A New Beginning Lyrics
sounds kinda like the MIB thing... lol
It rules... its like some music that would be played in like a ghost movie or something, but then it throws in this really wicked punk rock, which makes an AWESOME clash... kinda reminds me of the pepsi blue commericial.... i don't know why, other than the clashes of music. But pepsi blue fucking sucks!!! AHHHHH!!!!
Kick ass song--I love the combination of eerie music, classical-ish sounding, and fast tempo punk rock. ROCK ON!
how come when i do this everyone calls me a moron, but when this guy does it, no one calls them a moron?!?
lol, i'm not a huge GC fan but my friend was listening to the cd and got me to listen to this and i almost had a seziure, it makes me feel like i'm drving a VW bug through a rainbow while unicorn and leprechauns are passing by in a blur -grins-
doesnt sound like a Men In Black thing to anyone else?
My lil' sis recons it sounds like the intro to Harry Potter! Sheesh...I told her to wait for the electric guitars to come in =)
uh...i play MIB on my saxophone...n bleive me! this DOES NOT IN ANY WAY POSSIBLE sound like MIB....retards...
good charlotte sucks.
it's a cool song. A very good way to start out a CD.