The doubting one by heart
Alone without himself
Need someone to blame
In the end, little he can do alone
You receive but what you give
Rain in your heart - the tears of snow-white sorrow
Caress the one, the hiding amaranth
In a land of the daybreak
In this brief flight of time we reach
For the ones, whoever dare
You receive but what you give
Rain in your heart - the tears of snow-white sorrow
Caress the one, the hiding amaranth
In a land of the daybreak
Hearing voices of the Never-Fading calling
Rain in your heart - the tears of snow-white sorrow
Caress the one, the hiding amaranth
In a land of the daybreak

All of you nerdy metalheads can tear into me if you want to, but let me offer something from the perspective of a nerdy punk rocker who happens to like metal. Maybe it has nothing to do with all this deep religious/philosophical stuff, but is more personal. I interpret the song two ways. Either way, I think it is a song of encouragement. For me, it's about growing up and being corrupted by the world around you. You find yourself bitter and guarded after being wounded, and maybe you're even playing the same games as the ones that hurt you. You have to learn to be honest again. Like a child. How you were born. The stripped down (and perhaps original) interpretation is that it's about having big plans, being let down, and having to find your way again. This could apply to some things the band was going through at the time, but I'm not going into that here. The lyrics are above and I analyze them in order, so I will not include all of them. Please excuse my goofy writing style. I also apologize in advance for talking too much.
He began (and was blessed) with a perfect "name", in the sense of a record or reputation. He's a skeptic by nature, distrusting of outside influence or guidance. He is losing a sense of identity and feels he has no one to turn to.
He is struggling with "the day"/dawn. I believe this represents change or new beginnings. This also implies that he is living in the night (in darkness or negativity). He needs someone to blame. He feels this need because there is no one to blame. You mostly choose your own destiny, but sometimes life puts you in an unexpected situation that is out of your control. "Little he can do alone" implies both pride and a feeling of helplessness.
This should be self-explanatory, but one line refers to doubt and distrust, the other to accountability. The second line could be antagonistic to the first.
Caress the one. "The one" is you. The other you. The REAL you, that is not dragged down by bitterness and sorrow, but feels on top of the world and unstoppable. Something "never-fading" is always there. Your inner child is always there waiting to be called on. The structure of the next line makes me think the rain and tears are one and the same. The fact that the tears remain in your heart and never appear on your face could mean you're holding back, or having a hard time letting go of something. Snow white implies purity... in the sense that there is nothing wrong or dishonest about your feelings. Amaranth is a flower that doesn't die easily. The ancient Greeks thought it to have magical healing properties, and this legend has been perpetuated by some modern fantasy writing. Your "magic cure" won't at first be apparent, and you will look in the wrong places. I believe "the hidden amaranth" refers to drawing on hidden strength within and persevering. In a land of the daybreak means that in this world you will constantly face change.
Doing things our own way, in this short life, we reach out to others who are not afraid to take charge of their own life and risk being ostracized for being different.
Repeat Repeat
Reaching, searching for something untouched (or unruined... sometimes it's hard to find). Hearing voices of the Never-Fading calling. You can hear the voices because "the Never-Fading" is not that far away.
Repeat END
In the video, the boys rescue an angel (wounded innocence) because they are still young, honest and good-natured. If you will notice, the rest of the villagers are all old and suspicious of anything different (corrupted). The angel's blood represents the amaranth (a red flower and also the color named for it), which should preserve the boys' own innocence/life while all the old people will not be saved from themselves. Obviously you can't kill an angel with fire, but the boys might also be a kind of amaranth to the angel, since they saved it from drowning. (Or something more serious like whatever spiritual battle caused it to be bloody and unconscious). One beautiful thing about music is that many people can enjoy the same piece and have a totally different experience. I made my own experience about myself, but maybe I'm self-centric. I think Amaranth is anyone or anything you can look to and count on when you need help. It could be God, or a significant other, or Zelda... or just about anything that makes your life a better place to be.
