Lyric discussion by Bella_Muerte 

Cover art for I Never Told You What I Do For a Living lyrics by My Chemical Romance

Not to be rude but you guys need to stop criticsing the lyrics on this page. Don't nit pick over every little thing. But my view of this song was that it didn't really have to do with the concept directly. It seemed more of a seperate storyline to me. About a man who goes around and murders select victims. With the lines "Another night and I'll see you/One other night and I'll be you/Some other way to continue to hide my face". To me it seemed to about his man's struggle to continue hiding and killing people and then living their lives for a short while. And in the man's opinion he's doing them a favor in a way and feels that "It's better off this way...And we'll love again and we'll laugh again/We'll try again and we'll dance again/and it's better off this way/So much better off this way". I'm guessing the victims he's choosing lead lives without anyone close to them so he's taking their lives and doing what he can in the short amount of time to make 'their' lives better. And in the end of the song when he is shot and he says "WE'RE all dead now" he's referring to the fact that all of the people he has killed are all really, truely dying at that moment. When he himself is killed all the people whose lives he has taken over are ending. This is just my opinion but it is something I have stuck by since my first time hearing the song. I think this is a great way to end the album and I always enjoyed it. Plus you get to hear Mister Gerard Way say "I'm so dirty babe" so the song should get it's brownie points for that alone. But it's a superbly written song and is incredibly catchy. Great way to end the album. It would be assume if that could be a future single and they'd make a video for it. Hint hint MCR. ;)