266 Meanings
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Girl's Not Grey Lyrics

I'll lay me down tonight
Much further down
Swim in the calm tonight
This art does drown

(What follows) me as the whitest lace of light
(Will swallow whole) just begs to be imbrued?
What follows has lead me to this place
where I belong, with all erased

All insects sing tonight
The coldest sound
I'd send God's grace tonight
Could it be found?

(What follows) me as the whitest lace of light
(Will swallow whole) just begs to be imbrued?
What follows has lead me to this place
where I belong, with all erased

I'll lay me down tonight
Much further down
Watch stars go out tonight
On sinking ground

I'll lay me down, I'll lay me down

(What follows) me as the whitest lace of light
(Will swallow whole) just begs to be imbrued?
What follows has lead me to this place
where I belong, with all erased

What follows will swallow whole
What follows will swallow whole
266 Meanings
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Hi, this is a bit late... I started looking into this song for a poem analysis project in school, and I noticed a lot of similarities to this song and the poem "The Art of Drowning" by Billy Collins , which also happens to be the title of one of their other albums. I'm not sure how all of this fits in together, but I'll give it a shot. The last line in the first verse mentions "This art does drown" , which I perceived as the first reference to the poem . And there seem to be several more allusions throughout the song "While stars go out tonight" --> "an ultimate Light before all the lights go out". "On sinking ground" --> "as you sink toward the weedy disarray of the bottom" "What follows me as the whitest lace of light" --> "a quick blur of curved silver darting away" "What follows has led me to this place/ where I belong with all erased" --> "leaving behind what you have already forgotten," So those were the connections that I created lyric-wise...

And the music video shows some sort of wonderland- like story that ends with them turning into confetti. which sort of fits in with the poem's message about noticing something irrelevant when you're about to die, as opposed to your life flashing before your eyes.

"...But if something does flash before your eyes/ as you go under, it will probably be a fish,/ a quick blur of curved silver darting away,/ having nothing to do with your life or your death/ The tide will take you, or the lake will accept it all/ as you sink toward the weedy disarray of the bottom./ leaving behind what you have already forgotten...."

I suppose this could all just be coincidence or I may just be trying too hard to make them fit together, but it seems like there are some big resemblances at least textually.

Song Meaning

Works for me, thanks for the great reference and opinion.

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Am I the only person who had to look up what 'Imbrued' means?

@darkmongoose No, I actually forgot the meaning several times and had to look it up again and again, hope this makes you feel better lol.

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I think its time i give my two cents. Selling out can be defined as letting the money change your music. Not showing up on MTV. I happen to not watch mtv, but im not going to sit here and bash on it. You people are missing the grand scheme of things here. This is not a battle to see who is more punk....much like a battle of testosterone at your nearby high school. None of us have the right to call ourselves punk. Period. What we share is the common understanding that we all believe in so deeply. I cant say this enough. Davey and the crew believe in UNITY. Now, the radio thing. Do a little homework(for instance watch the video "The Show-Volume One)......and you might catch yourself an interview with Davey and Jade. During the interview, they are asked for a comment on the airplay of there newest releases. Davey goes on to say about how he thinks ITS GREAT. And he's right. I'll quote him..."I just want people to hear our music....and what better way for them to hear it then on the radio?" He goes on to explain how not every fuckin kid out there has the access to shows and music stores like us close to the city. I cant see why it can be such a bad thing that they spread their words and ideas to a much bigger crowd. Yes...it does bring into contrast us having to deal with the people at the shows that like to fight and are just there so they can brag about how "PUNK" they are. But what if instead of bitching about it like so many do, we actually open their eyes? I do my best, my very fucking best, to explain to these kids why they are there. The unity, the fun, sharing the songs with the creative artists that took the time to give them to you. Its all about that. I know i go on about unity a lot, but to me...its the basis upon which rock and roll was formed. (i like that one...rock and roll..) I believe in it enough, and hope for it enough, that i got the symbol of it tattooed on my forearm. AFI cannot keep getting this nonsense about selling out all of the time. Davey writes his inner-most feeling down on paper...FOR ALL TO SEE. ALL. Period. We are so very fortunate that he is brave enough to do this. I for one, can say i am not so blessed. No one ever sees what i write, because i do it for me. Davey is just generous enough to share his theories and dreams with the rest of us. Them making money is just the effect it had when society realized these were unique thoughts and sought out more of them.

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i looked up 'imbrued' also and i did because i want to get the whole effect of the song what's with this "probably you're the only one who cares" anyway? don't you like trying to know what an artist is trying to say in their song? you must if you are a member of this site.

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Punkergurl: Just because a band records a song that is a little different than most of their other music does, and that song get radio play time doesn't mean they're sell-outs. People change, and the band they're in do too. You can't expect a band to sound exactly the same as long as you listen to them You're so dumb. Like Botanic said, did the song magically sound different once it played on the radio?

Damn preps? Do you think the "preps" changed AFI? All the preps rallied together and brainwashed AFI to record this song and play it on the radio? It you're so "punk" why do you listen to the radio anyway?

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I love how everyone seems to be disecting these lyrics, like a freakin' CSI case!!

Song Meaning

Actually, it happens with almost every AFI song

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I like to think its about the potential death of a dream. Specifically a dream of being with some girl for the long haul. How it works line by line, story book like: I'll lay me down tonight- confess feelings Much further down- maybe you were nice before, but go all the way, full confession this time Swim in the calm tonight- relief period at getting it off your chest This art does drown- waiting game for her reply/her to make a decision whether she likes you or not

(What follows) me as the whitest lace of light- whitest lace of light=hope for it to work out (Will swallow whole) just begs to be imbrued?-the hope consumes him, controls him, unable to give up the dream What follows has lead me to this place where I belong, with all erased- last two lines here are about gettin over it, startin again like it never happened

All insects sing tonight The coldest sound- insect lines are like cricket chirps, her silence while waiting for a reply stings like ice, hence coldest sound....also like the cold shoulder sense of cold I'd send God's grace tonight-I'd wish her well Could it be found?- if i can find the grace to hold onto that hope

(What follows) me as the whitest lace of light (Will swallow whole) just begs to be imbrued? What follows has lead me to this place where I belong, with all erased

I'll lay me down tonight Much further down-first two lines mimic opening, then continue to new response Watch stars go out tonight On sinking ground- lets the dream go. gives up

I'll lay me down, I'll lay me down

(What follows) me as the whitest lace of light (Will swallow whole) just begs to be imbrued? What follows has lead me to this place where I belong, with all erased

What follows will swallow whole What follows will swallow whole -conclusion to lyrics, could be swallowing past whole and starting over or getting consumed by conflict/worry/anxiety over this girl

title significance: Girl's Not Grey= Girl is not grey=he cares, contradicts end of lyrics bein about gettin over it, reaffirms inability to get over her since he still cares.

summary of song is then about chasing after/loving some girl, and for some reason or another, not being able to decide between maintaining hope or giving up (first half vs second half of that repeating what follows part) The song ends with no actual answer to this, and remains a song simply depicting the conflict in the decision.

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Awesome song...I wonder why no one has commented yet...

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Sing the Sorrow is great indeed

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yesh incredible.

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