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Cumdumpster Lyrics

C-c-c-c-call me cumdumpster
C-c-c-c-call me a cunt
C-c-c-call me clever
Is that still OK

D-d-d-d-did you watch the TV
Or hear it on the radio
Brought up on afterschool specials
Am I still OK

You call, I'll answer
Make me understand
Why I have to hate
That's still OK

C-c-c-call me clever
Is that still OK

D-d-d-d-did you tap the payphone
Or read it in a magazine
Becoming afterschool specials
Are we still OK

You call, I'll answer
Make me understand
Why I have to hate you
That's still OK

C-c-c-c-call me clever
Is that still OK

D-d-d-d-do you still need me
Now that I'm a monster
Paranoid media frenzy
Tells me I'm OK

You call, I'll answer
Make me understand
Why I have to hate you
That's quite OK

You call, I'll answer
You ask and I'll lie
Why I've learned to hate you
That's quite OK
Quite OK
Song Info
Submitted by
catatonik On Jun 24, 2001
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11 Meanings

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Cover art for Cumdumpster lyrics by Jack Off Jill

C-c-c-c-call me cum dumpster C-c-c-c-call me a cunt C-c-c-c-call me clever, is that still ok?

D-d-d-d-did you watch the TV, or hear it on the radio Brought up on after-school specials, am I still ok? (ok)

You call, I'll answer Make me understand Why I have to hate you That's still ok

C-c-c-c-cum dumpster C-c-c-c-cunt C-c-c-call me clever, is that still ok?

D-d-d-d-d-did you tap the payphone Or read it in a magazine Become the after-school specials, are we still ok? (ok)

You call, I'll answer Make me understand Why I have to hate you That's still ok

C-c-c-c-cum dumpster C-c-c-c-cunt C-c-c-call me clever, is that still ok?

D-d-d-d-do you still need me Now that I'm a monster Paranoid, media-frenzied, tell me I'm ok...

You call, I'll answer, Make me understand Why I have to hate you That's quite ok

You call, I'll answer You ask, and I'll lie Why I've learned to hate you That's quite ok, quite ok

Hopefully no mistakes.

Cover art for Cumdumpster lyrics by Jack Off Jill

erg.. there's a lot of mistakes in that..

Cover art for Cumdumpster lyrics by Jack Off Jill

ITs like, "you can fuck me and treat me like a slut but im STILL a person"...She let whoever the song is towards treat her like a slut, and now that person doesn't seem to get that she isnt just a sextoy, i.e. "call me clever is THAT still ok?"

Cover art for Cumdumpster lyrics by Jack Off Jill

'Seems this is against the media and how it destroys you (and oh how it does). It also seems to be about a realtionship where she is not respected... I don't know. ><

Cover art for Cumdumpster lyrics by Jack Off Jill

i think this osng is partly about her relationship with twiggy and how he treated her like crap(slept with courtney love..ect)

Cover art for Cumdumpster lyrics by Jack Off Jill



Cover art for Cumdumpster lyrics by Jack Off Jill

I think this song is about using someone for sex, yet they are still a person, and have feelings.

Cover art for Cumdumpster lyrics by Jack Off Jill

This song is class. I agree with Kitty Vomit, it is about Twiggy Ramirez, but also about how easy it is to become a whore in the music industry.

Cover art for Cumdumpster lyrics by Jack Off Jill

Well, i could be WAY off the mark here, but i belive its about either porstitution or being in a relationship where shes used just for sex and feels like a prostitute... thats what ive alwasy thought of it about, but she kind of hates it but excepts it... its 'ok'... i dont know i could be wrong... shuts up

Cover art for Cumdumpster lyrics by Jack Off Jill

I always have a different opinion of what a sound could mean, then others.. but here's my input on this song: I'm sure at least a few girls reading this have been taken advantage [[you know what i mean]], of by a guy. I think that the song indicates she was "taken advantage of.."... and then the guy basicaly told a lot of people.... "becoming after school specials, are we still okay?". The name... "Cumdumpster".. it just sounds like someone... used... abused... taken advantage of... hurt. ehhh. comment back?