Lyric discussion by HalfLifeSuicide 

hey EMO...if that is your real name...i think when all of these nice people are saying that this song is one of the greatest songs ever written, i think they're using it in the context of their own scale...not a generalized graph to make everyone're on crack if you think that.. crackhead..

great is beyond one persons opinion. one person cant say that a song is the greatest of all time because THEY like it. great affects the majority of everyones opinion. thats why its called GREAT. not an opinion or favorite. this song cannot possibly be the greatest song of all time. thats fucking ignorant that anyone would say that.

Your ignorant, I hear that multiple times a week. stupid fuck. who are you to judge that great is beyond one persons opinion?? THATS YOUR FUCKING OPINON STUPID FUCK, god damn you don't realise how ignorant your own fucking post was. moron.

@HalfLifeSuicide stop swearing at eachother ringerguitars and 2much4U2Blow that isnt what this website is for!

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