@meathammered Great interpretation (Y) The demo version is called Reach, which makes your interpretation, in my opinion, more valid. Did you listen to it yet?
@meathammered Great interpretation (Y) The demo version is called Reach, which makes your interpretation, in my opinion, more valid. Did you listen to it yet?

OK. Let me be the one to put a different spin on things.
I am sure that the video and the lyrics are closely linked in that what we see there is a fallen angel.
'Baptized with a perfect name The doubting one by heart Alone without himself'
Which fallen angel was a doubting one by heart? Only one - Lucifer. Despite his perfect name, he was 'alone without himself' - alone from God and without himself in the sense that his fall was against what he ought to have been by nature - so he is against himself.
'War between him and the day Need someone to blame In the end, little he can do alone'
The rebellion of Lucifer was a 'war between him and the day'. God needed someone to blame for this rebellion, so cast him out - there was 'little he could do alone' to dethrone God.
'You believe but what you see You receive but what you give'
Most people just accept the Christian view of things - Lucifer = bad, God = good. You only believe what you see presented as the facts. You only receive what you give - people live within the Christian worldview, and they only get back small returns.
There is a play on the well-known biblical phrase about 'what you give is given to you in return'.
'Caress the one, the Never-Fading Rain in your heart - the tears of snow-white sorrow Caress the one, the hiding amaranth In a land of the daybreak'
Hang on, says Tuomas. What you and I need to do is not reject the Fallen Angel, but caress him. The refrain is an appeal to those who can see beyond the Judeo-Christian way of things so that they will 'caress the never-fading hiding amaranth in the land of the daybreak'.
Finland is one of the Scandinavian countries who are traditionally the land of the daybreak and who harbour the roots of paganism and the Old Religions. An amaranth is a flower seen in mythology as symbolising eternity. So, what you have is Lucifer, the never fading one who hides in the land of the daybreak despite the surrounding Christianity. What are we to do? Caress him not reject him.
Ought we to hear 'Rain in your heart' or 'Reign in your heart'? I wonder whether the tears of snow-white sorrow refer to Lucifer who 'innocently' has been cast down for nothing more than exercising his free will, or whether this line is just padding to give credence to the double-entendre of reign/rain? Perhaps.
'Apart from the wandering pack In this brief flight of time we reach For the ones, who ever dare'
Who are the wandering pack? Everyone who lives thoughtlessly in Christian ignorance. Who are the ones who ever dare? Those who follow an Older path and who in their brief flight of time dare to believe something different.
'Reaching, searching for something untouched Hearing voices of the Never-Fading calling'
Untouched because so few dare to do so. Nevertheless, the Never Fading One calls to us if we will hear him. Not God, of course, but Lucifer.
This song is veiled but decipherable.
OK. 'Nuff said.
It's not a fallen angel, thanks to God. It can't be devil you fool, cause it's girl. Have you saw the end of the video. The Angel rise up in the sky, returning to God. GOD IS REAL AND I LOVE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's not a fallen angel, thanks to God. It can't be devil you fool, cause it's girl. Have you saw the end of the video. The Angel rise up in the sky, returning to God. GOD IS REAL AND I LOVE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I certainly hope you don't live by the policy you seem to express in writing. Lucifer fell because it's impossible to dethrone God. Since all reality falls from God, then it's folly to believe that anything can be more powerful than Him. Everyone who caresses the Devil falls into oblivion, look what corrupt leaders do to the world. Also, I'm a little unclear on how you get the idea that everyone just accepts the Christian worldview; Satan is the one we see everyday, it's God that is unseen until one allows themselves to see and listen. ...
I certainly hope you don't live by the policy you seem to express in writing. Lucifer fell because it's impossible to dethrone God. Since all reality falls from God, then it's folly to believe that anything can be more powerful than Him. Everyone who caresses the Devil falls into oblivion, look what corrupt leaders do to the world. Also, I'm a little unclear on how you get the idea that everyone just accepts the Christian worldview; Satan is the one we see everyday, it's God that is unseen until one allows themselves to see and listen. Only by living the way God meant us too can we find true peace and happiness.
