19 Meanings
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Beauty Of The Beast Lyrics

Long Lost Love

Trees have dropped their leaves,
Clouds their waters
All this burden is killing me

Distance is covering your way,
Tears your memory
All this beauty is killing me

Oh, do you care,
I still feel for you
So aware,
What should be lost is there

I fear I will never find anyone
I know my greatest pain is yet to come
Will we find each other in the dark
My long lost love

One More Night To Live

Safely away from the world
In a dream, timeless domain
A child, dreamy eyed,
Mother's mirror, father's pride

I wish I could come back to you
Once again feel the rain
Falling inside me
Cleaning all that I've become

My home is far but the rest it lies so close
With my long lost love under the black rose
You told I had the eyes of a wolf
Search them and find the beauty of the beast

All of my songs can only be composed of the greatest of pains
Every single verse can only be born of the greatest of wishes
I wish I had one more night to live

A saint blessed me, drank me deeply
Spitting out the misery in me
Still a sinner rapes 1000 saints
Sharing the same hell with me

Sanest choice in the insane world:
Beware the beast but enjoy the feast he offers


"Oh, sweet Christabel. Share with me your poem.
For I know now, I'm a puppet on this silent stage show.
I'm but a poet who failed his best play.
A Dead Boy, who failed to write an ending
To each of his poems."
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19 Meanings

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Cover art for Beauty Of The Beast lyrics by Nightwish

Ok some muppet has replced the Beauty OF the Beast lyrics with those of Beauty AND the Beast. Here are the right ones (from darklyrics.com)

[Long Lost Love]

Trees have dropped their leaves, Clouds their waters All this burden is killing me

Distance is covering your way, Tears your memory All this beauty is killing me

Oh, do you care, I still feel for you So aware, What should be lost is there

I fear I will never find anyone I know my greatest pain is yet to come Will we find each other in the dark My long lost love

[One More Night To Live]

Safely away from the world In a dream, timeless domain A child, dreamy eyed, Mother's mirror, father's pride

I wish I could come back to you Once again feel the rain Falling inside me Cleaning all that I've become

My home is far but the rest it lies so close With my long lost love under the black rose You told I had the eyes of a wolf Search them and find the beauty of the beast

All of my songs can only be composed of the greatest of pains Every single verse can only be born of the greatest of wishes I wish I had one more night to live

A saint blessed me, drank me deeply Spitting out the misery in me Still a sinner rapes a 1000 saints Sharing the same hell with me

Sanest choice in this insane world... Beware the beast but enjoy the feast he offers


"Oh, sweet Christabel. Share with me your poem. For I know now, I'm a puppet on this silent stage show. I'm but a poet who failed his best play. A Dead Boy, who failed to write an ending To each of his poems."

Lyric Correction
Cover art for Beauty Of The Beast lyrics by Nightwish

This song is so awesome!! One of my favorites. It's absolutely beautiful.

Cover art for Beauty Of The Beast lyrics by Nightwish

This song is the finally of the album Century Child which has a central theme about the lost of innocence and the search for a lost love. Both themes return in this song.

Part 1 describes the loning for that lost love and how he finds her again, still having the same feelings for her like he had in the past.

In chronical order, the 2nd part of the song goes back to the time before the 1st part. It discribes his search for the long lost love, the memories he had of her that kept him going, but it also contains a reflextion of his past life. He tries to explain how hard his life has been and he tries to justify his lost of innocence.

Sanest choice in the insane world: Beware the beast but beware the feast he offers

with this he tries to say "In this sinful world we have no other choice than join in with the rest and just try to keep as sane as possible in our hearts and minds."

The 3rd part is named Christabel, a girl's name (his lovers name I presume). The name itself means "beautiful christian"/"beautiful faithfull".. So naming his lover Christabel means that she is a pure, angelic figure in his mind. This part of the song are his last words to her. He asks for forgiveness since he feels like he failt her.

For I know now, I'm a puppet on this silent stage show.

"I was just a tool of the system, someone who went along with the rest"

I'm but a poet who failed his best play.

"I failed in what I thought I could do best" or "I failed in live"

A Dead Boy, who failed to write an ending To each of his poems.

The Dead Boy is synomonous to his lost innocent.

Concluding we can say its about him, seeing himself as a Beast, since he went along with this sinfull world etc. and she was the only one who saw his inner beauty. So it's defintely a love song about losing and finding back the only one who ever seemed to really understand you.

I totally agree with your explanation. Thanks!

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Cover art for Beauty Of The Beast lyrics by Nightwish

I think this song refers to the poem ' Christabel ' by Samuel Taylor Coleridge.

He couldn't finish this poem as said in the song --> 'A Dead Boy, who failed to write an ending to each of his poems'

Samuel suffered from an opium addiction and couldn't complete his poems.

Cover art for Beauty Of The Beast lyrics by Nightwish

I agree that the last part of the song is more like a monologue and not a message for the lover. When he says "Oh sweet Christabel share with me your poem", he's not asking Christabel to share her poem. I think it's a stylistic form that means "Oh sweet Christabel, I'm sharing the same fate as you and your unfinished poem." Coleridge planned to write more but never finished it. He feels unworthy of calling himself a poet because according to him, he never managed to find a conclusion to any of his poems.

Cover art for Beauty Of The Beast lyrics by Nightwish

A beautiful song about love that is not returned, or maybe love that ended. A real masterpiece, and extremely good for a song longer than 10 minutes.

Cover art for Beauty Of The Beast lyrics by Nightwish

yes, such a beautiful song....

Cover art for Beauty Of The Beast lyrics by Nightwish

This is possably my favorite song by nightwish, such an excelent song.

btw, its 'Beware the beast but ENJOY the feast he offers' :)

Yeah, I think its about a lost love, especially looking at the poem at the end.

Cover art for Beauty Of The Beast lyrics by Nightwish

i love this song, its so epic. it beats ghost love score any day. it seems quite personal to tuomas when you listen to the lyrics. long lost love is my fave bit og the song & is very emotional.

Cover art for Beauty Of The Beast lyrics by Nightwish

I'm pretty sure it's "beware the beast but enjoy the feast he offers"

Which describes me in relationships quite well actually...I'm a bastard, so you have to watch out for that, but I can still show you a good time XD