I Never Told You What I Do For a Living Lyrics

Stay out of the light
Or the photographs that I gave you
You can say a prayer if you need to
Or just get in line and I'll grieve you
Can I meet you, alone?
Another night and I'll see you
Another night and I'll be you
Some other way to continue
To hide my face

Another knife in my hands
A stain that never comes off the sheets
Clean me off
I'm so dirty, babe
The kind of dirty where the water never cleans off the clothes
I keep a book of the names and those

Only go so far
'Til you bury them
So deep and down we go

Touched by angels, though
I fall out of grace
I did it all so maybe
I'd live this every day

Another knife in my hands
A stain that never comes off the sheets
Clean me off
I'm so dirty, babe
It ain't the money and it sure as hell ain't just for the fame
It's for the bodies I claim and those

Only go so far
'Til you bury them
So deep and down we go

And down we go
And down we go
And down we go
And we all fall down

I tried
I tried

And we'll all dance alone
To the tune of your death
We'll love again
We'll laugh again
And it's better off this way

And never again
And never again
They gave us two shots to the back of the head
And we're all dead now

Well never again
And never again
They gave us two shots to the back of the head
And we're all dead now

Well I tried
One more night
One more night
We will
Laugh out
Cry out
Laugh out loud
I tried
Well, I tried
Well, I tried
'Cause I tried
But I lied
I lied

I tried
I tried
I tried, well

And we'll love again
We'll laugh again
We'll cry again
And we'll dance again
And it's better off this way
So much better off this way
I can't clean the blood off the sheets in my bed

And never again
And never again
They gave us two shots to the back of the head
And we're all dead now
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Cover art for I Never Told You What I Do For a Living lyrics by My Chemical Romance

And the lyrics on this page are horribly incorrect.

The whole "Love again" and "laugh again" thing is talking about when he finally gets his wife back.

Hell...maybe the end is actually about somebody killing him before he could kill all the guys "They gave us two shots to the back of the head and we're all dead now" and he talks about how he tried and shit....So yeah..different view on some of the song now but still the basic concept.

In the end, he gets killed, or kills himself....seeing as he's a murderer and therefore evil...anyway he's reunited with his wife person in Hell.

The End Kthx

Cover art for I Never Told You What I Do For a Living lyrics by My Chemical Romance

Not to be rude but you guys need to stop criticsing the lyrics on this page. Don't nit pick over every little thing. But my view of this song was that it didn't really have to do with the concept directly. It seemed more of a seperate storyline to me. About a man who goes around and murders select victims. With the lines "Another night and I'll see you/One other night and I'll be you/Some other way to continue to hide my face". To me it seemed to about his man's struggle to continue hiding and killing people and then living their lives for a short while. And in the man's opinion he's doing them a favor in a way and feels that "It's better off this way...And we'll love again and we'll laugh again/We'll try again and we'll dance again/and it's better off this way/So much better off this way". I'm guessing the victims he's choosing lead lives without anyone close to them so he's taking their lives and doing what he can in the short amount of time to make 'their' lives better. And in the end of the song when he is shot and he says "WE'RE all dead now" he's referring to the fact that all of the people he has killed are all really, truely dying at that moment. When he himself is killed all the people whose lives he has taken over are ending. This is just my opinion but it is something I have stuck by since my first time hearing the song. I think this is a great way to end the album and I always enjoyed it. Plus you get to hear Mister Gerard Way say "I'm so dirty babe" so the song should get it's brownie points for that alone. But it's a superbly written song and is incredibly catchy. Great way to end the album. It would be assume if that could be a future single and they'd make a video for it. Hint hint MCR. ;)

Cover art for I Never Told You What I Do For a Living lyrics by My Chemical Romance

Great song, it grows on you. From what I read, the concept album is about how the man and woman from 'Bullets' end up dead, with the man in purgatory, but his love is hell-bound, and he thus makes a deal with satan to save her soul in return for a thousand evil men's corpses. This song seems to me like he failed in the bargain, that Satan gave the man a set amount of time to gather the corpses, but he failed. The beginning is, to me, about how the killing has affected him, making him 'dirty'. The second half seems to be his final failing, from how he says things like 'I tried', 'one more night', which definately sounds like he's apologizing to her and pleading for a little more time, and 'it's better off this way', because at least they'll be together in Hell. The part about 'we'll love again, we'll laugh again...' could be his last hopeful thoughts, and the two shots to the back of the head could be what happened that got them killed in the first place, or could mean that he's used up his second chance.

