Lyric discussion by SkaSong 

Cover art for This Morning lyrics by Cure, The

'This Morning' is possibly the most depressing song The Cure have ever written.

As I understand the lyrics, an interpretation would go like this:

At the start of the song, there is an elderly man whose life is without purpose because he has nothing left to feel and nothing left to give. His family have largely lost contact with him. His life is just a series of calendar days passing and the realisation that it is 'time to go'.

Then he gets taken to hospital to die (a room too clean and too bright). Whilst he is there, he is visited by a couple who come to spend his last hours with him but there is an awkward silence as no one knows what to say. I assume that the woman is his daughter and the man his son-in-law. I make that assumption on the fact that the woman stares at the old man whilst the man stares at the woman. After an hour, the couple leave but as they turn away they see the sadness in his eyes, as he contemplates his future, where there is 'no eternity of life'. There is no beautiful goodbye.

In the early hours of the next morning, the couple receive a phone call to say that he has passed away- it was quick and peaceful.

But then the whole cycle of ageing continues, The days fly by for the couple and they lose their purpose, It is now the younger man in hospital awaiting his death, whilst his partner stares at him. The cycle of decline and death,

My Interpretation