Lyric discussion by arobinson99 

so i was in a long term relationship for about 8 months with a girl who i really did love but the distance was too hard to overcome. this song always reminds me of that. partially because it was usually a song i’d listen to on the drive home after a weekend at her house. generally these drives were made at night in the dark, hence where i draw from the “between these two white highway lines” lyrics. i’m not sure the actual meaning but i know this song will always hold a special place in my heart for those times. a good friend of mine once told me that music is really cool in the way that in can transport us back to a time and a specific place but that not all of those are places we want to go back to. i don’t want to go back to those times (especially because the relationship ended on a somewhat sour note) but i don’t mind the mementoes flooding back when it comes to this song because it’s a happy melancholic type of feel. “baby come home” is just the ringing in my ears sometimes reminding me of those long drives home.

@arobinson99 That is really deep. I do agree that music can have that impact on you though.

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