Salt For Your Wounds Lyrics
There's a tear in my heart where the love ran out.
I thought we worked, pushed toward the same ends,
I'll never be so quick to trust again.
Disenchanted, disgusted, I regret that I trusted.
I put my faith.
My faith in you, you poisoned me through and through.
I though we both shared the same injuries.
Now I've found it's you who injures me.
My heart is cracked from being left out in the cold.
I know you'll pay for what you've taken - tenfold.
Disenchanted, disgusted, I regret that I trusted.
I put my faith.
My faith in them, they twisted the knife further in.
I think its pretty simple... I think its about someone he loved and trusted who left him. And he know realizes it was a mistake to get involved with this person. And they only hurt him more rather than help.
yes. but maybe its not even about love, just about trusting people in general. who knows :)
i think it's about when a person he cared about a lot and trusted betrayed him. he realized that this person had been hurting thim all along, and he finds it difficult to trust again.
man, this song is EXACTLY the way i feel right is like my life story. shiittt
I think its about a guy that trusts a person and it is broken. Everytime the person hurts him he thinks its ok because they share the same pain. And finally he realizes that he is in it alone.
It does seem like someone who he trusted hurt him and abused him, but he didn't realize it until they'd almost broke him. And how he'd thought that what was happening was hurting both of them, but it was only one-sided.
But there's another way to view this. It's still about putting faith in someone, but in a different manner. Like that he told someone something personal and painful about his life, and they used it to hurt him, or manipulate him. and he thought that they had experienced something similar. Pretty much the same concept, except this time in specifics.
The only other way I could see this is if someone he knew and trusted died and he felt hurt and abandoned by them because they went away and left him behind to be hurt. And disenchanted could be that the innocence of thinking that death can never happen to me was shattere and he's resentful because it brings in a new harshness to a reality that is hard enough as is. shrug Just an abstract view of the song meaning, which seems possible.
Bai y'all! Sox
With a mix between some comments made in another song forum for AFI and some of my own thinking, I've decided that I want to start out on a long term project. II want to figure out if in some way all of AFI's songs are connected, or if not all of them, then at least the ones that are. I would seriously appreciate some help on this as there will be times when I go into brain overload or get stuck on something. If you want to help me, then PM me. I'm going to post this one several of the song meaning-type-things for AFI that I have commented on before. It'll be nice as a group project, but I'm going to start working on it solo in a few days. If you want to help, please do. Just be wanred that it will take probably at the very least 6 months to finish. Depends on how many people are working on it, and how smart we all are when we put our brains together.
Luv y'all! Sox
Okay, nix that idea. I'm way too damned lazy for it, and I know it.
;) Bai! Sox
Ohhhh, I love this song. I wrote this song down once and gave it to a girl that was fucking with my head and it made her cry, Thank you Davey.
I love this song, it is definately about trust being betrayed and everything. It's one of my favorite.