Man you guys are so closed-minded... pencils never said "i am a satanist" but you treat him as if he did. These are not his lyrics, he's just interpreting them, and giving much-needed background as to the symbolism in the song.
Man you guys are so closed-minded... pencils never said "i am a satanist" but you treat him as if he did. These are not his lyrics, he's just interpreting them, and giving much-needed background as to the symbolism in the song.
BTW! Who ever said satan is automatically a man?!
BTW! Who ever said satan is automatically a man?!

Well as we've already established, Amaranth is a flower that represents eternity. I've realised that the whole of Dark Passion Play is stages in Tuomas' life that start with his death (The Poet and the Pendulum), and then slowly works its way backwards to times within his childhood (Meadows of Heaven). This gave me the idea that this song is a reference to Tuomas' attitude that the band was to exist eternally whether Tarja was in the band or not. This is reflected in the actual letter to Tarja firing her, where it says: "The band will always live on, as long as the fire burns." The first verse must describe Tuomas who has to me always seemed to be a lone wolf, even when he is part of the band - he writes the music and the lyrics, for one thing, without hardly any interruptions from anyone else. It also describes "war between him and the day" which must also describe his problems with Tarja. It could also describe all the "Tarja-hollics" who hated him for firing her. The chorus as well seems to describe the band which is a "snow-white sorrow" (could be referring to Ocean Soul - Century Child Album), and its eternal state of the "hiding amaranth". While "in a land of the daybreak" must mean the new era or the resolving of the hard times before Tarja was fired. "You believe but what you see, you receive but what you give." could also be a reference to the band - you receive but what you give is again Tuomas' attitude that the band's soul purpose was to entertain rather than get money for it. And I think the first line of this is stating the obvious to clarify that the listener is a normal human being, before advising them with the next line which is just the same sentence turned topsy turvy. The second verse reflects the original theme of the song before the lyrics were changed - reaching out. While this may be skeptical, it could be a reference to Anette as someone who "ever dares", since Anette was eventually originally turned down to be the new singer, but she sent in another recording and never gave up, making her the new singer as we all know. The middle part also mentions reaching and searching for "something untouched". This is hard to interpret - it could mean all sorts of things: a perfect singer/band/life or something personal that none of us will know about. "Hearing voices, sorrow, never-fading calling..." could mean that people have been trying to shape Tuomas' own life by advising him on which singer to pick or not firing Tarja etc. This of course would turn into sorrow, and if it is constant, it would become never-fading calling. The last chorus is a tone above the original key for the song, which I think proves Tuomas' determination to make the point that the band will remain eternal "as long as the fire burns".
One flaw... explain the music video :)
One flaw... explain the music video :)
Lol good point. Well this is only my interpretation, but I think the angel represents the state of the band during the bad times (weak, frail etc.) and she has been blinded to represent the band's blind future. The boys take her back to the village, but the other villagers look on with disdain and eventually decide to burn the angel. I think here it's showing that the world is against the idea of the band being eternal. Luckily the angel escapes, and now the band is what it is. :D
Lol good point. Well this is only my interpretation, but I think the angel represents the state of the band during the bad times (weak, frail etc.) and she has been blinded to represent the band's blind future. The boys take her back to the village, but the other villagers look on with disdain and eventually decide to burn the angel. I think here it's showing that the world is against the idea of the band being eternal. Luckily the angel escapes, and now the band is what it is. :D
Hey, you must be right! I looked back at the lyrics wondering if it could be about Tuomas and guess what, the first two lines give it away:
Hey, you must be right! I looked back at the lyrics wondering if it could be about Tuomas and guess what, the first two lines give it away:
e> Baptized with a perfect name
The doubting one by heart
Tuomas was given the name of St. Thomas, the apostle who questioned Jesus's resurrection, and this name turned out to be a perfect fit for his questioning mind. Not sure what "by heart" or the following line stand for but that shouldn't change this basic meaning.
e> Baptized with a perfect name
The doubting one by heart
Tuomas was given the name of St. Thomas, the apostle who questioned Jesus's resurrection, and this name turned out to be a perfect fit for his questioning mind. Not sure what "by heart" or the following line stand for but that shouldn't change this basic meaning.
