191 Meanings
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God Called In Sick Today Lyrics

Let's admire the pattern forming.
Murderous filigree.
I'm caught in the twisting of the vine.
Go ascend with ivy,climbing.
Ignore and leave for me the headstone crumbling behind.
I can't help my laughter as she cries.
My soul brings tears to angelic eyes.
Let's amend the classic story, close it so beautifully,
I'll let animosity unwind.
Steal away the darkened pages, hidden so shamefully.
I'll still feel the violence of the lines.
I can't stand my laughter as they cry.
My soul brings tears to angelic eyes.
And miles away my mother cries.
Omnipotence, nurturing malevolence.
191 Meanings
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Sorry if anyone said this already, I went through the first couple pages but it would take to long to read through all of them. Alot of people seem to think this song is about Jesus, but i think that the meaning is more anti-religious.

First of all, in the second part of the chorus he says "omnipotence, nurturing malevolence" which means that god is nurturing the evil in the world, and allowing it to grow.

In the second verse i believe they are talking about the bible.

"Steal away the darkened pages, hidden so shamefully. I'll still feel the violence of the lines."

I think that here he is saying that the church will hide the parts in the bible that speak hatred like the parts where 'God' speaks against homosexuality, but even if they dont reference it, it will still hurt him.

As for the rest of the song i think its talking about how bad the world is. So yeah, those are my thoughts on the song. I really like its meaning, or atleast what I think its meaning is.

I agree, I think the chorus references people who take the bible like it's so beautiful it brings tears to their eyes yet he laughs because he's read the hate that's preached in the bible. As for his mother crying, perhaps she was very religious yet she's far away because he doesn't want to be around her beliefs.

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i think its about davey getting his haircutt or maybe what phalling down said.

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I've always thought that this song was about how dark the world really is, but Davey Havok probably disagrees.

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I, along with others (none of us very religious) who've analyzed this song, have an idea that it is Davey's take on how Jesus felt when he was being crucified. The opening of the song clearly states how the world is beginning to turn evil ("Let's admire the pattern forming, Murderous filigree"). The next couple lines explain how everyone is abandoning Jesus ("ignore and leave for me the headstone crumbling behind") and, even at the hour of crucifixion, still deny him. Next, even as she (his mother, I think) cries in sadness for his death, he's laughing; this is because he knows that it's all for goodness that he's dying. The next part is literal: his soul, dying for the selfish people, brings tears to the angels' eyes. The words "let's amend the classic story, close it so beautifully" and the lines after are the end of the old testament of the bible, when he dies. The lyrics explain that, while many people see it as a beautiful story, Jesus "still sees the violence of the lines"; even though he saved all those people, he remembered how horrible and...well, violent they acted before he took their sins. At the very end of the song, Jesus is reflecting on how different people see him now, and how everyone acts: there is still malevolence, yet he is the omnipotence: the highest power, the authority. While the plot of this song is about Jesus, I also think that Davey wrote it because of how HE felt at the time, and how he has felt the same (and havn't we all? :).) Thanks for reading!!

I think you're spot on. Davey was in a Catholic school for quite a while so that would make a bit of sense.

I definitely agree with you, Blackbasilsupply. It really makes sense. And I know that Davey writes his poems based on his feelings. Amazing song!!!!!

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This song kicks ass. I think its about the darkness in the world and that it seems as if God is not here (God called i sick). AFI rules and so does punk rock! Never become corporate!

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Davey is a very dark figure indeed. His songs tell one big story that very few know. I was told by a fan that Indeed used to hang out with Havok and AFI back in the day about this story, but he doesn't want ANYONE to know. So he keeps it to himself and uses it in his writing. I guess its something about how evil the world was to him or is to him, who knows, EVEN the new stuff he writes reflects the older AFI, I really want to know this story.

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I thought this song was about him and a girl he loved/loved him? It makes sense

"Let's admire the pattern forming. Murderous filigree. I'm caught in the twisting of the vine"

sounds like an acceptance of the prescense of evil in the world, and whether he wants to or not he is a part of it and can't stop himself, even for her.

"Go ascend with ivy,climbing. Ignore and leave for me the headstone crumbling behind."

He is telling her to be bigger than him. His path is set but she still can have the power to choose a righteous path and divinate her own life. His "headstone" has already been laid out for him. One foot in the grave so to speak.

and the chorus, of course: "I can't help my laughter as she cries. My soul brings tears to angelic eyes"

she cries for him possibly, but all he can do is laugh. kind of like when you're getting tatooed, it's not the right emotion to show, but it copes with the pain. It hurts him to see her cry, and know he caused it, but laughter is all his body will allow him.

"Let's amend the classic story, close it so beautifully, I'll let animosity unwind."

This is where he wants to change for her, her tears have hurt him and he is ready to change his destiny (the classic story, fairy tale maybe, unalterable futures?) He's going to put a beautiful end on his story of evil, and pull back his anger in order to change.

"Steal away the darkened pages, hidden so shamefully. I'll still feel the violence of the lines"

And the acknowledgement that even if he can change his destiny, he can't change himself. He will still be the darkness he always has been. Even with the new ending to his story, the darkened pages set forth remain written and in tact, he can't hide the darkness forever and he knows it.

"I can't stand my laughter as they cry. My soul brings tears to angelic eyes. And miles away my mother cries. Omnipotence, nurturing malevolence"

The world now cries for his evil, perhaps not only his anymore, but it's own darkness. and she still cries for him, in all his wretched hopelessness. His mother's tears are felt always and pain him. and omnipotence, (god?) nutures the harmful nature he shows.

maybe not about davey himself, but about one man and a struggle against a system all too real. especially with the war in aphganistan and all. i don't know, i guess you could tie it in somehow. Not only the struggle against a system, but a struggle against himself. All for the sake of love. Beautiful.

There's my version of this gloomy tale. please, tell me yours.

Wow you guys have this song all wrong.

It was publicly stated by AFI that this song is part of the Catholic Dogma series. Lets break it down and I will explain this.

Let's admire the pattern forming. (patterns in the bible are very easily found 7 is a very easily found one Also the number 40. These are beautiful mathamatic patterns and should be admired as such). Murderous filigree. (Talks about christs death) I'm caught in the twisting of the vine. (We are all caught up in the story and are enthralled by its tale of heroism.) Go ascend with ivy,climbing. (Christ...

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I think this song's about someone who once hurt a girl and feels the guilt now. This song holds bad memories for me, it reminds me of a friend's brother's gf who is dying.

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I think phallingdown is totally spot on, well done that person.

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are you for real? i kinda got the gyst that this song was about nick racino being gaylees?

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