Mutilation Is the Most Sincere Form of Flattery Lyrics

There's no rules today
You steal instead of borrow
You take all the shapes that I make
And you think
That you thought
All the thoughts
That I thought you
Don't you?
Mutilation is the most
Sincere form of flattery
If you want to be me
Then stand in line like the rest
Now, do you know what I mean?
The young get less bolder
The legends get older
But I stay the same
As long as you have less to say
Do you think that I wouldn't say this?
You know that I play this better than you
Fuck you
Fuck you
Fuck you
Fuck you too
Do you think that I wouldn't say this?
You know that I play this better than you
Rebels without applause
I sell my shadow to those
Who are standing in it
They think that I would
Bitch about them
Thinking they are
The shit
When they can't
Even step
In it
The young get less bolder
The legends get older
But I stay the same
As long as you have less to say
Do you think that I wouldn't say this?
You know that I play this better than you
Fuck you
Fuck you
Fuck you
Fuck you
Fuck you
Fuck you
Fuck you too
The young get less bolder
The legends get older
But I stay the same
As long as you have less to say
Do you think that I wouldn't say this?
You know that I play this better than you
Fuck you
Fuck you
Fuck you
Fuck you too
Do you think that I wouldn't say this?
You know that I play this better than you
60 Meanings
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He's said it's about him not liking alll the new bands out today because their all unoriginal. And I agree. Most bands now are just redoing what has already been done.

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ok I personally did not read the quote outside of this page, but if he really said "I invented thunder and rain. I am THE black" then he needs to come back to earth. I love how all these artist think when they take a musical style from another band then tweak it a bit they they think they have reinvented the wheel. MM has his own sound, but its drawn from several other bands....just my opinion as a fan tired of over inflated ego's.

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Reading the comments and supposed 'arguments' left from those on both sides has really disgusted me. As I listen to both Marilyn manson and My chemical romance music im not here to bitch about who's side im on, merely to get across a very simple point called fuck.the.haters. Marilyn manson's music is better than MCR! NO MCR is way better than Manson! Gerad way is hotter! Manson is hoter! Manson is a poser! Gerad is a poser! Blah blah blah blah blah Dont like manson? Dont like MCR? Too damn bad. Shut the hell up, no one gives a shit. Yes, everyone's entitled to thier own opinion, but there is a difference between opinion and making stuff up because you can and have nothing beter to do. Think manson's a sellout? Thats fine by me, you go ahead and 'express your opinion', but you better have a good reason and be able to back up your argument. Declaring he's a sellout simply because," his music style has changed througought the years " dosen't count. Yeah, thats really a profound argument, seeing as evolution is one of the essential parts of writing albums.

Now, for all you MCR hater out there, screw you. You go around hating them and calling them sellouts, but do you actually have a valid argument WHY to back yourselves up? if you really have nothing better to do with your life than bitch about why you hate bands, at least do your homework first, though, honeslty why bother? Its so simple, if you like the band great .If you dont, listen to something else and do us all a favor and quit whining.

Manson can say whatever he wants about the music scene and other bands, including MCR. Yes, many bands are becoming "less bold" as Manson claims. As is the way of the music industry, the only way to be sure of a profit is to take minimal risks and fit into the 'scene'. Of course this is not justifiable, but its the way of the usic industry and always will be. However, writing a song, even if well written, lyrically, simply to bash My chemical romance is very childish and unneccessary, but honestly is it really worth all these melodramatics? They are evidentaly the mature one's, they ovbiously dont give a damn, so, really, neither should you...

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i love MCR and marilyn. and i don't give a shit about their feuds or dislikes about eachother. they're both fucking sexy and make kick ass music someone needs to fuckin accept that and gtfo.

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The song is about a bitchy rivalry, sure. But really it's a bit of Manson showing who's boss. The best way to make yourself known as artistically superior is by making a work of art that is superior, and that song is just that. It's cleverly written, in both a poetic, and musical sense, it's far better than anything any of the people he's criticizing have ever put out.

As far as the "Well, Manson is just ripping off Cooper" argument, I disagree wholeheartedly with this. Manson took influence from Cooper, and did his own thing with it, and had an even more bold, and controversial approach, and arguably a more intellectual one. My chemical romance is simply taking the schtick from Manson, watering it down, and removing nearly all of the intellectual value of it. Manson wasn't controversial because he did crazy things, he was controversial because he actually made people think. Flipping ideals, taken for granted beliefs, etc.

Sure, this isn't his deepest song, but it's fun, and makes a good point. He's a human being who gets pissed off, and he dealt with it artistically. Great.

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Previously known as 'Rebels Without Applause'.

Manson says of the song, "I'm not the bitter guy that's jealous of these other bands that are coming up and stealing my thunder. I invented thunder and rain. I am THE black. And I'm here to vacuum the red carpet."

That's what it's all about.

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Previously known as 'Rebels Without Applause'.

Manson says of the song, "I'm not the bitter guy that's jealous of these other bands that are coming up and stealing my thunder. I invented thunder and rain. I am THE black. And I'm here to vacuum the red carpet."

That's what it's all about.

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The song's about Gerard Way of My Chemical Romance "ripping him off"

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It's funny because they are in no way trying to be like him at all. They don't claim to be "purveyors of black." What makes the bands today different is that they don't take themselves seriously, when assholes like him take themselves too damn seriously. No one cares about Marilyn Manson because of it.

Shock value doesn't do nearly as much for anyone anymore, especially when the most shocking he gets is calling new bands "less bolder" and shouting "fuck you." I'm pretty sure he stole these lyrics from a Jeffree Star song.

Actually, Jeffree Star probably takes things from Marilyn Manson, for example: At one point Marilyn Manson wore pink lipstick and had his hair dyed pink...a few years later Jeffree Star comes out with his pink lipstick, pink hair, and pink drawn on or dyed eyebrows...This song is most likely about Jeffree Star and Gerard Way in a way of not telling them to their faces, but through the public in an attempt to get the whole world to see their style as he does, (which is obliviously)Wannabes.

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It is about My Chemical Romance.

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