Lyric discussion by mypeace 

Cover art for Everlong lyrics by Foo Fighters

David Grohl, like most humans, is reaching for something ''that can last forever'' because we intuitively realize that another metaphysical or spiritual state of being must exist-- like Socrates said -- you can't define ''hot'' without something that is ''cold.'' you can't define greater, without something that exists being ''smaller.'' Every single thing exists as a ''compound in one.'' Life wouldn't exist, if death didn't exist. And Mortality, or death wouldn't exist, if Immortality didn't exist. Thus, we continue to reach for ''something real'' ''something that can last forever.''

The reason why people cry during this song is because it resembles a prayer--almost like reaching out to God, or something more "eternal" than this short, fleeting existence, and the love and connections we experience here-in. We've all had separations from good people, people we love, and we look toward God, or something more "eternal" than ourselves, for re-assurance.

According to the video, the two people who are singing the song have entered into each other's dreams--through dreams, they have detached from a physical extistence and entered into a spiritual/metaphysical existence, where they are in each other's dreams. The end of the song is CLASSIC. They wake up from their dreams and through music--their spiritual/dream/metaphysical existence (whatever you want to call it) becomes part of their reality. Trying to apply one's ''dream'' to reality, or the ''spiritual, eternal nature of things'' to the here-and-now physical world, is what we all crave to do.

I've had maybe one or two moments in my life where I felt connected to a ''higher power,'' mainly through dreams or a dream-like state of consciousness (not drugs, which are a counterfeit). And the video is about dreaming -- so I think my interpretation is the best so far. lol And since the song's title is ''everlong'' and it deals with ''the eternal nature of things'' and it sounds like a cry for something to "last." yes... I'm convincing myself more and more as I write this, it is about ''eternal'' stuff, it is the human soul crying for something to last, for something immortal and eternal to exist.

This is maybe the best song ever written. Mypeace had a great interpretation, I posted it below (not sure if you're allowed to do that). Also posted below is a link to the music video.
Three things this song makes me think of are magic mushrooms, Michael Scott (Steve Carell) from The Office, and Jesus Christ.

"David Grohl, like most humans, is reaching for something ''that can last forever'' because we intuitively realize that another metaphysical or spiritual state of being must exist-- like Socrates said -- you can't define ''hot''...

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@mypeace I agree with you completely.

@mypeace I agree with you completely. :) What's your interpretation of the music video?