Lyric discussion by nimrod18037 

Cover art for Master of Puppets lyrics by Metallica

First off, the one lyric on this page is wrong. When James shouts before the guitar solo, he says "FACE ME," not "fix me." Second, no offense to anyone, but why argue over whether or not it is specifically about a herione or a cocaine addiction? Really, people. For me, the song isn't even about drugs or a drug addict. Yes, that is what it is saying on the surface, but for me it is saying that we are all being pulled by the strings of fate (or being toyed around with by god), with absolutely no power over ourselves. As humans, we enjoy our destructive behavior, no matter how much it makes us suffer, and in a way our dark nature is like a drug that we simply cannot get enough of, or come to terms with and overcome. Anyone else with intelligent ideas to offer on this song, I'd love to chat.

Nimrod, I very much so do agree with you. I love deciphering lyircs. However I strongly agree with it being about drugs, as there are countless metaphors in here relating to that. Oh, and stop arguing about whether it's about cocaine or heroine. They'll both kill you, that's the point. But I love your interpretation of it being about never getting enough of our nature to be destructive!

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Oh, but the part about chopping your breakfast on a mirror, I'm no druggie, but guys, that's cocaine.

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i dont think "chop your breakfast on a mirror" is about drugs. i think its because walking around with a broken mirror is supposed to be bad luck or something. in fact i don't think any of it is about could also be force feeding "you" cocaine but i'm sure its not.

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