You don't need to explain the video. The video is based on a famous...
You don't need to explain the video. The video is based on a famous Finnish painting, and while it may be related to the song in some way it was definitely not scripted to illustrate the lyrics.
Thank you for offering your intepretation. I was very annoyed by what I read in the top comments, but now I can let myself love this song again.

The name Lucifer actually means Son of Dawn in Hebrew.
Here's a quote from Wikipedia: "Lucifer is a Latin word meaning "light-bearer" (from lux, lucis, "light", and ferre, "to bear, bring"), a Roman astrological term for the "Morning Star" the planet Venus."
In truth, the name Lucifer was first used in the Bible, referring not to Satan or the Enemy, but to an honorific title of a Babylonian king of the time. This king was guilty of too much pride, which led to his downfall. Here' s the path from Wikipedia:
14:4 You will recite this parable about the king of Babylonia: How has the oppressor come to an end, the arrogance been ended?
14:10 They will all proclaim and say to you, "You also have been stricken as we were; you are compared to us.
14:11 Brought down to the nether-world were your pride and the tumult of your stringed instruments; maggots are spread out under you, and worms are your covers.
14:12 How have you fallen from the heavens, O glowing morning star; been cut down to the ground O conqueror of nations?
Ring any bells? Can you spot the similarities between this and the late medieval Christian idea of the "War in Heaven", where someone called Lucifer was cast down for being too proud?
Only in the late medieval period did Christian scholars take the name and the story of Lucifer, making it into a biblical story. This is around 1500 years after the death of Christ.
Sadly, this story (and others like it) are still being taught as the literal truth in schools and homes across the world. I'm personally saddened by the fact that the modern Christians cannot see that the majority of the stories in the Bible are highly symbolic (being 'borrowed' from other ancient religions) and are meant to teach the reader about the values of a good Christian.
Think about this point of view and then read the lyrics again in a different light (no pun intended). I hope this opens up some new avenues of though for you people, not only about the lyrics of this song, but also about taking the commonly believed (or enforced) "truth" without doing any individual thinking of your own. This is also - I believe - one of the subjects of this song's lyrics.
Perhaps the name "Lucifer" came into use in the late medieval period, but the story of war in Heaven and the Devil being cast out is from Revelation 12: 7 - 10. The book of Revelation was written in the first century after Christ.
Perhaps the name "Lucifer" came into use in the late medieval period, but the story of war in Heaven and the Devil being cast out is from Revelation 12: 7 - 10. The book of Revelation was written in the first century after Christ.
applauds i love your closing statement! people are so quick to believe what they're told without being able to think for themselves. drives me insane when people can't see past their own narrow point of view or look at things objectively...
applauds i love your closing statement! people are so quick to believe what they're told without being able to think for themselves. drives me insane when people can't see past their own narrow point of view or look at things objectively...
wow. so much for keeping the christians out of the damn loop. thats the last thing i wanted to get lectured about. good goddess.
wow. so much for keeping the christians out of the damn loop. thats the last thing i wanted to get lectured about. good goddess.

Ok, mmm This is what i think about Amaranth, being one of my favorte songs ever...when you find a meaning it just get more beautiful.
Baptized with a perfect name The doubting One By heart Alone without himself
This stanza talks about Tuomas. This song has a lot of biblical and religious touches, and "Thomas" is the doubting disciple of Jesus. Then, he's referring ti himself, as "the doubting one by heart", And "Alone without himself" it's just because Tuomas constantly feels alone, and "without himself", pretty reminds me to the story on TPATP.
