Lyric discussion by eagleear 

I think it's pretty clear this song is about a guy who is confused. His girlfriend is on vacation. He feels lonely, no ones around to talk to when he's in trouble. There's another girl, someone who is older and he probably had a crush on so he wants her to come over so they can talk over his feelings. They haven't been alone in a long time. He mentions the word love so that's laying it on pretty thick if it's a one night stand. I mean no need to go there and make it complicated with someone in his social circle if it's not true.

I don't think they sleep together. I think they are friends and he would do anything for her. They were just going to hang out but then he makes a move and he's also thinking about the ramifications because his hands are shaking but he doesn't care, because he can't help the way the he's thinking. I think she turns him down and goes to leave and he asks her to close the door, literally and figuratively - meaning keep it undercover.

Just because she's right, doesn't mean he's wrong. ---- She think she's just another shoulder to cry on and he's not in love with her. And in his mind, yes she's another shoulder to cry on beside Josie but he also does like her too.

This is the only explanation that makes use of all the lyrics.

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