466 Meanings
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Everlong Lyrics

I've waited here for you

Tonight I throw myself in two
Out of the red
Out of her head she sang

Come down and waste away with me
Down with me
Slow, how you wanted it to be
I'm over my head
Out of her head she sang

And I wonder
When I sing along with you
If everything could ever feel this real forever
If anything could ever be this good again
The only thing I'll ever ask of you
You've got to promise not to stop when I say you win
She sang

Breathe out
So I can breathe you in
Hold you in
And now
I know you've always been
Out of your head
Out of my head I sang

And I wonder
When I sing along with you
If everything could ever feel this real forever
If anything could ever be this good again
The only thing I'll ever ask of you
You've got to promise not to stop when I say you win
She sang

And I wonder
If everything could ever feel this real forever
If anything could ever be this good again
The only thing I'll ever ask of you
You've got to promise not to stop when I say you win
Featured Meaning
Cover art for Everlong lyrics by Foo Fighters

David Grohl, like most humans, is reaching for something ''that can last forever'' because we intuitively realize that another metaphysical or spiritual state of being must exist-- like Socrates said -- you can't define ''hot'' without something that is ''cold.'' you can't define greater, without something that exists being ''smaller.'' Every single thing exists as a ''compound in one.'' Life wouldn't exist, if death didn't exist. And Mortality, or death wouldn't exist, if Immortality didn't exist. Thus, we continue to reach for ''something real'' ''something that can last forever.''

The reason why people cry during this...

Song Info
Lyrics © Kobalt Music Publishing Ltd.
David Eric Grohl
Submitted by
me109cito On Mar 25, 2001
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466 Meanings

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Cover art for Everlong lyrics by Foo Fighters

This is the greatest song ever written, well I think it is anyway, don't you agree?

8 years later and its still the greatest song ever written.

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couldn't agree more... :) it's one of the best tune there is

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yah no kidding. it'll always be one of my favorites :D

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Cover art for Everlong lyrics by Foo Fighters

David Grohl, like most humans, is reaching for something ''that can last forever'' because we intuitively realize that another metaphysical or spiritual state of being must exist-- like Socrates said -- you can't define ''hot'' without something that is ''cold.'' you can't define greater, without something that exists being ''smaller.'' Every single thing exists as a ''compound in one.'' Life wouldn't exist, if death didn't exist. And Mortality, or death wouldn't exist, if Immortality didn't exist. Thus, we continue to reach for ''something real'' ''something that can last forever.''

The reason why people cry during this song is because it resembles a prayer--almost like reaching out to God, or something more "eternal" than this short, fleeting existence, and the love and connections we experience here-in. We've all had separations from good people, people we love, and we look toward God, or something more "eternal" than ourselves, for re-assurance.

According to the video, the two people who are singing the song have entered into each other's dreams--through dreams, they have detached from a physical extistence and entered into a spiritual/metaphysical existence, where they are in each other's dreams. The end of the song is CLASSIC. They wake up from their dreams and through music--their spiritual/dream/metaphysical existence (whatever you want to call it) becomes part of their reality. Trying to apply one's ''dream'' to reality, or the ''spiritual, eternal nature of things'' to the here-and-now physical world, is what we all crave to do.

I've had maybe one or two moments in my life where I felt connected to a ''higher power,'' mainly through dreams or a dream-like state of consciousness (not drugs, which are a counterfeit). And the video is about dreaming -- so I think my interpretation is the best so far. lol And since the song's title is ''everlong'' and it deals with ''the eternal nature of things'' and it sounds like a cry for something to "last." yes... I'm convincing myself more and more as I write this, it is about ''eternal'' stuff, it is the human soul crying for something to last, for something immortal and eternal to exist.

This is maybe the best song ever written. Mypeace had a great interpretation, I posted it below (not sure if you're allowed to do that). Also posted below is a link to the music video.
Three things this song makes me think of are magic mushrooms, Michael Scott (Steve Carell) from The Office, and Jesus Christ.


"David Grohl, like most humans, is reaching for something ''that can last forever'' because we intuitively realize that another metaphysical or spiritual state of being must exist-- like Socrates said -- you can't define ''hot''...

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@mypeace I agree with you completely.

@mypeace I agree with you completely. :) What's your interpretation of the music video?

Cover art for Everlong lyrics by Foo Fighters

Everlong was written against the background of the break-up of Dave Grohl's first marriage to photographer Jennifer Youngblood. Having returned home to Virginia for Christmas 1996, Grohl turned the initial riff into a complete song and wrote the lyrics after falling for a new woman, "That song's about a girl that I'd fallen in love with and it was basically about being connected to someone so much, that not only do you love them physically and spiritually, but when you sing along with them you harmonise perfectly."[

Song Meaning

@lolguy23 I heard this in an interview once. Spot on!