War Between him and the day Need someone to blame In the Little he can do alone
I think he talks about a war that he feels he have with this world. "Need someone to blame" could be something related to what happened recently in his life. "In the end little he can do alone" simply as it says.
You Believe But What You See You Receive But What You Give
Well, this is a well known pseudo psychological thought...maybe referring that you can only harvest what you've planted. You planted hate, you can only receive hate or another feeling.
Caress The One The Never-Fading Rain In Your Heart The Tears Of Snow White Sorrow
For me this can be like "Caress the pure pain in your heart, all the sorrow, like something dear 'till it goes to sleep forever"
Caress the one, the hiding Amaranth in the land of the Daybreak
Then, Caress the love, the immortality, the happiness, even more dearly than the pain, in a new whole world.
Apart From the wandering Pack In This Brief Flight Of Time We Reach For The Ones Who Ever Dare
Apart from the world, he (or they, like wanderers) reach for those who want to live again, to dare to dream even when everything looks gray.
Reaching, Searching, for something untouched hearing voices of the never-fading calling
reaching for the immortality, maybe for the happiness, something untouched maybe for him or for everyone. Hearing the voices of the hope, that forever stays in the heart of the people who dare to dream.
This is my personal interpretation ^_^

If you've seen the music video (which is awesome), it becomes clear that this song is about seeing the good in a bad situation, about finding hope in even the worst problems. In the video, there is an angel who seems to have lost her eyes-- inferred from the blood dripping out of them-- and a teenage boy saves her and takes her back to his village. When he gets there, though, an older man (possibly his father) drags him away and burns the hut in which the angel is sitting. In the end, her soul flies away.
To me, this says that the father is a lot wiser than his son: he knows that the way to get the angel back to heaven is to burn the hut. But the boy is more compassionate, because he wants to help her and treat her like a human being. This is apparent in the first verse--he doesn't want to be alone anymore. Also, in the second verse, the 'war between him and the day' symbolizes the conflict between him and his father, and 'little he can do alone' means that without his father, the angel would not have gotten back-- but there is still some conflict.
As for the pre-chorus and chorus: You believe but what you see: This shows that the boy chooses to see the angel as just a girl, and so doesn't believe his father is right about hurting her. But since the father sees her as an angel, he is able to help her. You recieve but what you give: Standard old adage, seeming to promise hope for the boy because he was so nice to the angel.
Caress the one, the Never-Fading Rain in your heart - the tears of snow-white sorrow Caress the one, the hiding amaranth In a land of the daybreak The never-fading rain refers to the boy's unhappiness, and is symbolized by the angel's predicament. But the 'hiding amaranth' represents hidden hope-- the way to save the angel is to kill her. Think about that for a minute. And by putting them in parallel construction, the song shows that beauty and pain can coexist, but in the end, hope wins out. You just have to find the amaranth.

I hate it when this happens. Having plenty of work to do, I stumbled upon this creepy song and it's so fascinating that I can't stop thinking about it. But glad to see I'm not the first one ;)
I read most of your interpretations and while many of them have good ideas, I'm not really satisfied with any of them, so let me take my shot at it, borrowing some of your ideas.
First, I don't think this song has anything to do with the author or the band. I mean, it would be pretty lame to write such an epic song about yourself (or what just happened to you), wouldn't it. Moreover, I don't think that a band member quitting is so terribly inspiring to make someone write something like that.
I believe this song has a greater meaning, namely it is about people's ignorance/prejudice/intolerance/xenophobia and how to overcome it. The wounded angel is given as an example of how the ignorant people fear/hate things or other people that are good, but look strange.
That would be the big picture. Now, let me explain the meaning of the terms, the way I understand it:
"Baptised with a perfect name" means some kind of an initial perfection.
"The doubting one by heart" together with the above could mean something like Adam in Paradise, where, as you know, man was a bit "too curious", in a bad way, and was punished for it.
"Alone without himself" could refer to being cast out of Paradise as a consequence.
The broader meaning of all of this is not necessarily religious. I think it describes human society that has, through many of its actions and behaviors, become far from a pleasant and happy place.
