropped you off, I followed him home
Then I, I stood outside his bedroom window
Standing over him, he begged me not to do
What I knew I had to do cause I'm so in love with you

Oh, my love
Please don't cry
I'll wash my bloody hands and
We'll start a new life
I don't know much at all
I don't know wrong from right
All I know is that I love you tonight
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36 Meanings

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Cover art for My Bloody Valentine lyrics by Good Charlotte

This song is cool. Its funny, when it shouldnt be. The lyrics are scary, but you can tell its all in good fun! Rock on good charlotte!!

How in heck is the song funny? It's not the least bit funny. the song is about a person who is so jealous it leads him to killing the person the girl he loves is dating.

My Interpretation
Cover art for My Bloody Valentine lyrics by Good Charlotte

How on Earth would this song be about "The Tell-Tale Heart"? Have you ever read that story? It's about a man who goes insane staring at a border in his house who has an evil eye, so he smothers the boarder. He chops him up and puts him under the floorboards. The police show up because a neighbor says he heard a scream. The man talks to the police, but can hear the beat of the boarder's heart so he confesses. Definitely not "My Bloody Valentine."

thankyou, i was just thinking that =P i mean, there's a reference to it.. but it'snot based on it. love this song.

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Cover art for My Bloody Valentine lyrics by Good Charlotte

this song i so koolio...i think their next single should be this song, riot girl, the day that i died, or the young and the hopeless...yeah get the new GC cd!!!! it rocks just as much as the old one! BENJI AND JOEL ARE HOT!

Cover art for My Bloody Valentine lyrics by Good Charlotte

this song is good...i think the next single should be either this song or riot girl

Cover art for My Bloody Valentine lyrics by Good Charlotte

good scary lyric song! heh.

Cover art for My Bloody Valentine lyrics by Good Charlotte

scary but awesome song! GC rocks!

Cover art for My Bloody Valentine lyrics by Good Charlotte

At first I thought this song was kinda scairy realy good but a little weird but then I read in a magazine that good charlotte said this song is about the story "The Tell tale heart" by edgar allen poe. and i went back and listned to the song and i was like yeah that really makes sense. so it's not really that scairy but it is really really great.

Cover art for My Bloody Valentine lyrics by Good Charlotte


Cover art for My Bloody Valentine lyrics by Good Charlotte

i would have to agree with ValIsAllThat, the story of "The Tell Take Heart" has nothing to do with this song. the song is kick ass, one of the only tolerable songs on the album...and the sound is great. i think that this should have been their next single, instead of boys and girls...that song sucks.

Cover art for My Bloody Valentine lyrics by Good Charlotte

I'm currently writing a script based on this song, The film will not be a horror film but it'll have some gruesome scenes in it. The tenative name of the film will be "I'll Do Anything" and that song will be used in the film at some point as well