@lolguy23 Youngblood is a cool as last name!

Cover art for Everlong lyrics by Foo Fighters

This song always reminds me of a specific moment in my life when I was younger-it wasn't the first time I heard the song but this memory is what I associate the song with. I was in high school with a boy that was my best friend. He had a crush on me for a few years and I never knew. We were laying on the grass one summer evening looking up at the sky and two of our other friends (a couple at the time) were laying on the hood of the car with the acoustic version of this song on the radio. It seems like such a simple moment but it was such a beautiful one. Everything seemed so in tune with the world. I always look back on that moment and wished he had told me he liked me then. We've lost touch now but I always think of him when I hear this song.


I know what you mean. Not exactly with this song, but with certain songs, there is such a powerful meaning, and perfect alignment that really proves how strong music can be. Certain songs bring us back to our youth, when everything was perfect. Cheers.

Cover art for Everlong lyrics by Foo Fighters

This song is more about just having sex. This is song transcend to that Spiritual level that is even better than just having sex. If you ever been in love, I mean truly in love, you will definitely understand the meaning of this song.

There is nothing like new love, when everything in the world doesn't matter except the person you love. You wish that feeling could last forever. But like everything, it starts falling apart. That is why the song keeps iterating the moments when he felt rapturous and holds on to those moments, never letting them go, even when the time comes when letting go seems like the solution.

Cover art for Everlong lyrics by Foo Fighters

I think it is in the top ten best songs of all time.

i would think that more about best of you but everlong is also excellent

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i think everlong is better than Best of You. But maybe that's just cause the radio plays it so much.

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Cover art for Everlong lyrics by Foo Fighters

i think its funny that bob dylan, one of the greatest songwriters in the history of the planet, lol, asked dave grohl to show him how to play this song cuz he loved it so much. you know you've written a great song when bob dylan wants you to show him how to play it, haha

Cover art for Everlong lyrics by Foo Fighters

hey EMO...if that is your real name...i think when all of these nice people are saying that this song is one of the greatest songs ever written, i think they're using it in the context of their own scale...not a generalized graph to make everyone happy...you're on crack if you think that.. crackhead..

great is beyond one persons opinion. one person cant say that a song is the greatest of all time because THEY like it. great affects the majority of everyones opinion. thats why its called GREAT. not an opinion or favorite. this song cannot possibly be the greatest song of all time. thats fucking ignorant that anyone would say that.

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Your ignorant, I hear that multiple times a week. stupid fuck. who are you to judge that great is beyond one persons opinion?? THATS YOUR FUCKING OPINON STUPID FUCK, god damn you don't realise how ignorant your own fucking post was. moron.

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@HalfLifeSuicide stop swearing at eachother ringerguitars and 2much4U2Blow that isnt what this website is for!

Cover art for Everlong lyrics by Foo Fighters

i have sat for the past 2 hours with the acoustic version of this song on replay. this song is absolutely brilliant, so simple and pure and yet so catchy. beautiful lyrics, beautiful meaning, and there exists an appeal of a sort of quiet, mystic eerieness that adds to the wonder of this song. the lyrics truly make you stop and think about those moments in life in which you have felt complete bliss and felt as if nothing could be more real or more beautiful or more meaningful. the words of this song are almost so heartwrenchingly capturing of those moments of perfection in life that they extend a hint of sadness knowing that those moments are so fleeting. indescribable how much this song means to me and how fascinating of a track it is

Cover art for Everlong lyrics by Foo Fighters

The wonderful thing about a song is that it can mean whatever you want it to. I think in it's most basic form, this song is about sex. But it can mean so much more if you dig deeper.

My husband and I chose the acoustic version of Everlong as our first dance. To us, this song is about true love.

"Hello, I've waiting her for you, Everlong" - You are the special one I've been waiting for.

"breathe out so I can breathe you in, hold you in" - being close, holding each other and/or be yourself around me, so I can cherish everything about you.

"Come down and waste away with me, Down with me" - we get caught up in life, come down from all the craziness and just enjoy 'us' with me

"the only thing I ever ask of you, gotta promise not to stop when I say when" - the only thing I want from you, is to never let me go. If I ever want to give up on us, don't let me.

"And I wonder, When I sing along with you, If everything could ever feel this real forever, If anything could ever be this good again" - Our relationship is so good right now, I can't imagine it could get any better.

It's beautiful!!