"War between him and the day" means people's everyday struggle and frustrations, which are in big part the result of people's own bad behavior (one that caused man to be "cast out of Paradise").
"Need someone to blame" - people, the way they are, need someone to blame for their frustrations - someone other than themselves.
"In the end little he can do alone" - although people blame each other and hate each other, they can't survive alone, which only increases their frustration.
"You believe but what you see, You receive but what you give" - this is a bit puzzling, since the two sentences have a similar syntax but very different semantics, and it's unclear how they even fit together. The melody of it leads me to believe that the latter is meant as the result of the former, i.e.: "You believe only what you see, and for that you will get what you deserve," where "believing only what you see" might signify prejudice and ignorance.
This would be the first part that describes ignorant people and how they came to be. Now the second part, which is somewhat more difficult.
"Caress the never-fading rain in your heart" - this one's elusive... I think "rain" means compassion, i.e. a good quality that all human beings always posess (never-fading), but is subdued unless we "caress" it - the default behavior of most people is to fear and hate rather than to love and understand.
"Snow-white sorrow" surely means an innocent one that has been hurt, this is the wounded angel.
What we have thus far, related to the video, is an angel that has fallen from grace, for a reason that likely was not her fault. Villagers meet her with suspicion - "there's something wrong with this angel" - well of course something's wrong, she's wounded, you dumbasses! But since they've never seen a wounded angel, they conclude that this must not be an angel, much less one worth of help ("angels don't need help; they're supposed to help us, not the other way round!"). She's also convenient to put blame on, because if she is a real angel, she clearly did not help them improve their lives (see 4. and 5.). And because she's obviously weak and helpless, it seems safest to kill "the creature" as quickly as possible.
This would be a literal explanation, linking video to the lyrics. In the broader sense, it could probably mean a prejudiced/intolerant/xenophobic society that would, for example, condemn a girl that had been raped, rather than help her.
This also might signify another despicable but common human trait: to suck up to people in a superior position, a position of power (angels), but despise and abuse those in an inferior position (wounded angel).
"Caress the hiding amaranth" - amaranth is an eternal flower. The meaning of it, I believe, is eternal beauty or eternal good. In this case signifying the beauty, the good within other people, even though it may be "hidden", i.e. not apparent at first sight (the wounded angel looks strange and frankly quite creepy). We must try to understand and to see the good within other people.
"Land of the daybreak" - this one's a real mystery and I don't have a good explanation. Daybreak means dawn, so my very uncertain guess is that it might mean a land, a society that wakes up at dawn; that would be a rural, uneducated society, which are traditionally more susceptible to prejudice. The broader meaning of this is any society that shows such traits, or simply the entire humankind, since those traits are (still) quite ubiquitous.
"The wandering pack" means something like "mindless animals", referring to the aforementioned primitive people, who do nothing but follow the group, even in their worst behaivior. "Apart from it" means to differ from such behavior, to stand out of the group and be better, think, be compassionate...
"In this brief flight of time" may mean our short lifetimes, but it could also mean our own brief moments of clarity, i.e. the time that we stand "apart from the pack" before being pulled back into it (because no one can stay away forever).
"We reach for the ones whoever dare" - when we are away from "the pack", we search for others who would dare split from it and perhaps help our cause.
"Reaching, searching for something untouched" - pushing for something new and unconventional, like fight for human rights in an intolerant society.
"Hearing voices of the Never-Fading calling" - the "Never-Fading" is the subdued good within all human beings (see 8.), which every once in a while calls us to aspire for something good, to change the society for the better.
The video has a sad but optimistic ending. The two boys did not succeed in helping the angel and saving her from the mob, but even though she was killed, her "never-fading" soul, i.e. the good, lives on.
So in this particular village, prejudice was stronger than reason and goodwill, but there'll be another time, another village..., and the human society is slowly improving...

This song is very profound and says so much with so few words. I'm often stunned with Tuomas' insight.
