Lyric discussion by Sbrian 

Cover art for Fear of Fear lyrics by Passenger

Powerful song Think he's in a place where he doesn't want to be. He wants to be with her. Wide full of narrow (narrow minded) the people and the level of intelligence he's surrounded with. The general atmosphere - he doesn't fit in - and he feels the fear from all the people. He shines/burns which he was told by "someone" anyway that it's better to go like that. Smoke/beer/coke - it's not where he wants to be. He would rather fill his life surrounded by positive - and he feels invisible. So basically he's confronting his fears. He's scared of this feeling.

Small note in his sing (I hate) he says a similar thing people in nightclubs snorting coke and telling me where I'm going wrong. "I hate the X factor murdering his beautiful simple music.

Basically anti establishment.

I'd like to hear any thoughts on this please x

My Interpretation