Chick Magnet Lyrics
the way the girlies just go to him well ya should've seen
he's got hair he's got style and its plain to see
smooth shoes and cool tattoos hey
mom's sad as can be yea
no one to sing this song to
he's gonna settle down
if he meets that special girl soon
he writes them poetry and he picks them flowers
he knows just what to say when it comes to the ladies
knows how to make a girl smile
how to drive a girl crazy
no one to sing this song to
he's gonna settle down
if he meets that special girl soon

this is probly one of mxpx most popular songs (among the fans). it is so much fun to hear, and the music video is hilarious. its even better when they play it live!! i love this guys!

this song means hours of fun learning the skat section with all my girlfriends... the best part about the video is that Yuri has chest hair drawn on with brown marker... They will always be my boys.

awesome song. i call my best friend a chick magnet now because when we first started becomin friends i told him to download it. heh. yeah. i <3 this song :D MxPx forever

This is an awsome song. they have alot better though

Well he's a chick magnet if ya know what I mean. The way the girlies just go to him, well ya should've seen. He's got hair, he's got style and it's plain to see, Smooth shoes and cool tattoos, Hair pomped as tight as can be <~~~~correct lyrics
He ain't got a girlfriend, no one to sing this song to. He's gotta settle down, if he meets that special girl soon.
These lyrics describe my friend Justin almost EXACTLY! It's weird

while this isn't the best MxPx song, but it's the one i have to say it is the one that is catchy as a mother. i'm pretty much singig it around the house and at work. it scares me sometimes. then again i spend a bunch of time with my one friend who's pretty a living example of this song. oi.

What's the "Dude, you a mad chick magnet" from!? It sounds like Jay.. anyway .. this song kicks ass too .. MxPx rocks!!

dude you a mad chick magnet is from mallrats

hey, this is my favorite song! does anyone know who is Mikes wife or girlfriend??

great song!