I too fell this song is spritual, but as with many religious groups do, the metaphors can’t be taken literal. Some have stated that it deals with Lucifer and some have stated it deals with Crist. I believe that is correct, but not in a literal sense. What is Lucifer? The loss of innocence. Tuomas' songs are screaming with the loss of childhood innocence. What does Jesus say? To enter the Kingdom of Heaven you must become as a little child. Think Meadows of Heaven and where can heaven be found?
Tuomas knows methapor and myth and where they belong. Heaven isn't a place that is away from here. It is found in innocence, right here and now as seen through the eyes of a child.
I'll add my understanding and what I get from this song. Goosebumps is what I get literally, but only from the deep inner meanings of the metaphors. Such as any myth, the metaphors are to be turned inward, not outward. When I reference religious metaphors below, they are only in the context of a great myth, not in any literal sense of them happening.
"Baptised with a perfect name" All children are born innocent. Contrast that against the Christian understanding that we are born sinful due to original sin. When the allegory of Adam and Eve is taken literally, the inner meaning becomes lost. Adam means mankind. This error right here cast a shadow on innocence. Being baptised is a cleansing of sin. What sin can a baby possibly have and how does that understanding affect the child as it grows?
The doubting one by heart Although born perfect, doubts fill our soul as we mature and are taught that we are born sinful. The allegory of Adam and Eve becomes literal truth and innocence continues to be lost with this understanding. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy which cast doubts on our understanding of our own nature. The only sin is not understanding that we are part of God/Spirit. This was Adam's sin...not knowing that God/Spirit never left and that it isn't possible to be separated from God/Spirit. We are born perfect.
Alone without himself This to me means that without the recognition of our innocence/perfection we are missing a part of ourselves. We fell so alone because we feel we never had innocence to begin with. Lucifer is a metaphor for the loss of innocence. It is not an evil being that can take over one’s actions as an outside agent. It means that without innocence, sorrow and sadness directs one’s life. This is what is left when childhood innocence is blinded.
War between him and the day Yes indeed, war. The inner turmoil of emotions that happens when we find ourselves alone in the dark is what happens when we separate our nature into two different aspects.
“Need someone to blame” Is it our fault for not understanding our own nature? Have the myths taken such hold that it can tear us apart from the inside? I think so. Who can we blame? We can’t really blame anyone for the lack of understanding. We can’t blame God/Spirit for us not being able to properly understand ourselves and we can’t blame God/Spirit for abandoning us if God/Spirit never left. But, understanding any myth in a literal sense can greatly confuse us. So much so that it tears our being apart.
“In the end, little he can do alone” There is little he can do alone because thinking that we are separate from all there is is the error in itself. We are not alone and can not exist apart from anything. From the air we breathe to the food we eat to the love of others, we are not alone and cannot do anything alone. It’s an error to think we are separate little egos on a dead planet.
“You believe but what you see” Another error in itself. We see ourselves apart and alone, never paying any attention to the things that can’t be seen. We often can fell this unity, but not seeing it causes us to doubt.
“You receive but what you give” An age old truth and a “law” of the universe. It’s truly amazing how true this is.
“Caress the one, the Never-Fading” Reach out and touch what can’t be seen…God/Spirit/Never-Fading. This has always been with us yet we put it out “there” somewhere. This is Adam’s/mankind’s sin and leaves us thinking we are alone without ourselves because our very nature is divine. Silly humans.
“Rain in your heart - the tears of snow-white sorrow” Our hearts are crying for what we percieve to be our loss of innocence. It’s a hard world out there. Snow-white sorrow, to me, represents innocence crying to be acknowledged. Not found, because it really never left, only rediscovered.
“Caress the one, the hiding amaranth In a land of the daybreak” The hiding amaranth represents our perception of God/Spirit hiding from us. Again, a reference to the sin of Adam. God/Spirit has never left because it is our very nature, but to us, it is hiding somewhere away from us because we don’t understand it to be the very core of our being. In the darkest of our days, we think God/Spirit has abandonded us. A mistake made by some thousands of years ago by taking this creation story as fact and not allegory.
