Mutilation Is the Most Sincere Form of Flattery Lyrics

Lyric discussion by johnxrox 

Cover art for Mutilation Is the Most Sincere Form of Flattery lyrics by Marilyn Manson

The song is about a bitchy rivalry, sure. But really it's a bit of Manson showing who's boss. The best way to make yourself known as artistically superior is by making a work of art that is superior, and that song is just that. It's cleverly written, in both a poetic, and musical sense, it's far better than anything any of the people he's criticizing have ever put out.

As far as the "Well, Manson is just ripping off Cooper" argument, I disagree wholeheartedly with this. Manson took influence from Cooper, and did his own thing with it, and had an even more bold, and controversial approach, and arguably a more intellectual one. My chemical romance is simply taking the schtick from Manson, watering it down, and removing nearly all of the intellectual value of it. Manson wasn't controversial because he did crazy things, he was controversial because he actually made people think. Flipping ideals, taken for granted beliefs, etc.

Sure, this isn't his deepest song, but it's fun, and makes a good point. He's a human being who gets pissed off, and he dealt with it artistically. Great.