Cover art for I Never Told You What I Do For a Living lyrics by My Chemical Romance

I think this song is actually after he kills the 1,000 men and is reunited with his lover. He has to admit all of this to her, but they're together again. That explains the first bit of the song. "And we'll all dance along/to the tune of your death" I think has a double meaning - it's about the protagonist and those he has killed, AND Satan and his deal with the protagonist. "We'll love again/we'll laugh again..." etc. are about how he's back with his girl. Then, abruptly (the first time that is sung) it switches to "Well never again..." which is about the lovers' final death. The repetition of the "And we'll love again/we'll laugh again/we'll cry again/and we'll dance again..." comes after their deaths, when they're both in Hell. This time, "And it's better off this way..." is about how it doesn't really matter anymore for them. The repeat of "Well never again..." is to end it, and a bitter after note to "and it's better off this way/so much better off this way".

Just my opinion.

Cover art for I Never Told You What I Do For a Living lyrics by My Chemical Romance

Following the album concept: this is the closing to a story.

“just get in line, and I'll grieve you. can I meet you alone?" This is him rounding up the last few "evil souls" upon his quest to be reunited with his lover, Desensitised to all the darkness and bad things he has seen, he without a stutter asks nonchalantly for his victims to line up, so he can kill them quickly and frantically – with it being the final song on the album, this song is full of desperation and frustrated desire, with the man being desperate to see his lover again – something similar to Gerard's inspiration for the album's cover art, which was influenced by Magritte's painting 'The Lovers'.

"Another knife in my hands, a stain that never comes off the sheets. Clean me off, I'm so dirty, babe" Again, a metaphorical use of words. By a stain never coming off the sheets, the narrator is referencing his tainted soul and inability to take back what he's done.

"Touched by angels, though, I fall out of grace. I did it all so maybe I'd live this every day" As a last resort for him to be back with his lover, the narrator has made a deal with the devil to kill 1000 evil souls, and then he can be back with his lover. The 'I fall out of grace' comes from making a deal with the devil, and the sin of murder, all so maybe he could live with his lover once again. The album is dripping with religious imagery – falling out of grace is a bible reference to The Fall, when the angels, out of what is presumably desire and greed, misused their given grace (free will) from God, and so – as the name suggests - fell.

"And we'll all dance alone to the tune of your death; We'll love again, we'll laugh again, and it's better off this way, so much better off this way." By this it means, after he finishes killing the evil souls, everything will be so much better, and they can be reunited as one again. (Or, at least, this is what he's repeating to himself to keep going – the hope drives him to go on. The repetition is comforting to the narrator as he tries to remain calm through all of this, almost like the repetition of a prayer.)

"Never again, and never again, they gave us two shots to the back of the head And we're all dead now." The narrator has been tricked – he had killed 999 evil souls, and only by the time it came to the final one did he realise the 1000th evil soul was his own. Being 'shot in the back of the head' would literally mean as well as the other 999 evil men and his lover, the narrator is now dead, but is also symbolic of the double-crossing and betrayal of the deal.

"Well I tried, I tried! One more night, one more night... Well I'll laugh out, cry out, laugh out loud! I tried, well, I tried." He wants one more chance to be reunited with what he truly believes is his destiny, spending the rest of eternity with his love.

"Cause I tried, but I lied" I think this means, since he was the 1000th evil soul, if he hadn't have "lied" he wouldn't have have been the 1000th evil soul? And he seems to be begging for forgiveness from his lover because he's just trying to tell her that he did try  to be with her, but, because of the wrongs he did, it all came back upon him and it layed him even further away from her in one way.

"And we'll love again, we'll laugh again, we'll cry again and we'll dance again. And it's better off this way, so much better off this way; I can't clean the blood off the sheets in my bed. And never again, and never again, they gave us two shots to the back of the head and we're all dead now." Again, going over what I said before - he can't get rid of the staining of all the wrong he's done from his soul, and nothing can be undone. These lines are tinged with desperation and the last lingering threads of hope, evoking again the repetition of comfort for what he hoped could once be – to laugh, love, cry, dance again – all basic human feelings of emotion he is unable of, possibly because of his desensitisation to the surrounding world, possibly due to the loss of his lover, and possibly due to the loss of himself on this journey.

My Interpretation
Cover art for I Never Told You What I Do For a Living lyrics by My Chemical Romance

Not a big fan of this song, I think it's a bad way to end the album...

Cover art for I Never Told You What I Do For a Living lyrics by My Chemical Romance

It really has to grow on you. It took me a few full listens of the album to see how well this song fits. Sure, it's no Demolition Lovers, but that's arguably their best song.

Cover art for I Never Told You What I Do For a Living lyrics by My Chemical Romance

Lyrics: "Just get in line and I'll brief/grieve (one or the other, not sure)" amazing song.

Cover art for I Never Told You What I Do For a Living lyrics by My Chemical Romance

It really does grow on you, especially the last minute or two. I absolutely love this song

Cover art for I Never Told You What I Do For a Living lyrics by My Chemical Romance

and never again and never again they gave us two shots to the back of the head and we're all dead now.

i fucking love this song.