“Apart from the wandering pack” In this brief flight of time we reach For the ones, whoever dare” This, to me, means to break away from the pack and regain our lost innocence by finding those few that can help understand where to look…in our own hearts.
“Reaching, searching for something untouched Hearing voices of the Never-Fading calling” This brings such a feeling of “ahh-ha” to me that I can’t really describe it. This is what is not seen, the hiding amaranth, the Never-Fading. It’s calling to us to rediscover where it is. Ourselves as children know exactly where is, but as we grow, we forget because it isn’t a conscious knowing. After awhile with some people, we can once again “hear” it from our own inner voice crying out to us. The tears of snow-white sorrow.
The video shows a snow-white angel with its eyes gouged out. This is blinded innocence, lost and afraid. I find it very symbolic that it is children that are coming to the aid of innocence and adults that try to destroy it. Innocence can’t be destroyed, only forgotten and ignored. It is very hard to “become as a child” again.
Is this tuomas's insight?
Is this tuomas's insight?
Got a very good point. Totally agree with!
Got a very good point. Totally agree with!

Personally, I think Tuomas is making a comparison between Satan's being cast out of Heaven to his own loss of innocence. I think the Amaranth represents the lost innocence that he is "reaching" and "searching" for. I don't think it really has anything to do with religion at all.

Just warning you, i talk a lot!
-Baptized with a perfect name- amaranth=flower=symbolic for never faiding. Was born perfect and perfectly innocent
-The doubting one by heart- this referrs to people who question what is stated by the society OR to people who lost their innocense because of questioning god.
-Alone without himself- your belief in god is part of yourself. If you dont have it or deny it, you dont have yourself
-War between him and the day- day is light, seeing clearly. Its war because you dont want to see the truth
-Need someone to blame- you feel guilty bacause you dont believe/arent innocent and need to blame someone else
-In the end little he can do alone- well denying yourself you wont reach anything. And you are alone without your beliefs.
-You believe but what you see- again denying what you believe if theres no proof. Innocense would believe without a proof.
-You receive but what you give- you get what you deserve, which is not much if you dont believe and arent innocent
-Caress the one The never-fading Rain in your heart- the never faiding means amaranth. But never faiding rain means that there will be allways sorrow. Caress it because its part of you (in your heart)
-The tears of snow-white sorrow- Only an innocent person can fell true sorrow. Or by ferling sorrow you get innocense. -Caress the one, The hiding Amaranth in a land of the daybreak- Amaranth is hiding in the land of the daybreak. Of clearness. You have to see clear to find Amaranth, the never faiding innocense.
-apart from the wandering pack- people denying their beliefs (again). Dont wander with them. They are not innocent (of course)
-in this brief flight of time- life is short, you dont have that much time to realize and reach innocense
-you reach for the ones who ever dare- you have to go with the people who dare to believe, to hope and to search for innocense
-reaching, searching, for something untouched- searching for innocense, for Amaranth
-hearing voices of the never faiding calling- you must be really close if you can hear him/her. Follow the voice.
I read most of the comments (just not the newer ones) and while i was writing i finnally undedrstood! ^^ the whole thing is about finding Amaranth who represents the everlasting innocense. (innocense will allways exist, thats why its never faiding) well its actually a mixture of innocense and your beliefs. Did you see it? Amaranth is the pure sorrow, innocense is the never faiding rain in your heart (im sure these go together). I actually want to put a giant question mark over the song and my interpretation. There is not the one meaning of the song. It has the one you give it and thats why i love nightwish so much! also sorry for my bad english im german
no wait i think the relation between the innocense and immortality (never faiding, amaranth) is that amaranth has never faiding innocense ^^ he represents the innocense.
no wait i think the relation between the innocense and immortality (never faiding, amaranth) is that amaranth has never faiding innocense ^^ he represents the innocense.